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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good afternoon, morning or evening all!

    Well I am now officially 2 weeks AF today! I can't believe it really. My intentions were to go AF3 and be happy with that. I work again tonight so I know I'll make it to AF15.

    I feel like I could have some bumps along the way and need to know that it happens. I don't want to set myself up for failure and I want to be condfident in my AF abilities but BOY OH BOY I've been wanting a beer and this fighting everyday with the beast is draining. :no:

    Good Job JimBeam, Jolie and everyone on their AF successes.

    No worries Mama Bear and M22 ... you are in a safe non-judgemental place. You are aware, learning and at the start of something very special. Keep posting! We all have bumps - that's the human in us!

    :welcome: Welcome Sophie 75. glad you are here.

    Sunshine, snowshoeing in the mountains was fabulous today. Although it's warm, grassy and feels like April once we get back into the valley. Going to take the kids to the park it's so nice out, before work.

    Might need some help after hockey tomorrow night. I notice with this warm sunny weather I almost start salivating for a cold beer. Damn. It's going to be very hard tomrrow.

    Hope you have or had a lovely dinner Jolie! It kind of takes the pressure off going out with other non-drinkers doesn't it?

    JimBeam - I wonder about some of my friends. No one has ever said anything to me about my drinking but I know deep down if I can really go AF for good I would probably get some big old fashion hugs from a few of them. I keep most of my drinking at home so most don't even have a clue (especially newer friends) that I have the problem I do. I think that's why I want to keep it quiet. hopefully fight this and carry on.

    Have a wonderful Sober Saturday. :h


      Newbies Nest

      I hope everyones having a good Saturday evening:l

      It was sooo hard for me not to have that wine that's been calling to me all evening, a rollercoaster ride of emotions, one minute calm and the next a screaming mess and a thumping headache, and a husband who just woulldn't take my point of view over anything today...

      I didn't though I want my day AF27 and I've got to learn to cope with whatever, without AL winning me over...

      Meech well done two weeks :goodjob:

      JB I came clean to two friends just after I joined here and they've been amazing, very supportive, It's a good feeling to get it off your chest did you find that?

      Welcome Sophie 75:welcome:

      Time to get my backside in gear and get some stuff sorted that I've been supposed to do all day

      hugs to you all:l

      Just taking it day by day.......


        Newbies Nest

        Hello fellow nesters.........Congrats to Meech for 2 weeks sober........the craving are VICIOUS aren't they. Do the supplements really help stop them? That would be so nice for me.........Is everyone on the topamax too? I don't really want to take another med since i am on effexor for depression......
        Hope evryone has a happy Saturday evening.......gonna grill steaks and watch The Olympics...also rented "Zombieland" for my hubby to's really funny. Smooches to my new family....XOXOXOXOXO...Happy Valentines Day, too!
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Newbies Nest


          What a busy Nest - love it :h

          Congrats to all of you for kicking some real AL butt this week :H

          For those who are still a bit new and/or those still dealing with cravings -
          Please remember that they don't last terribly long & if you can distract yourself (in any way of your choice) & wait them out they usually disappear in about 15-20 minutes.
          I didn't use the L-Glutamine myself but it is supposed to be very helpful as well as Kudzu.

          I've exhausted myself dog sitting today.......I have 4 large dogs in my house right now (2 belong to my son). Now if I can just get them to go to sleep

          Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest - the night light is always on!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Hi everyone. Did try to post last night but just as I was about to submit (a rather long post!!) I got logged out so couldnt be bothered rewriting as it was about 11pm. So hope you all are doing well.
            Welcome Sophie and Mama Bear. Mama - I have been using the supps since about two weeks in (now at five and a half weeks) and they have been wonderful. Give me sooooo much energy and keep the cravings at bay. I have bought the topa but havent used it. Dont think I will either as I am doing OK on the supps and a change in habits/thoughts.
            Meech - thank you for your kind words. I am so pleased that I might be able to offer help to someone here. I get so much from coming here daily so it is nice to know that I can give back. Sort of like a payback system. x
            JB - happy Graduation Day. Well done.
            LIS - well done on resisting the wine. It is a hard thing to do. Where I keep all my AF drinks is in the same fridge I used to keep my wine so everytime I open the door I see it still sitting there. There is also a bottle of gin, vodka, bourbon and canadian club sitting on the fridge..... Might have to change something there!
            Had a realisation today. The last time I stopped drinking 14 years ago for 5 years, I did it as I wanted to get pregnant and didnt want to drink for the sake of my babies. I also breast feed for a long time and also didnt want AL to transfer to the babies. So I did it for 5 whole years.
            Ever since I have stopped this time I have had in the back of my mind that I do get this determination sometimes - for dieting also - and nothing can distract me from the path I am on. But it never lasts. I do it so well for 6 months then drop off. I have been thinking that I will enjoy this not drinking while it lasts cause I know after 6 months the determination will disappear. However, the realisation came today, that I have stopped drinking for me this time. Not because I am pregnant or breast feeding and my drinking would directly impact on someone else. But for ME. So now I know I can do it for the rest of my life (taking one day at a time of course). I am doing this for me! Wow. It was such an "light bulb moment".
            Well, sorry guys but I am off to jump in the pool as it is bloody hot here today (38 degrees - thats celcius Lav!).
            Take care and hope you get thru the weekend and reach your AF goal.
            Hippy Chick.
            I finally got it!
            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


              Newbies Nest


              I've been reading your posts to other people, where you give advice and invite them into the Newbies Nest.

              You are so strong and such an inspiration.

              Can us Newbies know a bit more about you? When did you stop and how?

              Thanks Lav,



                Newbies Nest

                Good Morning!

                Hello! I hope Valentines day is a good one for you all.:h
                Hippy Chick, thank you for your welcome and well done on your light bulb moment. As women I think we are hard wired to put others first so it takes a real effort to realise we matter too. Good on ya girl:flower:

                Lav, I hope you got all the doggies to sleep nice and early!

                Mama Bear those grilled steaks have my mouth watering! I hope you had a lovely night.

                Leave in silence, Happy A27, well done to you!:goodjob:

                Meech you are doing great! Get yourself stocked up with some lovely alc free drinks to quench your thirst. I know I'm terribly mean when it comes to spending money on any alc free drinks, which is nonsense. Enjoy the hockey!

                Jim Beam 911, loved your story about seeing an old friend. Happy day 28

                Molly, thanks for the welcome! I see you are in Ireland! Me too! I'm in Dublin. Enjoy your Valentines Day, you are not on your own

                Ok, well I have a qs to ask. I have only started out and am waiting for my book to arrive. I am still drinking but feel awful about talking about it here. Is it not really hard for people who are brilliantly AF to hear about someone elses drinking? I don't even know if I ever want to give up completely. I would want that if I found I was either all or nothing but for now I just want to be able to enjoy alc socially without sneaking around. Please tell me what you believe as I don't want to be insensitive.

                Take care out there.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning Sophie
                  Yeah I'm from Dublin too, beginning to feel a little bit like Spring time, should lift the spirits a bit. In answer to your question, personally it doesn't bother me in the slightest if you talk about drinking, its a bit like reading lovely recipes (which I do all the time ) when you're on a diet, doesn't mean I'm going to eat them, don't know how others feel tho.
                  Meech, I've been following you from the beginning and sound like a different person in what 15 days wow, well done, its so worth it isn't it, life was waiting out there for us.
                  Morning Jim HippyChick,yes that light bulb moment is so important, it is ME!
                  Lav, LIS, Spam, and everyone else Happy Sunday (sober that is )xx:thumbs:
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning All......
                    My husband cannot believe I have made all these new friends all over the world!!
                    I too would love to hear Lav's story.
                    Good Morning Sister Sophie and yeah to Meech!
                    Talking about drinking doesn't bother me either....after all isn;t that why we are all here? But I know what you hate to fess up to you failure when there are so many sucess stories here....
                    Happy Sunday and Valentine's always.....SMOOCHES TO ALL!
                    Sorry I am a silly Southern girl and you know what they say about Southern hospitality
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters & Happy Valentines Day!

