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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi just popping into the nest to say hello and goodnight I feel a part of me missing if I don't check in here now :l:l

    Well I hope you all had a good day and if you celebrate V day you had a nice one, I've always used it as an excuse to drink so today was my first sober one in a long long while.

    I could have done without Mr LIS's present to me this year a bottle of my fave Cava.. I mean.. come on... the one thing I don't need right now. Amazingly I don't want it, whether thats my mind or the sheer fact I won't give him the satisfaction of seeing me drink it I don't know but whatever, it'll still be there for a while I don't want it.

    Oh well I'll turn in he's upstairs throwing a hissy fit.
    #Night all


    Just taking it day by day.......


      Newbies Nest

      Hi LIS,
      well done girl. Your husband has let you down but you haven't let yourself down which is infinitely more important. Take care honey, big hug


        Newbies Nest

        You are sooooo strong LIS.

        I am on the verge of caving. Hockey was good. Supper is cooking and the beer is in the garage. I am AF15. Might have a bump tonight. I'm sooo sorry everyone. I feel I have let you down and my talk is cheap.

        I am so proud of myself and really feel I have changed. I am doing everything right now to stay busy and had my sparkling peach drink more L-glute but this damn enormous craving has got a firm grip and hasn't let go for over an hour. I'll let you know how I did but it might not be good.

        Love you all, I'm sorry if I don't make it to AF 16. but I have gone 12 more days then I had in my plan.

        I'll try to check in one more time before I cave (look at me I'm already giving in). Fu7788%ck


          Newbies Nest

          Evening Nesters,

          Meech - hope you can hang tough! You have done well! Tell that beer in the garage to F__K off

          Sophie, Mazzie, LIS, good to see you - sending you strength as well!

          Tranq, more snow for us tomorrow (moaning & groaning right now)!

          Sunni, fabulous to see you Grandma Yes, you did tell us about your baby boy on the way, I'm so happy for you & your daughter! Granny shopping is the best - love it! I am forever picking up little things here & there.....makes me happy
          The odd drinking thought will continue to enter our heads from time to time I imagine. But now I follow them up with an immediate 'I don't drink' thought - then the moment is over. I'm going thru the same thing with the smokes (but a lot more often unfortunately). Don't be a stranger here, OK?

          I still have 4 dogs staring at me. My son will be back tomorrow to get his 2.......thank God!

          Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest.
          Leaving the night light on for all.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest


            Spam - "Does it mean abstaining as much as possible then allowing yourself to drink on special occassions? And what's permitted on the special occassions? Stopping at 1 or 2?" -- I think they say safe limits are 4 drinks for males, but I have gone up to five. Since I'm putting a lot of af days between I don't worry too much about how many - just try to maintain what's appropriate for the event, and for waking up without a hangover. I tend to look at the big picture. I had about 15 drinks in December, and 17 in January - so on average around 0.5/day seems reasonable. I'm not sure if anyone would agree with my approach -- I'm just making this up as I go along.

            Hi Tranq,

            I posted this on the mods monthly board as well.

            Overall, I have a big lifestyle change going on this year :

            a) Get fit and loose 20 kgs by June. (Going on a big holiday then.) Actually, now 17 kgs as I have already got rid of the first three. I am going to the gym and doing the couch to 5km running program.

            b) Enter some runs before I go away.

            c) July / Aug - A number of 5 - 6 km competition runs.

            d) 40 in October and going to be fit and fabulous.

            Obviously, AL cannot feature too much.

            I am going to use this year to learn whether I can moderate or not. At this stage health and fitness is more important to me than AL.

            Hope everyone else is having a good day.

            Mama - How are you going? Hope things are getting easier. Soon your energy levels will start to increase.

            Catch up soon



              Newbies Nest

              First Sober Day in Months

              Hello All- As mentioned I chose V Day to start my medical detoz program- the whole anxiety med+diazeam biz. Definitely my first sober V Day in God knows when. The diazepam isnt' knocking out the anxiety as well as I thought. Still pretty uncomfortable. But I'm hoping it will get better. A little shaky this morning but that has passed. Hope y'all have a good I have mentioned on this thread before I have done AA to death so I'm finally trying something new. I saw that HBO show "Addiciton" a couple of years ago and it gave me the idea to go to the doctor then I also found this site and its been helpful.
              Goodnight! :new::h
              I ain't afraid of no ghost....


