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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Jane i just avoid going to places if i know i will be tempted. My SIL came to visit a few weeks ago and wanted me to come over and stay the night, she knows i am not drinking and is proud so she says. My al brain went into gear and thought mmmmm maybe maybe maybe i will have one. She was my best drinking buddy in the world when we seen each other. I knew in my heart i could not go so i told her i had to take my dog to the vet. I will protect my quit with my life and one day i no i will be able to see her and not worry but not at the moment. Do what you have to, those people will still be there when you are stronger.

    Byrd i drank to get at my parents I am realising, and it only hurt me and my family but no more. Wise words my friend and so true. My boss is a total arse and a couple of times early on he gave me that thought of i needed a wine as i could not cope with the stress, but be buggered if i was going to pick up a wine for him, no one is worth that.

    Newbies welcome, MWO is the place to be, you will all find your niche here in a short time and gain the support that we all need to beat the beast.

    Mr G so proud of you man, nearly 90, remember when you were drinking and you would wake up and feel 90. Never want to feel like that again unless i am that age. Keep cool my friend, only about 12 hours more of this heat.

    Well i'm doing well today, keeping the fluids up due to the heat and feeling better not pouring al down my throat. the thought of the dehydration and the heat makes me shudder. Why did i think that pouring wine down my throat in the heat would quench my thirst, the only thing it did was make me feel like death the next day but the champion i was, i did it the next day and the next. Times have changed and it feels wonderful. 48 days today, the longest af free time since i was pregnant, 20+ years ago. Ive been here since 2011 on and off and the switch has switched for me but i will be always on my guard.

    London you can have at least 14+ degrees of this heat thank you.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Newbies Nest

      Hang in there Fin. Eat something fast and eat a lot. I just had a nice dinner and feel much better. Now enjoying a cool tonic water. We'll feel so good tomorrow. All we gotta do is get thru this day. We almost there, fin!



      I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


        Newbies Nest

        Good evening all Nesters - old & new

        Hello & welcome HP & TJ! Is that two of you??
        The best thing to do is take a look thru our Tool box. Borrow any ideas you like & use them to help make a good plan for yourselves. Plan to succeed
        Stay close to the nest, check in frequently & most importantly - make sure there's no AL in your house! I dumped the last of the wine when I started & vowed to buy no more. That was nearly 5 years ago for me - you can do it too!

        Fin, you can do this like so many of us here. Make your sobriety #1 in your life.

        Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest. Use the butt Velcro if necessary!!!!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Whew! It has been really tough lately, but I think things are going to settle down for awhile.
          It's difficult learning how to deal with SO much stress af. But it can be done. At times the past few weeks I have been taking things minute by minute.
          All drugs out of the house now and people using drugs gone too. Until they CHOOSE to get help, they will not come back here.
          Being tough is hard, but giving in and not standing up to things like this is dangerous. It leaves me too vulnerable.
          I am looking forward to being back in the swing of things around here.
          G Man glad you are feeling so posative, and I will catch back up with everyone else tomorrow.
          Have a good one.
          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


            Newbies Nest

            My 30 day speech...I love to talk but I'm usually visiting MWO while on my phone and typing on a teenise screen so am a woman of few words.
            Yay, Ican! Let's DO keep this time together! We've both been members since '08, and this is our time!
            I've loved being myself over these last 30 (now 32) days. I'm getting better and better at being myself, too. Oh, I've stills gots problems, that's the truth, but dealing with them makes them seem less big. Facing struggles rather than trying to forget them.
            I'm loving life, and getting to know my children more intimately. I pray so much that they don't succumb to addictions.
            My husband and friends drink quite a bit so I feel lonely in my sobriety sometimes. But I hold on to my Jesus and MWO like crazy! My next step is to grab some BFFs at my local AA meeting, but I've got a time problem and a courage problem! keeping me from going.
            Someone posted awhile back that we should give ourselves 90 days and we'll feel even better about our sobriety than we do at 30 days. I like that idea so am going for 90!
            Welcome New Newbies! Stay sober Old Nesters! And thank you for EVERY WORD you've typed! :l


              Newbies Nest

              Day three is wrapping up for me. I didn't go to the knit night. Little bit of a headache and tired today. On to day 4.

              I hope you're doing OK Fin.

              Thanks for everyone who stays around to encourage. I think it's really great to see all the long time af posts.


