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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Byrdlady;1609539 wrote: This may seem a little cheeky, but the worst is behind you!
    Oh Byrdie :H:H:H It gets me every time!

    Welcome back Lovey...glad to see you! Stick close ok?
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Newbies Nest

      Thanks k9 Yes I am sticking close and keeping myself busy with some hobbies ive neglected that im doing with my son, plus later I am going to an AA meeting tonight.
      ?That's the problem with drinking,
      If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
      if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
      and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
      ― Charles Bukowski
      Days AF: 13 :h


        Newbies Nest

        I love the moon shine!!!
        Honeysoup :heart:


          Newbies Nest

          still kicking

          been a few days since Ive posted or been on. I want to thank dreamthinkdo and byrdlady for some awesome words. I am in the process of reading the last day's of posts. I am sorry for your loss byrdlady, peace and light to you.
          It is day 6 for me and its ok. yesterday 1st day I didn't wake w huge anxiety (it came later) but I got through it.
          Londoner, welcome back...I originally joined over a year ago and have now returned. good luck to you! I have been addicted to something since I was 12 yrs old, I am almost 42. The hardest part for me lately is regret, and replaying so many scenarios that could have been different. I came across this essay today from a journal I read and it could have been me writing it, probably may of us could have.

          Vodka, Cops & the Bhagavad Gita. | elephant journal

          Also I had the strangest dream last night...Last night I dreamt I gave birth to another child. The dream was so surreal. In it, I even remember telling the doctor that this was a surprise because I got 'fixed' about 7 years ago. I was alone for quite sometime and then felt like it was time, being my 6th birth, I knew, only I didn't know how to call for the nurse/doctor and thought well I ve had homebirth and assisted my midwife before with other births....I felt the baby crown and barely pushed and as I lifted the child into the world, the doctor and nurse came in. He immediately took the child to see if it was ok and then handed the child back to me, were upon it began to nurse, then stopped and looked around with utter joy and peace. I say it because at first the child as it was born didn't have any identifiable genitalia and could have been either/or.. or perhaps both, Later as the child looked around and smiled, it was decided it was a boy. Nobody else except the doctor, nurse, and I were in the dream, and I do not remember their faces which is odd because I typically remember these things from dreams.
          Very odd indeed and it has had me thinking all day. I believe in the power of dreams and ones intuition, guess time will tell the significance.
          I keep thinking about the peace and joy in the baby's face and it is what I want to feel...

          sorry to be long winded....blessed be to all:h

          also...I am not brooding...I for some reason can't get my mood icon to change....I am hopeful


            Newbies Nest

            Day 4
            Day 4 and feeling good. had a mind hard night but made it through.

            ?Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.?

            ― John Wayne


              Newbies Nest

              Tough night but cool findings

              Last night was night 3 for me. I usually swing to the liquor store to get a bottle of wine before a stupid show i like called the bachelor is on. I went by the store and knew i was driving by which was weird. when i got home, my hubby had the show paused for me. we watched it and i ate dinner and sipped on my seltzer water, what fun. NOT. I felt irritable and kind of mad. The show is not as fun without that wine buzz i was used to. Later when the evening was over, i tucked my 16 year old into be who was sick. He noticed i was not drunk i guess as he said, mom, your doing so good on not drinking.... i am so proud of you. It almos made me cry. Later, while lying in bed next to my husband, he reached over to give me a kiss. he said, wow, im not used to kissing you goodnight. well that is very sad since usually i must be passed out in bed next to him. wow, i am really coming back to a life i had been buzzed out of. checked out of. it was a sad but good realization!!! A good feeling.
              ?Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.?

              ― John Wayne


                Newbies Nest

                meshellrn....I can 14 yr old said something similar and my 8 & 10 yr olds have noticed something's different because I have been eating dinner (mama usually drinks hers). Also similar w my hubby....typically I am either passed out or we have sex then I pass out and pretty much don't remember if we did or didn't. Snuggling up together, being intimate, remembering it, and being present has been great. It is only day 6, but I am hopeful this time.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Pavati....Than you for the link! It is great...and no 1 shot wouldn't, I'd never stop at that and I don't want to feel like that anymore...I even declined an invite to hang out and drink w my drinking 'friends'
                  Day 6 today, haven't said that in over a year
                  "Sober is not bad - it is actually good".....truth


                    Newbies Nest

                    mood icon

                    MntGirl;1609583 wrote:
                    also...I am not brooding...I for some reason can't get my mood icon to change....I am hopeful
                    Mntgirl-I haven't been able to get mine to change either.

                    AF since 12/26/13

                    "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs



                      Newbies Nest

                      meshellrn;1609589 wrote: Tough night but cool findings

                      Last night was night 3 for me. I usually swing to the liquor store to get a bottle of wine before a stupid show i like called the bachelor is on. I went by the store and knew i was driving by which was weird. when i got home, my hubby had the show paused for me. we watched it and i ate dinner and sipped on my seltzer water, what fun. NOT. I felt irritable and kind of mad. The show is not as fun without that wine buzz i was used to. Later when the evening was over, i tucked my 16 year old into be who was sick. He noticed i was not drunk i guess as he said, mom, your doing so good on not drinking.... i am so proud of you. It almos made me cry. Later, while lying in bed next to my husband, he reached over to give me a kiss. he said, wow, im not used to kissing you goodnight. well that is very sad since usually i must be passed out in bed next to him. wow, i am really coming back to a life i had been buzzed out of. checked out of. it was a sad but good realization!!! A good feeling.
                      MntGirl;1609595 wrote:
                      meshellrn....I can 14 yr old said something similar and my 8 & 10 yr olds have noticed something's different because I have been eating dinner (mama usually drinks hers). Also similar w my hubby....typically I am either passed out or we have sex then I pass out and pretty much don't remember if we did or didn't. Snuggling up together, being intimate, remembering it, and being present has been great. It is only day 6, but I am hopeful this time.
                      Hi Nester's,

                      These 2 posts have made my day. Keep it going my friends. Take back your precious lives, and don't look back. :goodjob:

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello nesters ? got my twigs all arranged for day 6! I hope everyone is staying strong in the nest and keeping comfy despite the extreme hot or cold in your area!

