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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Can we get a like button installed here?


      Newbies Nest

      ICAN!!! YIPPEEE 30 days is so AWESOME:heart: Congrats!!! and [LIKE]!
      Honeysoup :heart:


        Newbies Nest

        Yo Fat fella. I'm still here. I was also wondering about you and the rest of the quads. I saw winterwalk's post on roll call today and send congrats to her. Haven't seen DD but think she's still around and I send her a warm quad :l. ~~ Glad to see you doing so well and the feeling of confidence is great! Great start to the year. Keep sitting through the bad moments and remember how great you feel after a proper sleep!!
        ~~ As for me I am more or less doing pretty well. Saw my doctor yesterday b/c of being so tired. I had stopped my blood pressure medication as I really don't need it when not drinking and he said my BP was fine and if I take the med for it and don't need it that it would make me feel lousy. Which I was. Spoke with him about heart skipping beats in a.m. when I drink and he said "that's what happens when you get older". Good incentive not to drink is that my BP makes my heart go crazy, ended up in ER once w/ Atrial Fib or atrial flutter (not sure which it was) and had to have my extremely rapid heart converted to normal w/ IV drugs. A-Fib/flutter is serious and yet I drank and took the BP med. Putting this in writing makes it clear how I have been playing Russian Roulette and how Alcohol can control you even in the face of a serious problem that can be avoided by simply not drinking. What a dope. ~~ Been off the med for 6 days and can begin to see a return of energy. Sleep is coming around and am beginning to remember dreams again which I think is a B vitamin issue. Looking forward to a sober spring. ~~ Anyway Fat fella keep on racking up the days and keep me posted. Looking forward to hearing from WW & DD. Best to everyone and like you, Fat fella, I appreciate all the advice & support found here.


          Newbies Nest

          Don't go to bed, yet. Help me celebrate Day 30! YAY! I couldn't have done it without MWO! :thanks:


            Newbies Nest

            Ican and ACG big congrats on 30 days, you both should feel very proud of yourselves on your achievement. I know when i hit the big "30" i was so proud. Keep it up and keep on here!
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Newbies Nest

              Ican and ACG big congrats on 30 days, you both should feel very proud of yourselves on your achievement. I know when i hit the big "30" i was so proud. Keep it up and keep on here!
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Newbies Nest

                Way to go Ican and ACG on 30days! Great work!


                  Newbies Nest

                  dipgal---I just saw you are on day 13!! That's great--I've been following your story. Good for you! You should be very proud.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Yeah ACG!!!!!!!!! So glad to be on this journey with you .... Have a great Night 30))))


                      Newbies Nest

                      did not realize you had 30 days as well! a big congrats to you!!!!!!
                      Liberated 5/11/2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Byrdie had bump this up on another thread and I thought it may be helpful to some here as well.

                        Liberated 5/11/2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          MAE Nesters - and it's Hump Day!

                          Classic - hat day celebration - wonderful! Hope you and Ican always have the same number of days!

                          Seems that the Quads are doing well too - just wish DD would check in; the quartet plays a bit out of tune without her.

                          DipGal - hi from another procrastinator. Shall we swop tips on how to beat that problem later, like tomorrow or whenever? :H:H:H

                          Here's some cuppajoe to kickstart your day:

                          Have a lovely AF Wednesday, Nesters!
                          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Way to go, iCan. We love a good 30-day speech around here. Congratulations, and great work. Keep it up. I particularly agree with this: your worse fears of isolation and rejection probably aren't true. Hear hear!

                            AClass! Hooray. We need another speech - from you. Congratulations on staying strong.

                            Cherokeer: One of my excuses for keeping drinking even after I knew I should stop was the fact that my “personality didn’t change.” I was a loving drunk (maybe a little TOO loving, in the sloppy “I love you guys” kind of way. My biggest personality change came in making plans that involved and revolved around drinking. I was crafty and it never seemed that was what I was doing, but I was. I think a lot of us kept it together pretty well, but it was only a matter of time before it got bad. Take a look at the four stages of alcoholism that Sam posted.

                            Way to go on Day 18 Quads – I think you are all present and accounted for which is an amazing thing. I hope you’ve started knitting those hats, Byrdie.

                            Glad to hear Gambler's doing well. We miss him!

                            I am checking in after a long day - so tired, and I am excited to go to bed and have a solid, sober sleep. Zzzz. Stay strong, everyone.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Wait - she tried to sneak it in... Happy DAY 90 DREAMY!!!!!!

                              So excited to celebrate with you! Thanks for taking care of the nest with your wise words and delicious coffee. xoxox


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good MAE Nesters,
                                just a quick fly by for me this am..

                                DO! I missed your 3 month mark yesterday!! I saw and was thinking of you.. Well done!
                                thanks for the coffee-- today is just a protein bar to go with it.

                                Ican 30 days?? Yea!! :goodjob: Will go back to read this evening.

                                Pavati, HI! You're posts have been so inspiring.

                                Hugs to all and catch up this evening. I hope I will finally feel like I'm back on normal time.

