Jane i just avoid going to places if i know i will be tempted. My SIL came to visit a few weeks ago and wanted me to come over and stay the night, she knows i am not drinking and is proud so she says. My al brain went into gear and thought mmmmm maybe maybe maybe i will have one. She was my best drinking buddy in the world when we seen each other. I knew in my heart i could not go so i told her i had to take my dog to the vet. I will protect my quit with my life and one day i no i will be able to see her and not worry but not at the moment. Do what you have to, those people will still be there when you are stronger.
Byrd i drank to get at my parents I am realising, and it only hurt me and my family but no more. Wise words my friend and so true. My boss is a total arse and a couple of times early on he gave me that thought of i needed a wine as i could not cope with the stress, but be buggered if i was going to pick up a wine for him, no one is worth that.
Newbies welcome, MWO is the place to be, you will all find your niche here in a short time and gain the support that we all need to beat the beast.
Mr G so proud of you man, nearly 90, remember when you were drinking and you would wake up and feel 90. Never want to feel like that again unless i am that age. Keep cool my friend, only about 12 hours more of this heat.
Well i'm doing well today, keeping the fluids up due to the heat and feeling better not pouring al down my throat. the thought of the dehydration and the heat makes me shudder. Why did i think that pouring wine down my throat in the heat would quench my thirst, the only thing it did was make me feel like death the next day but the champion i was, i did it the next day and the next. Times have changed and it feels wonderful. 48 days today, the longest af free time since i was pregnant, 20+ years ago. Ive been here since 2011 on and off and the switch has switched for me but i will be always on my guard.
London you can have at least 14+ degrees of this heat thank you.