                      Lots of newbies checking in - good to see

                      Hippy Chick, enjoy the pool! We are expecting more snow tomorrow even though we don't need it!!! Wish I could send you some.......... I worried for a long time too about maintaining my determination to stay AF - I think sticking with MWO, talking to people here everyday has really helped me out! Stick around, we're a good group

                      Molly & Sophie - great to see our Dublin girls! I was in Dublin myself in June 2003. Traveled all over your country with my husband & son, we enjoyed ourselves immensely! The cab drivers were hysterical - they all had stories about their visits to the US. So glad both of you are here with us.
                      Sophie, you are reading & learning, that's important! Choose a stop date & go for it - we'll be here for you!

                      Hi Spam! Hope you are having a good day!
                      I found MWO exactly one year ago this month. I was pretty miserable, knew I had to do something about my wine habit, work on some serious personal issues, etc. My first grandchild was 3 months old at the time & I found myself scared to death to go near him.......that was a horrible feeling! I really think he was my motivating factor to finally kick AL out of my life once & for all. My drinking career didn't begin until the age of 45, I ended it at 55 last year. I found MWO, read the book, made my plan & just did it!!!! It wasn't easy but it was something I had to so & I am so happy & grateful I did
                      I love the clear headed mornings, the vastly improved sleep, the freedom from the guilt & worry.
                      Most of all, I love having complete access to my grandson! He's become my little buddy, we spend lots of time together. I watch him while his Mom attends her class 1 or 2 days/week & just love it!
                      Life is by no means perfect now but much, much easier to deal with. Staying close to the wonerful people here at MWO helps me every day!

                      Well, I wish everyone a wonderful, safe day in the Nest!
                      I have lots of doggie herding to do today. I'll be back later.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters!

                        I just love this thread!

                        Thanks everyone for you're congrats. I'm on AF15 now.

                        Sophie75 - yes i must stock up on the Al-free drinks. I am going to have supper pretty much prepared before hockey so that I don't have the vulnerable "have some drinks on an empty stomach before supper thing". Come home and eat.

                        For those really fighting the cravings I've got to say, That is really KEY to keeping me sober in the evenings. Blood sugar goes down = cravings go through the roof.

                        Sophie - I don't mind talking or hearing about the AL. That's why we are here. We need to talk, share, ask questions, learn and re-discover ourselves.

                        I do hope the snow stops falling for some of you in the east. Enough is enough. It's so crazy. Poor Olympics they had feet and feet of snow before Christmas and now all it does is rain.

                        Lav - I was so happy to read your post about the special bond you have with your grandchild. If Alcohol was in your life you may be missing out on that.
                        And that's what it's all about. Alcohol rips the "living" out of our lives.
                        It's a slow tortureous suicide - very seriously.

                        It's amazing how something can be so devestating in our lives and yet we still cling to it. Man I hate that alcohol beast. Hate, hate, hate.

                        Mollyka - thanks! I really do feel like I am changing and I love the real me that's not hiding behind a bottle of Budweiser anymore.

                        Hippy Chick - yes payback system...great system. I like the stop drinking for "ME". I too quit cold turkey for my three pregnancies but never quit for ME, until now. Hope you have a cooler day today. Good thing for the pool!

                        Spam - Well put. Lav is the best! I feel like I have a guardian angel with Lav. You are all my guardian angels. :wings:

                        LeaveinSilence - I do hope things are going better for you today. We understand and support. Lean on us. Great job on avoiding the wine, it was very hard for you. Your strength has REALLY helped me. I think of how you can resist and that helps me in my vulnerable hours. I'll pray your hubby opens his mind today and can see more than his point of view. Put some other shoes on, so to speak. You are doing spectacular I am so proud of your attitude and strength.

                        Mama Bear, thanks for jumping in here with Both feet. Please continue to share you stories, failures, successes and your day to day journey.

                        have a great Sober Sunday and Valentines Day. I'm spending most of it with the family (outside of hockey) because I LOVE them all.

                        Take care I might check in later today to see how everyone is doing and if I need support during the WITCHING hour.

                        Oh yeah - Where's Fluff these days?



                          Newbies Nest

                          Good evening!

                          Hi there. Thanks for all the feedback
                          Meech, I hope you had fun at hockey and lets all give that witching hour a big kick for you. You enjoy your supper and reflect on your healthy active day

                          Mama Bear, love the smooches coming our way. Yes it has got a lovely family feel here in the nest.

                          Molly, am loving our days getting longer. Am going to start going for nice long walks this week. Just powering up my mp3 player with tunes..

                          Lav thanks for the advice. I have picked a date and its tomorrow, yay!

                          Ok, keep smiling:h


                            Newbies Nest

                            Happy Valentine's Day!

                            Hello Nestlings,
                            how are you all on this fine sunny (at least here) Sunday?

                            I can't possibly catch up with all that has been going on the last couple of months but I see many new 'faces'... wonderful! Hope you newbies are settling in nicely and are setting/reaching your daily goals

                            Life has an air of normalcy this weekend for me! Whoohoo! I did diddlysquat yesterday - seriously, I bummed and did NOTHING. First day since the middle of December LOL This morning I had to muck stalls - ahhhh.. nuttn like playing in horse sh*t to kick off your day :H

                            Lav, not sure how much I wrote or even knew when I popped in last... we're waiting on a baby boy (middle of June) - it'll be yet another 'David' - Heaven help us at family gatherings.. already if someone calls out 'Dave!?' 5 guys turn and answer :H
                            Melissi is doing much better now and I'm starting to stack up on baby items to keep at "Grandma's house" so the young family can travel light

                            I'm over 6 months AF now but had a really rough week - go figure, huh? Just life happening but boy, I came close to derailing a couple of times. Really took me by surprise, I must admit. I kinda thought I was 'over' that sort of thing.. :huh:

                            Anywhoo... just wanted to pop in and wave 'Hello' - I'm still with you guys, in spirit (pardon the pun), if nothing else

                            Enjoy your Sunday!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              Newbies Nest


                              Spam - "Does it mean abstaining as much as possible then allowing yourself to drink on special occassions? And what's permitted on the special occassions? Stopping at 1 or 2?" -- I think they say safe limits are 4 drinks for males, but I have gone up to five. Since I'm putting a lot of af days between I don't worry too much about how many - just try to maintain what's appropriate for the event, and for waking up without a hangover. I tend to look at the big picture. I had about 15 drinks in December, and 17 in January - so on average around 0.5/day seems reasonable. I'm not sure if anyone would agree with my approach -- I'm just making this up as I go along.

                              Hi Sophie75, grateful, mollyka

                              mama bear - "..the craving are VICIOUS aren't they. Do the supplements really help stop them? That would be so nice for me.........Is everyone on the topamax too?" Yes MB, the supps do help' and I haven't tried Topa either.

                              jb - "she stood up and gave me a big hug" -- sending another big hug to ya jb! Great story!

                              Meech - "
                              Well I am now officially 2 weeks AF today!" Woo - way to go Meech! Big miletone there!

                              LIS - "I didn't though I want my day AF27 and I've got to learn to cope with whatever, without AL winning me over..." Wow. 27 days. Awesome!

                              hc - "have stopped drinking for me this time." "light bulb moment" - Wow Hippy - you lit my bulb too. Just for me is eye-opening. Not even for my career, or my relationships, or my fitness goals, or my health, but just for me -- so I feel better and enjoy my life! That's great!

                              Happy Valentines Day!

                              Take care!
                              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi All

                                So good to read all your posts. :goodjob: on all your af days. You guys are doing good. Today is day 2 again for me. Have to keep my guard up and keep busy I think. I feel like I have just wasted my long weekend which I have and now have to go back to work today feeling less than spectacular!!! I did two months in a row last year af and I felt so good - I want to get there again. So my love affair with the beast ends!!!

                                I really appreciate all of you on here. I could not do this with your help. Thank you all
                                Developing an Attitude of Gratitude