                        DH is doing okay.. still very sore.. I am sure there are some internal bruises which will take time to heal. Thanks to all for your ongoing support about his condition and your encouragement during my daily rant, whine, or whatever you want to call it!

                        LB ? 6 months until you felt better?! I don?t feel bad ? I just don?t feel better in any way. When I drank I rarely was hung over the next day.. Just a bad night?s sleep and dehydration.. and negative self-talk. ICANWITHOUTACAN, interesting how this quit is your hardest, but hopefully at day 23 you are out of the woods. Maybe subconsciously you knew that this time WAS IT! No more fooling around!

                        NoSugar and everyone else who mentioned my diet - you are probably right that I shouldn?t be trying to make two major changes at the same time. It?s a toss-up whether it?s more important to quit / cut down on AL or lose weight. I am morbidly obese and am a ticking time bomb from a health standpoint because of excessive eating AND drinking. My program, the 5:2 fast diet has me mini-fasting twice a week (500 calories approx) and eating normally 5 times a week. It?s really rather easy.. I think I just need to do more on fasting days, vs sitting around and feeling sorry for myself because I am missing my 2 best friends ? food and booze. I had little choice yesterday because of the weather. In general though, I need to get out of the house!

                        Which leads me to my next comment.. I came to a realization today that there are things I could do to help with both things. Instead of treating myself like an unworthy person because of all my faults and past failures, I want to treat myself to healthful, enjoyable or fun things that are conducive to my end goal. My end goal is to be healthier and happy in my own skin - and have fun. Little things that I can do now to help me feel better in general would be regular massages and manicures/pedicures. (Hey fellas, there?s an idea for ya, huh?).. I also need to look outside my home, my groups of friends and casinos for entertainment. I am going to look for some adult education classes, local events that do not include food and booze, and maybe take up a new hobby. What have YOU started to do that you didn?t do before? I see LB does jigsaw puzzles..

                        DD-you commented on your exes? my 1st DH was not much of a drinker, so I did not drink at all at home and moderately while out. What originally attracted me to DH#2 30ish years ago was the fact that he did drink and knew how to party.. I was in my late 20?s then, and didn?t know what I didn?t know.

                        MYLUCK, it sounds like we have similar home issues.. Only my DH refuses to do anything or get help of any kind. I think he seriously has a death wish. The tumble down 14 steep stairs did nothing to convince him to stop or slow down. I guess we can only take care of ourselves.. Pavati ? thanks for recommending the co-dependency book. I need that too..

                        MntGirl and Meshellrn.. love your family stories! Those are some wonderful reasons to stay sober! YAY you!
                        "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
                        ~John Lennon

                        Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

                        ~Author Unknown


                          Newbies Nest

                          Evening, Nesters...
                          Dip, you are sounding good and strong! You have the right idea...I found when I just sat and did nothing it got me into trouble...I starting thinking and down the rabbit hole I'd go. In the early days I would set myself on a task. This one Saturday I just had time on my hands...I was BORED silly. I like to bake cakes, so since my next door neighbor's grandson was visiting, I decided to make him a cake with a new pan I'd gotten. Great, so I went to the pantry and I didn't have any of the stuff I needed so I went and plopped back down on the couch. Then I thought, well duh, go to the store and get the stuff, so I did and I baked this little guy (4) a train cake and decorated it with all sorts of colorful candies and frosting. (it was a real hack job by baker's standards but I thought a little boy might like it). It took me all afternoon to do it. Finally, I took it over to him. His eyes lit up and he looked at his mom and said, MOM, is it my birthday? It was something to see. I sat the cake on the table and he excited inspected each and every candy...touching each one to make sure it was real his eyes were literally dancing with delight. His JOY was absolutely overwhelming. You see, what he didn't realize is that cake had gotten me thru a hell of a day. To see his reaction to it was just priceless. So when I throw myself a pity party, I try to get up off my keester and do something for someone else who isn't expecting it. It pays off in spades!
                          Hope everyone has an easy evening, I'm so proud of you all! You've made it thru some of the toughest times of the year! You will never regret one day you spend sober!! Hugs all, Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Love your story Byrdie! Thanks! Great idea - think of a way to do something for someone else.

                            Jane27 - congrats on day 1! I don't know if you are old enough to remember the TV show Frasier - but a recurring saying from Frasier because he was a radio psychologist was "I'm Listening". Well, "We're listening" and here to help and support. It just feels good to get it out - so just say what comes to your mind. Hugs!!
                            "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
                            ~John Lennon

                            Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

                            ~Author Unknown


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hope everyone is having a better day than I am! Just weepy eyed and ready for bed. Hugs to all.


                                Newbies Nest

                                What's up, AClassicGirl?

