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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi everyone,
    I'm still feeling awful after my binge - stomach keeps running and weak and weepy - I just mention it as a warning to somebody that's tempted. I had 24 days AF and was feeling good when I thought a couple of drinks will be OK. What a mistake.
    Strength to all.
    make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


      Newbies Nest

      Morning all.
      Just a quicky for before I start work.
      Jolie - I got the Calms forte in the starter pack. They are brilliant
      Thanks Lav - will have a look at that company.
      MG - good luck with the detox. Drink lots of water. I can relate to your friends thinking you are the party girl. I have a group like that and I have so far avoided them.... will have to face them eventually. Just not ready yet. And regarding telling people. The people who I have told have actually been envious that I can give up.
      Meech - Glad you're back. Maybe we should take a video of ourselves when we are suffering from a hangover to remind up next time we feel like a drink, how bad we feel the next day!.
      Anyway. Hope everyone has a good day. Another hot one here (sorry) so have the air-con cranked up.
      Take care all my lovely MWO friends.
      I finally got it!
      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


        Newbies Nest

        Evening Nesters,

        Hippy Chick - a video of me falling on my ass Christmas Eve 2008 would have everyone here peeing their pants - no kidding That event is what made me start thinking that I really should do something about my wine habit!!! Glad to know that will never happen again!

        Jessie, sorry you are still feeling poorly! Take good care of yourself - it will pass & hopefully never happen again. Now we know why AL is poison - yuck!

        Spam, would you sweat off a few pounds for me, please!?

        LIS - Congrats to you on your 30 days AF - fantastic! Feels great, doesn't it?

        Molly, Mazzie & everyone - greetings, hope you are all well!

        I am completely exhausted & ready to hop up on my twig for the night! Dog sitting really beat me up the past few days.........must be getting old!

        Sunni - good to see you again today. How is Ms Sophie? Hope the winter is not too much for her. My grandson was here for a visit today, he's nearing 15 months now. He said 'something' that sounded a lot like 'Grandma' - it was so cute Your turn is coming soon!!

        Ok, saying good night all. Have a safe & cozy night in the Nest! The night light is on...
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Hi everyone – haven’t been on the site for a few days, but now I’m back, it’s still amazes me how supportive everyone is, how similar our feelings/experiences are, and how HOPEFUL everyone seems – even after set backs. I’ve been thinking a lot about the Rational Recovery ‘method’ (see their website if you don’t want to buy the book – it’s basically a summary of the book, so you get the general idea) which does seem to be working for me, along with the MWO hypnosis CDs. I’m not sure how they work, but something is changing inside me to reduce the cravings and the power of the ‘beast’. One really simple thing from RR is to change your language – not ‘I want a drink’ but ‘It wants a drink’ – somehow this simple adjustment allows me to separate myself from a craving and just move on past it. Seems crazy that it’s so simple after all these years….

          JB (your post from yesterday) - I know what you mean about random feelings that a drink would be good – I think one month AF is a common time for this to happen, and it’s been my downfall several times. I’m in my 3rd AF week now and, apart from eating like a horse (to replace those wine calories I guess!) haven’t had any really bad moments – due in a large part to finding this site I’m sure!

          I also viewed the Rain in My Heart videos – so scary, because the difference between me and some of the ‘hopeless’ cases was a knife edge – just a bit more time abusing body and minds, a few more bad ‘booze brain’ decisions, a big row or fight or one DUI, then your whole life starts to unravel…

          …not now though – we can’t let that happen. So, enjoy your day everyone, and stay hopeful! JT.
          "there's a crack, there's a crack in everything...that's how the light gets in" Leonard Cohen


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Everyone!

            Spam - "c) July / Aug - A number of 5 - 6 km competition runs.
            d) 40 in October and going to be fit and fabulous.
            Obviously, AL cannot feature too much."

            Spam, part of my approach is to stay busy and active too! I also took up running a few years back - I did my own couch to 5k but I don't compete. Just happy that I can run 3 miles. I do compete at golf though, so I train for that. AL certainly does not contribute anything to my fitness goals. Hey, I'm 53 and am in better shape now than I've ever been - couldn't have happened without dealing with the al issues. Go for it!