                Newbies Nest

                Hi all.
                Wow! Didnt take my new "alkaseltzer" and check in here this morning so have got so many posts to read. Love it.
                Meech -I hope you resisted. If not, just come back and dont give up on us. Cause we wont give up on you.x
                I dont mind people talking about drinking here. My husband drinks so it's not like I am completely avoiding the stuff (well, I am but its still around me).
                I am adjusting my supps at the moment as I am coming to the end of the six week pack and not sure if I need to buy more. I have ordered Kudzu and All One because I cant find them here. I love the Calms Forte - it helps me sleep so well. But am not taking them in the day now. Will see how I go and re-evaluate things as I go on. It's all just one big learning journey.
                Long term Abbers - what supps do you take on a regular basis?
                And what happens if I fall asleep during the CD's? Does it still sink in? (Just love my hour to myself to relax "and go deeper").
                Well done Canada on your spectacular opening ceremony. KD gave me goosebumps!!
                Anyway, sending sunshine and warmth from Perth to wherever it is needed.
                See you later.
                (ps has anyone noticed how lovely and hydrated the skin on their face is now it is not dehydrated from too much booze? All that money I spent on facials.... should have just given up years ago!)
                I finally got it!
                "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi All
                  Yes Hippy, heading for six weeks now and just in the last two days have noticed the improvement in my skin. I always had very good skin until the last two years when it got blotchy and spotty and itchy Yuck!! As its clearing up now I realise that the bod is still trying to heal itself and I am aware how much damage I have done to myself, hopefully nothing that won't fix itself.
                  Good luck with the detox Marriedgirl, its all in your hands, remember if its not pleasant you only have to do it once, things get better very quickly.
                  Morning everyone else, still haven't got the knack to read further back on the thread without losing my post so have a lovely day everyone will touch in again this evening (evening here, probably tomorrow or yesterday or something to the rest of you...........mad!!)
                  Molly x x
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Newbies Nest

                    Meech just read your post don't know how long ago that was. If you caved don't worry about it we have all had ups and downs, You have done brill for 15 days, they don't go away, just get back up again and come on back here, we are all in the same boat, its not easy, if you didn't cave well done and come back anyway!!
                    Molly :l:l
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning all!

                      Marriedgirl - good luck to you - guess this will be day 2 for you as V Day was yesterday. Keep coming back here when you feel the urge to drink - that's what helped me a lot.

                      Meech - I love your honesty - I've been exactly where you are - you know you shouldn't, but you know you're gonna - If you do, then you do and don't beat yourself up about it - just get right back on and trudge forward! This is truly a learning experience - for everyone I think. You will be okay no matter what.

                      Hippy - was just wondering - where did you get the calms forte? I actually bought Melatonin (herbal supplement) this weekend to try to help with my sleeping - still not sleeping all that well.

                      Mollyka - 6 weeks?!?! That is awesome - hope and pray I can get there too! (30 is my goal and I'm on the downside now).

                      Tranq - Sounds like you have things under control - we all have to lay out the best plan for us - seems like for all of us it is to cut back to some level whether that be total abstinence or moderating. I think just having control over it is a huge accomplishment.

                      Hey Spam and Sophie - how are you guys doing today?

                      Maz - hang in there - so what if you have to start over - you are still in a better place than you were before you joined MWO - right? Hugs to you.

                      Lav - Enjoyed seeing your story earlier - you are truly an inspiration for all of us. Chance of snow for us tonight but doesn't look like it's going to be much - YEA! had enough of that white stuff.

                      Went to dinner on Saturday night with non-drinking friends - had a GREAT time and hope to make it a monthly habit.

                      Have a great Monday everyone!

                      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning all,

                        At day's end I will have achieved one full month of sobriety. I sincerely want to thank everyone for their well wishes, encouragement and advice during this trying time. When I joined MWO back in September 2009, I didn't discover the "Newbie's Nest" thread, assuming it was in existence back then. In any case, just checking in here frequently and re-reading my old posts has been very helpful to me in the battle against alcohol. Doing this certainly saved me earlier tonight. For no identifiable reason whatsoever, I nearly had a few drinks last night. I wasn't in a bad mood, I wasn't bored, I wasn't tired, I wasn't hungry, I wasn't angry, etc. Rather, an insatiable urge attacked me from nowhere. Fortunately, my old posts served as a personal diary outlining my real attitudes toward alcohol, particularly the sobering fact that booze has prevented me from thriving over the past 5 years. Recently I had been pleasantly surprised that my cravings didn't seem very vigilant this time around, but last night reminds me of the importance of not resting on our laurels. This is a complex problem that one cannot be lackadaisical about. We need to constantly stand guard and be prepared to decapitate the enemy cravings swiftly and efficiently (forgive the military language- currently reading a book about 'The Crusades'!). Wishing everyone a productive, sober week ahead.


