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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Congratulations Ican on 30 and DTD on 90 days!!! And everyone else, Dipgal on 13, etc. As I say below, every AF day is a milestone for us. I still don't drink.
    Every AF day is a milestone.


      Newbies Nest

      Morning Nesters! Well done on 30 days ACG and Ican, great stuff! (loved your post Ican, letting go of that sense of deprivation and actually celebrating your sobriety makes a world of difference! So happy for you!)

      Happy Wednesday Nesters!
      Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning to the Nest. After being away for a while, I'm sticking close once again. This is my Day 2 and I'm still feeling a bit rough after a blackout on Monday evening. Things are tense at home; my husband comes home from work as late as possible "just in case" he has to come home to a drunk wife. Even my dog is acting strangely around me... so it's scary to think about what I did while I was drunk this past Monday evening.

        My resolution for 2014 is to be the best person that I know I can be, everyday. I intentionally kept the resolution non-specific because I know there are a few areas in my life where I need to improve (dealing with the drinking, dealing with my depression).

        So here we go... I'm back and very happy to be here. I see many new names in the Nest and many comfortable names that I recognize. I'm very grateful for you all.

        Much love and strength to you all today. :h
        Would you like you, if you met you?


          Newbies Nest

          Check in time for tonight. Sitting here in front of the fan, sweltering away.

          Mein we all reach that stage where its not fun anymore to drink. My blackouts were getting pretty bad and i was just not happy when i drank but i still drank to get drunk, it was a habit and i am addicted. Things will work themselves out when you are af for awhile. I feel definitely more in control of my life now than when i was drunk everyday. I am starting to like myself a lot and i am so much happier in myself. I also went back on ad's and at the start i thought they did absolutely nothing but after a few weeks the haze has lifted and i feel great.

          Stick close to here and post away, its good to talk to those who understand what we are going through. I know without these wonderful people and this site i would not be up to 46 days. Hugs
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Newbies Nest

            46 days available... that's fantastic! I want that for myself as well. Right now, the self loathing is so great. I want to start liking myself again rather than hating what I've become. I feel like I don't even know who I am anymore. I've gone through so much change in the past few years and apparently I have not handled it well. The escape of AL felt like the only way I could cope. But... no more. NO MORE! Day 2 and really determined this time. So happy to be here.
            Would you like you, if you met you?


              Newbies Nest

              Hey Hyper, glad to see you are still around and doing well. you are so right about the Russian Roulette thing. If I stop to think about what AL does to my body and brain I have to wonder why I was stupid enough to ever drink in the first place. The brain is the most worrying. Blackouts? memory loss? talking gibberish in your sleep? cant be good things. Now I wake up remembering going to bed every night , and feeling great for not having either a headache or that awful guilty feeling when you lie there trying to remember who you insulted or pi**ed off the previous night.

              That's enough to keep me on the straight and narrow for another day. Day 19 of being sober! Bring it on.

              Hi to everyone else as well....stay strong and have a good day all.
              I can beat this.
              Today is the day I start.
              1st September 2015.


                Newbies Nest

                I'd like it to be more Mein and it will be but there are people on here with fantastic numbers that i thought i could never achieve, now i know i can. We all escaped with al and we all know that it doesnt make us better but being sober definitely does. Day 2 is a great achievement and the worst is nearly over.
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Newbies Nest

                  MAE Nesters,

                  It is still very hot where i live, and tomorrow's forecast to be 44 degrees celcius. No let up until the weekend apparently. Sigh. HOWEVER, nothing will drive me to drink al.

                  There are lots of great posts in the Nest lately. Welcome to all the Newbies! ICAN, well done and thankyou so much for your inspiring post! :goodjob:

                  Lots of other Nesters are making milestones too, make sure you reward yourself for your achievement

                  I need to sign off now, can't handle the heat coming off my laptop any longer!

                  stay strong everyone,
                  love, Steady
                  AF free since April 29, 2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Pavati, Where are the 4 stages located? There is so much to read. I truly thought I was the only one until I read diary of an alcoholic housewife and that is what prompted me to do some research and I was able to find My Way Out. Glad I did.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters,

                      Cherokeer - look in the Long Term Abstainers section

                      MS, welcome back, good to see you again!
                      What's your plan specifically? What are you going to do differently this time? A plan definitely will help you succeed

                      Heavy fog over my portion of the nest today, kinda creepy.
                      I'm off to go watch my grandsons for half the day.
                      Wishing everyone an AF Hump day!!!!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Just a quick check in.
                        Jane sleep is a wonderful thing.
                        I am hoping life gets back to normal today, a little. Kids are leaving. Hubby promised at least the boyfriend is gone.
                        Have a great day all.
                        Steady sorry you are so miserable with the heat. We have summer for 9 months here, so I understand.
                        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello I'm new to this, I've been drinking since Jr. High...alcoholism runs in my family...both of my parents, so it's sort of all I've ever known to do for fun or dealing with stress, pain etc. I have tried over and over again for so long to quit alone. I always get pulled back into it, this little voice and the skin crawly feeling hits and I'm like totally not in control sick of it. I'm want to grow up and learn how to live and be free. Anyway, this is my first day sober...and my first time here as well. I hope this helps.

                          AF since January 15, 2014
                          Goal: short-term make it through this week, then the rest of the month of Jan.
                          Long-term: no more ever...not even one, because I can never have just one.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Running late to work, MAE Nesters! Welcome yellow lab and anyone else I missed.

                            Stay strong, Happy Hump Day!

                            day 12!


                              Newbies Nest

                              MAE All
                              There are so many good posts here today and some milestones as well. I pretty happy with my 15 days half way to 30! Yellow Lab hang in there it will get better. There is alot of support and good advice here and I've had the skin crawlies too not much fun. They went away pretty quickly after I quit. Hope everyone has a good af day.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my post. I started drinking when my world came crashing down around me in the only way I could be brought to my knees. The devastation was such that on the outside I was going through the motions of life but was pure destruction on the inside. At first, I would go to work, function, come home, sit in the yard, light a cigarette, stare into space, light another cigarette with the used one, stare into space, repeat until dark. Go to bed, wake up and repeat. So I started smoking first. After a few months of that and looking like a skeleton from not eating. And while wallowing In my zombie-like devastation a friend brought over a bottle of wine to try to cheer me up. I had never had wine before. It eased the pain considerably. And a horrendous habit is born, one that has brought me so much shame and self loathing.

                                My husband is very upset with my drinking and has confronted me on it several times. He is worried about me. I'm worried about me. I am not this person. I am the strength, the rock, the one who powers through because she's too stubborn to quit. Do or die. If your breathing you keep going. Weakness isn't acceptable. How did I become this person who lost control? I am going to get it back. Can I get through the next 12 hours without a drink. Yes I can if I want to. But there are days when I really don't want to and those are the days when I will be here posting like a mad woman. I know it's a mechanism of pain avoidance and changing my coping strategies through my own behavioral modification is key. Getting there is the difficult part.