            MG29 - "I hate the whole social aspect of trying to quit AL and dealing with your friends perceptions" Mg, I've been reading the advice that others have given you with great interest since I know that social drinking is a weakness for me. But I can assure you that if you can use your af time to look within and understand yourself a little better you will find a path that's right for you. Others have been there!

            Meech - Be strong. "I'm not beating myself up. I am so proud of 15 days AF which was WAY longer then I ever imagined." Good job on coming back... I'm guessing you'll bounce back stronger from your learning experience.

            Jessie - "I just mention it as a warning to somebody that's tempted. I had 24 days AF and was feeling good when I thought a couple of drinks will be OK. What a mistake. Strength to all." Jessie, the 24 days does not go away - it means a lot! Mistakes are a part of learning! It's not the number of af-days that's important - it's what we learn along the way.

            HC - "And what happens if I fall asleep during the CD's? Does it still sink in? (Just love my hour to myself to relax "and go deeper")." Hippy I've got a story for you. A few weeks ago I pulled out the clearing CD again after months of not listening. I fell asleep just as part one began and didn't remember any of it. The next day I wrote something in my journal floored me when a got around to listening to the part two clearing. The suggestion in part one is to make a list of negative things that are obstacles, in preparation for the part two hypno. That list is exactly what I wrote in my journal without ever remembering that was the part one suggestion. It wasn't until I heard the part two clearing hypno that I realized that I followed the suggestion without even being conscious of it. So snooze-away - it's all good!

            Jolie - "Went to dinner on Saturday night with non-drinking friends - had a GREAT time and hope to make it a monthly habit." I'm beginning to like my af friends better than my naf friends too!

            LeaveInSilence/JB - "At day's end I will have achieved one full month of sobriety."

            You guys are fantastic. You should both be proud of what you've accomplished and how you've learned to deal with things differently. A huge congrats!

            Mama Bear - "Had an alcohol free Saturday and Sunday, " MB - getting past the weekend is the first hurdle - nice going!

            Hi Mollyka, I'm tired too... Just made a four hour drive (2h each way) to take my son back to school. In the past that certainly would have interfered with my drinking. Now I enjoy the time with just me and him talking all the way.

            JT "I’m in my 3rd AF week now and, apart from eating like a horse (to replace those wine calories I guess!) haven’t had any really bad moments" Three weeks for you JT - that's great too! I'm happy for you - it sounds like you've found what works for you! Keep it going.

            Hi Lav! Sunni - congrats and God bless! Enjoy your granny-hood!

            Take care all - I've gotta sleep!
            Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


              Newbies Nest

              TranqWilly;806919 wrote: Hi Everyone!

              Spam, part of my approach is to stay busy and active too! I also took up running a few years back - I did my own couch to 5k but I don't compete. Just happy that I can run 3 miles. I do compete at golf though, so I train for that. AL certainly does not contribute anything to my fitness goals. Hey, I'm 53 and am in better shape now than I've ever been - couldn't have happened without dealing with the al issues. Go for it!

              Hi Tranq,

              Now there's an idea! I could start playing golf again.

              I haven't played a full round in over 10 years. I was pregnant the last time I played. A bump does nothing for your swing.

              Might need a few lessons though.

              Spam x


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning friends!

                Day 16 for me - no cravings last night but I was busy and tired (lightbulb moment?) That seems to be the key.

                Maz - Day 3 - wonderful - I like counting the total number of AF days - so you are doing great!

                Leave - 30 today for you? that's awesome and something I'm really striving to hit.

                Jessie - Hugs to you - You are here and you are on your way back. Be strong - we are all here for you.

                Hippy - thanks for the info - I am trying Melatonin and it seems to be helping but I'll keep the other in mind.

                Jane - welcome back to the nest! Hope you are well.

                Tranq & Lav - waking up with a clear head is so nice these days - didn't know what I was missing.