                Newbies Nest

                Classic, congratulations! You sound great.

                Gracieb, I knit, spin, and crochet, and live in Western Wa. Welcome!

                Just checking in to say thanks for the great support and reading material that help keep me sane and sober. On the 21st, I'll be at 80 days. Have a great AF MAE all.
                Every AF day is a milestone.


                  Newbies Nest

                  MAE Nesters

                  14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Welcome, HP and TJ (are you two people?? Heh heh.)

                    You have found a place with a lot of support and encouragement. I recommend listening to the wise birds here in the nest - it has gotten me to where I am now, the end of Day 45. Also check out the tool box (in the signatures of some of the people who post here). There are lots of suggestions for how to start being and staying sober.

                    Everyone else - long day today so I am just making a quick check in before bed. All you new newbies, make sure you think of plans for the weekend - it can be used as an excuse to drink. What helps me when I want that Friday night reward is to remember - the one drink would lead to many more, stumbling to bed, and a terrible hangover on Saturday morning full of the GSR brothers (guilt, shame and remorse). No one drink is worth my feeling like that again.

                    Happy Thursday!


                      Newbies Nest

                      morning nesters!

                      LB, well done on standing your ground and protecting yourself. I know it hasn't been easy for you but you have done absolutely the right thing. Your strength inspires me. :l

                      well done on your 30 days Classic. wonderful speech!

                      Everyone, keep hanging in there, sobriety is worth it. In the early days it might be a struggle but it does get better and getting through that can change your life!
                      Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                        Newbies Nest

                        MAE Nesters (again)

                        It?s wonderful to see how many quit buddies we have in the Nest at the moment ? Fin and Star; Winter and Hyper (where are DD and FF? ? I so would like the Quads stay quads and not become triplets or twins ), Poppy and Pav, with Avail just a day ahead of them; MyLuck and Wine are close; Tree and Jim; BH, our G man and me are a few days apart. I feel like a horse racing commentator!

                        I know I?ve left out a lot of people like Chero, Gracie, Mein, and then HP and TJ (who came with an in-built quit buddy) and others, but I?ve just gone on the roll call.

                        Friday today (as if I needed to tell you that:H:H:H) ? so get some extra supplies of butt velcro, and have a lovely AF Friday.

                        Don?t fall out of this horse race!
                        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters

                          Looks like a chilly but sunny day is in store - nice

                          Congrats aclassic on 30 AF days - yay!

                          LB, I am so glad to hear you have turfed the troubled ones. You need some peace & quiet in your own home & they need to figure out their own paths

                          Wishing everyone a peaceful AF Friday!!!!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            It's funny, but I really believe the Universe works in weird ways. I believe in the power of positive thought.

                            Drinking keeps me in the dumps.

                            When I am serious about being AF, my life seems to pick up. I am more pleasant in general as I feel awake to the world. And the Universe starts bringing good things my way.

                            That all stops as soon as I drink. Maybe the Universe is testing me. Drink and you get nothing. Make a go at life and you can get what you want?

                            Sounds New Age, but I really believe in energy and the laws of attraction.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Londoner;1614348 wrote: It's funny, but I really believe the Universe works in weird ways. I believe in the power of positive thought.
                              You're sounding good, Londoner, and ready to be done with the bingeing. I came across this yesterday - it relates to how what we think becomes our reality:
                              The Daily Motivator - Whatever you think.

                              Thanks for the coffee, Dreamy - I'm in a different time zone this morning and definitely feeling it!

                              Congratulations, Classic. It is so great that you're getting to know the sober you and liking her :l.

                              Have a great AF Friday!


                                Newbies Nest

                                I think you have something Londoner.
                                Steady and I are quit buddies too. It really helps to have someone to encourage you on those off days we all get.
                                Thanks Lav. And Bhalo. You are sounding great.
                                I am looking forward to Mardi Gras. I plan to enter the doggie parade put on my a local animal charity CAAWS (Capital Area Animal Welfare Society). It is great fun. Doggies dress up and there is a costume contest. Everyone brings their dog to view the parade. A great family fun day. Bark in the Park. I never miss it if I can help it. This will be my first year in it. This year the theme is service animals. Any ideas for costumes, please pm me.
                                Also I am going to start selling essential oils in the Aroma Therapy store next door. I am developing some blends for oil warmers amd massage. Wish me luck.
                                Have a great MAE all.
                                No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.

