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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    The Fall

    I counted 11 holiday parties, one of which we hosted Christmas dinner for 15 family members at our small house. Immediately following, we were off to the mountains for 3 more days/nights of skiing and partying with good friends. Then, 3 more days holiday in our own place in the mountains. It's like we were in party mode for 1/2 the month. This is my #1 struggle -- too many opportunities to tip the bottle in December. That said, I know what to do.

    Fortunately I have experienced the peace of mind and joy that come with sobriety by staying close to MWO. I'm looking forward to the clarity, the pride and the ENERGY that will be mine again. It's amazing how good our bodies feel every day when we're not at all clouded by AL's lingering effects. Incredible. I'm also looking forward to the return of a more powerful ability to concentrate because yes, Sam...still playing mando. I actually treated myself to a 2009 Collings MF5. It's pure butter, smooth with a deep and woody resonance. Chop-chop...

    Be good all,
    Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
    Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

    Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

    Go forward boldly and unafraid


      Newbies Nest

      Tavistock, the moon is hilarious. I just recently got a set of boobs for my 60 days, lol.
      Every AF day is a milestone.


        Newbies Nest

        Spiritual Skiing

        Interesting what you said Fin about skiing, one of my closest friends had some 12 years sobriety behind her, every year for each of these 12 years she skiied (had fun but also found the experience spiritually uplifting!) The next year on one of these holidays she drank, she partied etc, no dire consequences ..... but the spiritual joy from the skiing was gone, the joy from looking out from the chalet also went and she found she was attracting people she did not want in her life.

        I can so relate to this when I stay sober I notice so many beautiful things, plants growing, leaves changing colour, subtle changes
        in people I know but the minute I drink all these subtle, yet beautiful things blur and seem less important, that is the negative power that alcohol can hold.

        New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


          Newbies Nest

          Darkest Diamond;1612012 wrote: I

          I can so relate to this when I stay sober I notice so many beautiful things, plants growing, leaves changing colour, subtle changes
          in people I know but the minute I drink all these subtle, yet beautiful things blur and seem less important, that is the negative power that alcohol can hold.

          YES! I've noticed recently that my overall vision is failing me. I've never worn glasses and I'm deep into my 40's. The heavy drinking lately has definitely taken a physiological effect there. No need.
          Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
          Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

          Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

          Go forward boldly and unafraid


            Newbies Nest

            Slept another 12 hours...feeling a little better today and I am very proud to have made it 12 days so far...two more days and it will be a solid two weeks. Im so happy and proud of myself...I am still having a little trouble keeping busy and I am so unmotivated.

            In my head I want to wake up refreshed and be able to jump out of bed feeling energized and ready to start the day....stay energized throughout my work day then be motivated enough to head to the gym and have a great workout. Meanwhile I wish I could stop craving sweets...

            I hope this foggy head moves through quickly!

            Congrats Loveless 2 weeks...I'm right behind ya...

            To everyone else you are doing fantastic, lots of positive posts from the weekend! Great job everyone!
            Honeysoup :heart:


              Newbies Nest

              Honey, I was absolutely useless the first two or three weeks - I did nothing but sleep and eat. See it as a period of convalescence - you've put your body through hell, so be kind to yourself. Listen to your body: if it wants sweets - feed it. Your energy levels will soon increase - just be patient.

              I had a nice and relaxing Sunday - was invited to friends for a braai. The hostess offered me something to drink, and when I said that I was fine and had brought something to drink, she let it go. I really appreciated her not trying to ply me with al.

              Enjoy the rest of your AF Sunday, Nesters!
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                Newbies Nest

                Hello Nesters,

                I am pleased to share that I am now 7 days sober ! its the longest I have been since I restarted drinking back in september when I went NYC and Vegas. I rewarded myself with a Ice cream shake !!!

                I also wanted to share with you few pics from my vacation so created and album on photo bucket. The link is here :

                Past one week has been fun ... on vacate with family but had lots of time alone where I could have sneaked out and could have drank.... many of images capture those moments when I was alone but enjoyed the moment being sober ... and it has its rewards : rewarding myself with ice cream shake for completing 7 days , winning in gambling (can't take kids to casino so gambled along without booze), celebrating the win in a pub with coke zero (alone ! and not drinking), enjoying swimming (alone and not sneaking out to drink), enjoying fireworks at disney with cafe latte.

                Available : for you to share pics you open a account upload pics and make them public. Copy the link of the album the way I did.