                Just wanted to share some of my recent thoughts - before finding MWO, AL was the driving force in my life. Everything else came second. I did not want to go anywhere at night - just wanted to stay home and drink. Was constantly worried about which store I would go to (had to switch it up so I wasn't going to the same place all the time), afraid of who would see me - I was consumed with getting home after work so I could start drinking - amazing to see how AL can control every aspect of your life.

                I am glad I found this place and how it has totally changed my way of thinking - there is so much more to do with your life when you have a clear head and a smile on your face!

                Everyone have a great Tuesday!

                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Crap...made it thru the weekend and felt great, so......I had a beer....damn it.....that ended up being about 12 beers...have hidden bottles to get rid of and a pounding headache......gonna get back in the saddle and try not to beat myself up too much.....
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters,

                    Reporting in from yet another snowstorm.........when will this winter end????

                    JT, good to see you! Nice to hear you are finding success with RR & MWO. Sounds like a good combo to me

                    Hi Tranq & Spam!

                    Jolie, be careful out there today - looks like the roads will are getting messy again! Keep enjoying the freedom of your AF life, it is great

                    Mama Bear, what happened? Be sure to use yesterday's slip as a learning tool so you don't keep repeating the same mistake! You had an AF weekend so you rewarded yourself with beer on Monday????? Go back to the Tool box & choose some other ways to reward yourself in the future - write them in your plan, you'll be glad you did

                    Time to get to work, wishing everyone a terrific, strong Tuesday!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Dumb huh? Monday was a holiday so we were off......
                      Good Morning Sister Sophie........hope you are doing better than me....
                      But I am motivated by this slip.....
                      double damn it!!
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        Newbies Nest

                        Day 3 AF

                        This is the first time I've made it this far since about 30 days in AA in November. I am supposed to taper down to 2 valium for day 3 but I may stay with 3 just for today since I have a whole day off and all this time alone is a big trigger for me. Also have an appt with my counselor so I can talk about how its been going with him....he thought I would just be prescribed Campral for moderation but the actual Doctor felt I needed to go AF for my health and had gone too deep into self-medication drinking to have a lot of luck with moderating, which if I"m honest I knew already. I am thinking about maybe trying to excersise or do something else proactive to stay busy today. Maybe go to a Barnes and Noble and get a coffee, look around, I used to enjoy that before I couldn't do anything where they didn't have a bar. Hope everyone's having a good day.
                        I ain't afraid of no ghost....


                          Newbies Nest

                          married girl......30 days is HUGE....I am so proud of you and that is my goal too....especially since I messed up last night
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good afternoon, nestlings! (God, afternoon, again.. already)

                            Well, looks like my idle time is done and over with.. back to work in full swing Which means, that I probably won't have much time to check in here (again).

                            So, if I don't... I hope you will all stay determined and climb back up on that wagon - as many times as it takes! This is a strange battle, as it seems to be a battle with/against ourselves so often. But if we can learn to separate ourselves from IT (the addiction, the need, the want, the delusion, the... insert here...) we stand a good chance to win.

                            We are free to decide NOT to drink. There is little freedom in giving in to behavior that MAKES us drink.

                            Take good care of yourselves and don't pick up that first drink. Just for today.

                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning everyone.
                              (just been on to the internet technician trying to fix a fault which has left us without internet access at home - I certainly miss popping in here as often as I can. I think this place is replacing my addiction!)
                              JT - I can relate to what you said about the knife edge. I felt that was my life too. I was always amazed that I actually woke up the next morning after some episodes. I would do such reckless things that put me in dangerous situations. Makes me shudder now..... But as someone told me (this sitting next to my bed so I see it often), "Dont let the wake rock the boat".... let go of the past.
                              Spam/Tranq - what is a couch to 5k?? I used to do couch to fridge, is that similar? LOL
                              Thanks Tranq for your story on the CD's. I have often tried hypnosis as a form of changing my thinking so am a firm believer in the power of the mind.
                              Spam - I have a game of golf in a couple of weekends time with my husband. Is the first game for about two years. I was crap then so after a two year break will be really crap. But I think my husband is just using me for my handicap!!!
                              Joile - I know what you mean about being all consumed with AL. I would start thinking as soon as I woke up how many drinks I was going to have that evening... