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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi all, I'm joining the newbies crew for the 2nd time after a 7 month relapse. Thought I could control it...ooft who was I kidding!

    Currently riddled with the most awful hangover but pleased to be officially on Day 1 x


      Newbies Nest

      Thank NoSugar, the toolbox is very helpful.


        Newbies Nest

        hi all, new here.

        quick question--does anyone know about when the mental fog clears up after cessation of drinking? the brain fog i'm experiencing is giving me a lot of anxiety. thanks.


          Newbies Nest


          I actually feel more clear, 1 week for me today af. But,.... i have been very emotional. Crying. but it is more of a touching thing. i am touched by things in life and more alert to lives issues when it comes to things......
          hang in there.
          ?Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.?

          ― John Wayne


            Newbies Nest

            Leak is fixed....clogged drain is the $$$$$ but it had to be done...
            Funeral was very nice...small but good...
            Laundry is in process so life is back to normal...
            I was wondering if I should continue to post seems to me at this point I have taken the option off the table...maybe just celebrate larger milestones....not sure..but for sure this is the longest for me...

            Newbie's Nest

            Tool Box
            AF 9.1.2013


              Newbies Nest

              Byrd i am clinging to your tail, sometimes i think the weight of you guys must really get you down to walking level but i love a walk too. It has taken me some time to actually really listen and read yours and Lavs post for them to sink in and have true meaning to me. I suppose I didnt want to realise the truth of those words but now i totally realise that you guys have been there done that and it wasnt easy. Not sure why i thought that it was any different for you both, maybe it is the years that you have done now. Funny how the mind works.

              Jim i liked what you said about your anxiety. Gees mine was through the roof, I used to shake from the time i got up till i popped a xanax, denying it was al, until i stopped. Now i very rarely take a xanax and cope with what life throws at me. Good on you for 10 days that is awesome.

              Brenda my 1st weekend was a killer. For some reason i thought i deserved a drink on Friday to celebrate the week. the problem was that I celebrated all week so what difference was friday. My first weekend i watched every movie regarding al (and remembered every single bit) and doco's. It was a real eye opener and made me more determined to get through it. I felt so proud that i did as if i could get through a weekend i could get through anything.

              Welcome Ifel, i think it took a week or so to get rid of that fog. I used to wake up thinking i had a hangover and took me awhile to realise nope! Just think how worse you would feel if you were drinking. It will pass, as the nest mums say, we put this crap in our bodies for an awfully long time so it will take time for our bodies to heal. I too suffered from bad anxiety and now it is basically gone. Everyday not drinking is worth all the anxiety in the world and fog. Be strong and take one day at a time.

              Welcome Jingle, what made you think you could drink? I am interested as that is my biggest fear that i will have some idiotic thought one day and have A glass to be sociable or something.

              Where is LC and Gambler, we miss you guys! Today is 7 weeks for me and damn it feels good to wake every single day and be a part of it with everything i have got.

              I was supposed to meet up with my SIL while she was visiting here but ended up not going. As much as i love her she was my best drinking buddy in the world and i just could not put myself in that situation. I told her my dog had an abscess and had to take her to the vets. I felt bad about lying but i am protecting my quit with everything i have. I know she would not have drank in front of me but it would have been my al brain thinking something was missing so best to avoid situations that i know i cannot deal with at the moment. I think she feels she has done something but it is how i feel although i will send her an email and explain why eventually.

              Be strong on the weekend nesters. We in Aus are in for some extremely hot weather next week, its going to be a long long week without air con! Mr G i may have to come and settle in front of your air con. God forbid you dont have any either!
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Newbies Nest

                Hi. Haven't been around for a couple of days but am still here and on day 14. Not really enjoying a Friday night without a drink after the first full week back at work, so am taking myself off to bed very early, but very sober!

                Don't see my fellow quads around at the minute, so hope they are all ok. Stay strong everyone.
                I can beat this.
                Today is the day I start.
                1st September 2015.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Loveless;1610712 wrote: Hey hope everyone is doing well.

                  It's day 12 for me. Since I left detox I have been taking medications for my anxiety which have been helping alot. But I have none left and cannot see my doctor until next week. Also there is booze in the house because my husband is still drinking.

                  Trying to take it 1 hour at a time today....
                  Lovelesss, I feel your pain. I absolutely cannot be around alcohol, if it is in my house, it haunts me. Can you talk to your husband about getting rid of it for now? Its none of my business, but Im sure he wants the best for you and your support system must understand how difficult it is to have AL in your home on top of everything else you are dealing with. If I am out of line, feel free to ignore or tell me to shut up Also, for the anxiety, have you heard of passion flower extract? It is a natural supplement that works similarly to anti-anxiety prescriptions, much safer and non-habit forming. DM message me if you would like more info on brands and dosages.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good day everyone!
                    Pavati, Broken Halo, Dream, thanks for the welcome.

