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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    MAE Nesters

    Sorry, coffee is a bit late today - but I had his lovely company with my first cup in the Army; wanted to share him here, too:

    Gracie, fizzy drinks cannot be worse than Al - have whatever you want for the first week or so until you feel better; you can worry about a healthy diet later. I ate and drank things that I would normally avoid like the plague - but my body wanted it, and that's what my body got. After a while my body said "enough" to the crappy stuff I'd been feeding it, and things are back to better than the "old" normal. And congrats to you and Yellow - or do you prefer Lab? - on Day 2.

    Chero, as the joke goes, I always cooked with wine - and sometimes I even added it to my food:H:H:H. Quite early in my quit I was cooking something to which I always add wine. My hand automatically reached for where the bottle would have been; I just laughed at myself, and continued. Cooking without wine, folding laundry without wine and a long soak in the bath with lots of bubbles and candles without wine is, contrary to popular belief, entirely possible! As Lav said, its changes to one's daily routine - they soon become the new normal.

    LC -and Sunbeam - thanks so much for that post!

    (Byrdie, can I swop my hat with Classic's record, please please please? Actually just looking for a way out of making a 30 day speech - but I promise you I'll do so when I reach 100!)

    Ok, Nesters, duty calls - but have a lovely AF Thursday, each and everybody.
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Nest.

      DTD, great picture!

      Feeling frustrated today but I'm here, staying strong. Last night I had a warm cup of sleepy time tea, but still ended up going to bed late. Not sleeping well at this point, which is to be expected. But at least when I do sleep, it is SLEEP and not passing out.

      I will stay close today. Much love and strength to you all.
      Would you like you, if you met you?


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks Dream, you can call me yellow or lab...I don't mind. Just chose that name very randomly because I'll be getting a yellow lab puppy in another week. A new friend I can take her on long walks instead of drinking.

        Gracie, maybe something sort of special like a smoothy....I have the same problem with my tired drinking routine. I have a plan for Friday a trigger day for me...I will have a root beer, which I have waiting for me in the fridge if the urge hits me and I start to head for AL. Also, I found an AA meeting nearby which starts at 7:00pm, I have never been to one and am not sure what that would be like, but at least I have a plan for my hardest day. If I chicken out on going to that, I'll just make myself get on here instead. There's my short plan for getting through Friday. (2 days today)

        AF since January 15, 2014
        Goal: short-term make it through this week, then the rest of the month of Jan.
        Long-term: no more ever...not even one, because I can never have just one.


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks Ican. The drinking beer after beer alone is my story as well.
          Welcome Yellow. My dogs have been a huge source of comfort to me. I hope you feel the same. The walking sounds great.
          I did not drink today. If ever there was a day I "deserved" a beer it was today, but what I really deserve is not to drink. To live.
          To life again my friends.
          P.S. Do wonderful pic.
          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


            Newbies Nest

            Thanks beagle, I'm looking forward to getting my dog soon, I want to see her as a symbol of being af and fully alive. I like the idea you shared there, I deserve not to drink but to live. I think, I've had a bad day, someone was rude...whatever. Now drinking poison and making myself sick is really what I deserve....breaking it down like that is a good perspective. No, I want to be on my team right? So I deserve to love myself and take care of myself.

            AF since January 15, 2014
            Goal: short-term make it through this week, then the rest of the month of Jan.
            Long-term: no more ever...not even one, because I can never have just one.


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters,

              Dark & damp in my part of the nest once again - oh well.

              Yellow Lab, my decision to finally quit, once & for all was motivated by the birth of my first grandchild. Did I want him to see me drinking & smoking, being a mess & not able to spend quality time with him? Of course not! This was the best decision I have ever made for myself & I have no regrets. I now have three grandkids & am fully present for all of them. Your new puppy can be your motivator

              Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Thursday!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                K-9 Hope you are doing well not smoking. When I quit I found myself wanting to superman punch people in the throat at work. Nicotine withdrawal was not pretty on me.

                Lavender, Thanks, building new habits and strategies takes time and practice and hard work. I'm ready to do my work.

                Pavati-Good advice. I'm not an everyday drinker. But I find that I have a pattern of about a 1 1/2 weeks every month where I am or want to be and it seems to be hormonally driven. On those particular days I actually want to drink when I wake up in the morning which is not my normal MO. I'm the have a glass(es) after work person. This has been a change in the last 6 months. I am wondering if this is just a progression of AL or an unhealthy response to fluctuating hormones in a person who has an unhealthy coping mechanism to begin with. I will be 45 on Saturday. I am also experiencing bouts of nearly uncontrollable rage that is a new development. I ordered everything on the website hoping for some better management tools. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

                Dream, LOL Amazing how our habits are even ingrained in our muscle memories. I used to be a mixed martial artist with and emphasis on hand to weapon/ weapon to weapon combat and I still find myself kicking and punching the air at the movie theatre when something scary jumps out. I embarrass my husband and kids .


                  Newbies Nest

                  Mein and Yellow-Please hang in there. I wrote more but something is wrong with my surface keyboard. It keeps erasing my words. I'm going to have to reboot. Everyone have a great day.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning, Nesters.
                    Glad to begin another day AF and without the gripping pull of AL.
                    If you are beginning to think you weren't that bad, just stick around, it will get there. Keep your quit going....get that distance from AL so you can see what it was doing to will see it for what it really is....a freaking MONSTER!
                    Hope everyone has a great day! Gracie, Chero, Yellow, hang in there....all you gotta do is get thru this day... Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      little beagle;1613753 wrote: If ever there was a day I "deserved" a beer it was today, but what I really deserve is not to drink. To live.
                      To life again my friends.
                      Great sentiment, LB. We deserve to not drink! I'm sorry about your day - you are so strong through all of this!

                      Yellow - I love that you have a plan for Friday already. I've seen weekends used as an excuse to drink - stay strong.

                      Gracie - not sure where you are, but what about splurging on a nice cafe cup of tea for your walk? Cheaper than wine and you'll keep warm on your walk.

                      Off to work - happy Thursday, all.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Cherokeer I have started having those bouts of rage too ... It feels totally hormonal.... I'm 42 what are u doing about that ???? Ive visited dr. To little avail


                          Newbies Nest

                          I can, I have started taking my Topamax every day to the prescribed dose of 50 mg. I listen to native flute music and breathe until the urge to slam my elbow into someone face fades. It gets so bad so there have been times when I am in a meeting at work and I have called someone a dumb a$$. I have always been in control. Now I struggle. When I have too much wine I am off the charts. Things come out that I didn't even know I consciously felt. I have anger issues about things I never realized were issues.

                          I ordered everything off the website. I do not like taking pills but anything that will help me remain calmer while I sort through what is buried resentment and what is premenopausal rage is what I am willing to do. I realized when I posted this morning about "used" to being a mixed martial artist how angry and resentful I was at my husband for having to give that up because of him. I was really good and I loved it. But I had to sacrifice once again what I wanted. Bam, I never realized I was angry at him for that. A moment of realization and self actualization.

                          I have gained weight since giving up my sport and taking up Merlot as my new sport. I hate that I have and I am committed to changing back to a healthier way. Choking on my anger, drinking so I won't feel angry because no one thinks you have a right to be angry. Wow, vicious circle that spins out of control when I PMS.


                            Newbies Nest

                            MAE all,
                            Cold, 23F, and dreary....supposed to snow later...I hate winter...depressing...
                            Having weird dreams lately...but sleeping pretty well. With several months behind me feeling strong and good....
                            To the newbies I was there and this can be done..YOU can do it!!!
                            I quit smoking a few decades ago and I remember wanting to rip someones head off...many that is doable too....NOT easy but doable....!!

                            Newbie's Nest

                            Tool Box
                            AF 9.1.2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              F'in - A! Please give me the strength to get through this day...just this one day...
                              Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                              Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                              Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                              Go forward boldly and unafraid


                                Newbies Nest

                                Cher, a lot of us here used to drink AT people to get back at them. I ate AND drank at them and all I became was a fat drunk! I showed THEM! To say this is a journey of self discovery is the understatement. Here's the good news: you are going to be MORE accepting of yourself and others. Once you cherish life again all sorts of things open up. Its hard to describe. Food tastes better, flowers are more amazing, and cookies are as good as life gets! The little things mean more and I have more patience. You wont be ripping any faces off unless they really have it coming!!! B
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