                          Newbies Nest

                          JB - Amen to that and congrats on 1 full month! You are my hero - I'm halfway there. Good chatting with you last night as well.

                          Have a great day everyone!
                          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters,

                            Starting the day with sunshine but will be ending it with snow! How sad - we sure don't need anymore!

                            JB, Congrats to you on your 30 AF days
                            Be happy, be proud & yes - stay forever vigilant! I love that we continue to learn more & more about ourselves as we continue or our journey. Personally, I never knew I had the ability to maintain my focus & turn my historically bad attitude in something more useful 'Lavan-itude' Keep up the great work!

                            MG29, you are in my thoughts today! Please take care & stay well hydrated during your detox. Distract yourself as much as possible......helps to keep your mind busy with other things. PM me if you like

                            Hippy Chick, you sound great, good for you! About the supplements - I never used the recommended supplements here because I have allergies, didn't want to make problems for myself. I am taking an Herbal Supp called Amoryn. Started it last January in place of a Rx AD. Helped be kick the chronic depression/anxiety. I'm still on it & plan to stay on it. The same company makes a sleep product called Mellodyn & I use that as well. You have to buy them directly from the company, I know they do ship to Australia if you are interested. AMORYN Mood Booster | Natural Antidepressant | Supplement for Depression & Anxiety
                            Everything does improve when you kick AL out of your life!!!!

                            Molly, heading for 6 weeks - good for you Everything keeps getting better & better!!

                            Joile, I'm going to pretend it's not snowing again tonight!!!!! This winter is really starting to bore me!!!!

                            Greetings to Tranq, Mazzie, Meech, Spam, Sophie & everyone - Happy Monday!
                            Wishing everyone a terrific AF Monday - will check in later

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Morning Fellow Nesters.....
                              Heading to doctor for follow up on new antidepressant meds (Effexor) and am going to tell her about my new program and family I have found, Had an alcohol free Saturday and Sunday, kinds craved some beers last night but that passed. My hardest time is actuaqlly at workwhere I am surrounded by beer and pot smokers.....fortunately that has never been my thing. My husband has found a new job so my stress level is dropping....that should help.
                              Good Morning Sister Sophie...special smoohes to you;
                              Married girl....oh baby please hang tough and come talk to us as much as you need to. Never had to detox but it sounds miserable.......
                              Congrats JB and Mollyka....meech I know you were strong.

                              I'll let you all know what the doc says about supplements with meds...
                              Smooches to all...XOXOXOXOXOXOXO
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                Newbies Nest

                                Time to get back on the AF Train

                                Hi All, :bump:

                                Well I had 5 1/2 beers last night after hockey. I can't ever just do 1 or 2. I resisted for 2 hours until the AL F&*!cking beast got me.

                                I'm not beating myself up. I am so proud of 15 days AF which was WAY longer then I ever imagined.

                                Now it's time for another 15AF or more!

                                I can't believe the hangover I have after having 5 1/2 beers. My head is absolutely crushing, I'm shakey, stomach is upset, I want to puke and the room won't stop spinning. GROSS! 3 weeks ago I could have drank that much and really not have felt too bad the next day.

                                Two of my kids are now at school and my youngest has just sat down to a movie and a snack. I'm going back to bed. Yuck.

                                Well not the smartest move last night but one thing is for sure. WAKE UP CALL. I know I'm even more determined for AF then before. And because I just got 15 days of sobriety I have a lot more confidence going into AF again. I'm not as scared or doubtful this time around.

                                Since I joined MWO in January I have had a few 2 Days AF, then a couple of 3 days AF, then 15days AF. I see my progress and I'm excited. I know how great it is too wake up fresh and alive, able to plan my days how I want them. AND I know how horrible I can feel (like right now) when I give into AL.

                                Just posting this has given me more determination. Also it has seriously exhausted me. I have to go lie down or I'm going to be sick.

                                I'm going to beat this thing.