                Thanks Darkest Diamond, Byrdlady , broken halo, little beagle, and all others for support, I WILL need in days to come ...
                Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                Rebooting ... done ...
                Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                  Newbies Nest

                  hi everyone!

                  i managed to make it through my first real 'test' last night. would have been so easy just to not drive and pretend i hadn't made this new pact with myself. but i didn't. and i really really enjoyed myself. i listened and talked and really enjoyed my food. and went to bed tired and content. i feel relieved - almost like i remember being as a child. its weird... my new goal for me is 100 days and then one year. i joined a gym today and have in the past been really fit - done half marathons, triathlons etc. i am also eating like crazy and loads of rubbish but i dont care. like someone said very wisely earlier, we are in a precious period of convalescence and it's important that we give our bodies what they need to get through except the old alcohol of course! day 8.

                  1st goal: 100 days
                  2nd goal: 1 year
                  ultimate goal: forever


                    Newbies Nest

                    More, my mother was a cow when she came visiting a couple of months ago which sent me to a drinking binge. She can hurt me all she wants but start on my children and that is it. And she did. I still email her but i have finally realised that i am over trying to make her proud, she wont be, she always has something to say to make me feel guilty. I have not even told her i am not drinking. Why she will say it wont last and i dont need negatives.

                    3J my sons smoke pot and i think i will just have one but like you i dont want to put anymore crap in my body and i am totally fine without it.

                    Elvis weddings to me were all about free al and food as i dont dance either, well unless i was pissed then watch out. As byrd said why didnt you sing?

                    Love congrats on 14 days girl, you are doing so well. Baby steps and be gentle on yourself. I am a coffee addict now but thats okay for the moment. ODAT is all we can do with this journey to being af and you are doing great.

                    Well i have to get ready for work so will go on at work. Just wanted to check in and say hello. Going to be a scorcher this week. I so loath the heat! Anyone have a spare bedroom where it is cool????
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Newbies Nest

                      Nellie, it must have been the fresh moon that helped!! Ehehe.

                      Rahul, Around here, 7 days gets you a prize!!

                      Great job! You must be very chuffed! Here 's to many more moons for you!

                      Nice vacation pictures! Im so glad you are finding your way out! Keep up the streak!
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        sorry byrdie i didnt see that - thank you!!!1 so chuffed with myself. knackered and over full but sober! off to bed. really appreciate the support guys, it's helping loads x

                        1st goal: 100 days
                        2nd goal: 1 year
                        ultimate goal: forever


                          Newbies Nest

                          hopefully corrected the date on my signature - jan not oct '14!

                          1st goal: 100 days
                          2nd goal: 1 year
                          ultimate goal: forever


                            Newbies Nest

                            :neway 9

                            Day nine and feeling fine most of the time. I have my irritable moments!! Today is the Broncos in the playoffs. I usually drink many beers during a football game, then when the evening hits, i hit my most favorite, white wine. I have made many snacks and bought diet rootbeer and some Odouls. I know i am in control and will enjoy a sober game!! Being a Denver native my toes are orange and blue today. Go Broncos, go sober me!!! Good job to all others fighting this addiction with me!!!!
                            ?Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.?

                            ― John Wayne


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey Nesters

                              I've had a great wee Sunday, just checking in to see what's happening. I just came over from the roll call thread and it's so great to see so many people posting their numbers there. Remember, whether it's day 1, 41, or 900 we are all on the same journey here! Well done to everyone for taking the steps they have towards giving AL the boot.

                              Having said that, can I just say that AllanKay is on 499 days, an awesome achievement! Allan, I love your posts and your attitude. You have been truly inspirational to me on my journey and I am surethat's the case for many others too. Well done Allan, here's to the next 500!

                              Rahul, loved your sober holiday pics, it's good to have your sober self back, well done on your 7 days! You sound so much happier and so much more positive! I love it!

                              Elvis, you are doing great, isn't it great to go home sober from a wedding? Well done

                              Nellie, well done to you too, no wonder you are chuffed with yourself!

                              Loveless, Honey, you are both doing so well, it's great to read your posts these days!

                              Fin, it's great to see you posting. Did I read that you started the roll call thread? Kudos!!

                              DD, it's great to see my London buddy doing so well, big hugs from Scotland, we must catch up soon! :l

                              LB, hope things are okay at home, I know you've had a hard time recently but you are so strong, I know you will prevail :h

                              Byrdie, Lav, Dreamy, friends old and new, thinking of you all as another week starts. Stay strong, stay focussed and stay on top! YOU are in control. Don't give AL the time of day, the bastard doesn't deserve it!
                              Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                                Newbies Nest

                                MAE all,
                                Great day of activities today. We are meeting friends for dinner later so that will be fun too...amazing what we can do when AF and not having to make time for drinking...I spent so much time thinking about my day and planning how/when .....what a waste of time..NO MORE!!!

                                Newbie's Nest

                                Tool Box
                                AF 9.1.2013

