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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    MAE Nesters

    It's lovely to see the Nest so busy, and as for the numbers being racked up on the roll call thread - WOW!

    Extra-strong coffee on a Monday: how about an espresso?

    Off to read back; have a lovely AF Monday, Nesters!
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Newbies Nest

      Good MAE lovely Nesters! Damn, I've missed you all! And the morning coffee! Thanks for that strong one, DO. It's just as delicious as I remember.. Tomorrow I'll have something yummy whipped up to go with it.
      As for now, I've been trying to catch up on the past 5 weeks, and Damn again! Love it. So many Newbies, folks returning, so many racking up the days. It's true that 5 weeks is 35 days, isn't it? Time flies...
      I wanted to read all the posts before writing myself, but I can't. My brain is still fogged with jet-lag and now I have to get ready for work. I have read quite a bit though and am so happy to see the progress being made, the support being given, the stories being shared. This is such a great place.
      I thought of you all a lot as I was away, struggling at times, especially with my father. He just doesn't get it and might never get it. I've been trying to accept him and love him for who he is--keeping the good qualities, of which he has many, in the forefront of my mind.
      I'm very glad to be back and will continue catching up this week.
      Hugs to you all and a happy AF Monday!


        Newbies Nest

        Oh, Life, lovely to have you back with us again!

        You're so right about focussing on people's good qualities, not the bad. Difficult, though, but important.
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks, DO:l..


            Newbies Nest

            LC LC LC you are back. that was a long five weeks but gees i was on early days when you left. Glad you are back with us.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Newbies Nest

              You sound happy, Available, and deservedly so! I've been noting your days adding up, good on ya! How are you coping with Melbourne's heatwave?! I'm a bit grumpy, but at least i'm sober and grumpy!

              Best Wishes to all Nesters,
              love Steady
              AF free since April 29, 2013


                Newbies Nest

                Today has not been too bad, tomorrow now 43 but they said cooler on Wednesday with 39. WTF difference is 4 degrees i want to know lol. I told my boys i am going to be a beeatch by Friday but not much we can do and no air con at home. Are you a melbournite?

                Today has been a good day and like you said Steady we are sober. Nothing worse than waking with a hangover and its 43 degrees and you are dehydrated to start with. Another thought to keep me sober.
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Available,
                  Yep, much easier to stay hydrated without al!
                  DH and i don't have air-con, so while it's not too bad outside, it's very hot inside at the moment. (Yes, live in Melbourne.)
                  Oh well, counting the blessings of being AF!
                  Stay cool, and congrats on your AF days,

                  Time to go and sit in the backyard
                  AF free since April 29, 2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nesters.

                    Close call for me today.

                    Too much dwelling on a couple of negatives which began to snowball. All Ok though. I noticed my thinking and detached from it and tried to observe it and let the thoughts be. Interesting experience, but scary stuff isn't it?

                    Hope all are as well as can be.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Newbies Nest

                      feeling very good about things...

                      Good morning everyone. Woke up from an incredibly good night sleep (after 7 days AF), first in a long time. I feel great and it's a glorious day here in France. My husband drank wine yesterday but I didn't and am feeling very good about things. I hope to catch up on posts later but I've got a dreadful tax deadline today. Hang in there y'all.
                      Go as far as you can see.
                      When you get there, you'll see further.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters!

                        Waiting for the sun to rise & enjoying DTD's fancy coffee here, thanks
                        I'm wrapped up in a blanket, it's chilly here.
                        Sending you southern hemisphere folks some cool breezes today! Welcome back LC.

                        Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Early checking today...hitting the road today.
                          LifeChange, GREAT to see you back in one piece!!! Now get back in here and stay put, we sorely missed you!! (don't make me come over there!!)
                          Guitarista... those close calls are scary....they are JUST did great in pushing them aside! Call me if you need to! I will NOT let you fall! (even if you are upside down and over across the world)
                          AllanKay is on fire nfire: He has 500 days! I am SO proud of you!!! Keep it going!

                          Everyone doing so well! You will never regret ONE DAY you spent sober! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            I managed to get through the short 3 hours of work I had today. I always get very nervous to go back to work/school/whatever after a long absence. I feel like I'm on stage-which I HATE!
                            GMan, good job catching those thoughts and turning them around. I'm trying to be very positive right now with affirmations, taking special care of myself, physically and mentally. We have to really look out for ourselves, don't we? Great to see you.:l

                            Available!!!! I am so happy for you. You sound great, girl! 43? does sound like hell, though. I'll send some cool weather your way-- do you also want the grey skies?

                            a big hello to Byrdie and Lav-- I had some of your best posts saved in my emails and I read them a few times. Thanks for that.
                            Hi Steady! and Myway, great going on getting that first week under your belt!
                            Off to drink some peppermint tea and to read. One book a month is my New Years resolution (one of them!). Pathetic, but that's what the computer has done to me...


                              Newbies Nest

                              MAE Nesters!

                              I can just feel all the positive vibes around the nest!! Got home late from the movie last night. I cannot say how wonderful it was to drive home at 9:30 at night totally sober. I felt like a grown up.

                              The movie was great!

                              off to the eye doctors, looking to get a new pair of glasses for the new year.

                              Happy Monday all! Day 10, double digits!!


                                Newbies Nest

                      's even better waking up fresh after a sober night. So much more productive.

                                A little update on myself - I am nearly two weeks in. This is what I like to call my 'waking up phase'. It is the point at which I start to feel better, my body is on the mend and it is clearing toxins quicker than it is accumulating them.

                                My mind is waking up - memory improves, working memory is better, concentration, vocabularly widens, better mood, creativity improves etc.

                                Apparently being poor at the moment is a good thing. I reckon if I was rich, I would never have seen AL as a problem as the money would have always been there to 'soften the blow' by allowing me to drink more and more and more.

                                Keep it up guys. 2014 will be a positive year for us.