                    Broken Halo, we were in this together before and will do it again, you are well ahead of me though—congrats on your success!

                    Little Beagle, 250 days! WOW! Incredible news!

                    Why hello, June
                    , Ive been thinking about you while Ive been away. How many days do you have now? We should catch up on DM. You are unstoppable! Well done ☺
                    , you always say the right things in the most compelling way that always resonates and stays with me for the day and longer. I fell back into drinking when I thought just one would be ok, that I was no longer alcoholic and could manage like others to let down my hair a bit every once in a while. Well we all know how that turns out. The last three months have been the worst and AL didn’t make any of it better, only worse. Felt like crap.

                    No Sugar
                    , you are always so right on your posts—I am personally going to try to support more than the last time because it is true, the more we spell it out, engage and help others going through the same thing, the more it becomes our way of life!

                    Have to run now but will be back later tonight.

                    Today is Day 1


                      Newbies Nest

                      Great to see returning faces! Jingle Jo, I've missed you! Settle on in and we'll get you sorted out.
                      Ifell100, welcome aboard! I felt flu like for a couple weeks and then on Day 13, it was like my fog lifted and the seas parted and I could see the way! It was a great day and I have seen that with so many takes a couple weeks to get all that crap out of us! But, you'll find that each day you feel better than the one before so that's good.

                      I understand that many folks think that the Oldbies have forgotten what it's like in the beginning and that the fog of war has left us. That may be true for some long timers who seldom post or go to meetings, but notice that Lav, K9, NoSugar and others have stayed RIGHT HERE in the nest. Keeping those thoughts fresh helps me stay on the straight and narrow. I know that I'm one drink away from starting ALL OVER. I thought the old timers were full of crap!! What did they remember of The Voices and The Hideous Cravings and Dick Head telling you you don't really have a problem? Well I'm here to tell ya, I remember ALL of that....and I see it every day right here. If I can save one person from going to hell and back, then that's what I'll do! We're on your side! (sometimes it doesn't seem like it when we are saying NO...NO and AL is telling you YES...YES!

                      Hope everyone has an easy night! Stay busy and come on here and read and post, we'll be around! Hugs to all! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Byrdlady;1610960 wrote: I know that I'm one drink away from starting ALL OVER.
                        ....or even worse, NEVER starting again....and we all know where that can lead! I'm scared I might not have another quit in I'm not gonna find out!
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Byrdlady, you speak wizdom as usual. I need to write it down.
                          AF since 10/20/2013
                          Smoke free since 09/24/2007
                          Meat free since 09/20/2008
                          With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello everyone. It's still me, Overit44. I've had a lot of trouble with the site recently and then I couldn't remember my password since I was automatically logged in, and it logged me off. Couldn't get emails from the administrators to get it squared away, so I had to register again, with a different name. But, it's me! I need to go find my bag. I feel better.

                            Really having a hard time today, remembering the old times. UGH! But I TTFP this AM so it's off the table anyway, for today. I keep scolding myself and saying "not today." We'll worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.

                            Everyone sounds good and tucked in. we come...........
                            The easy way to quit drinking?:



                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello Nesters!
                              I have already been on my weekend. I surprisingly have a row of 5 days off work. My original plan was to wait to quit until this time but I am really happy I began my journey when I did. I am on day 10 and it seems like yesterday and today I am super TIRED! I got a hair cut yesterday and fell asleep in the chair. I couldn't stay up past 7 last night to have dinner with my housemate, I had to go to bed. Now its 4 in the afternoon and I am passing out again. It is soo weird...And I don't have AL to blame for going to bed early. But hey, I figure my body is adjusting to being AF so if it wants sleep now is the time to get it, especially since I am on a stay-cation! Did anyone else have unexpected exhaustion. I have heard that when using alcohol people's metabolisms work differently or get a different type of energy from the alcohol...Any thoughts would be useful. I just want to do stuff because I have this new-found freedom, but I know if I don't respect my body I might relapse. So...good afternoon to you all. I might be back on after my nap...or I will perch with you tomorrow.
                              :earth: Tree23


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nesters,

                                Don't worry Overit - we would know you anywhere, I promise :H

                                CONGRATS to everyone fighting the good fight & winning. Together we can defeat the beast once & for all.
                                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest, hang on tight!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

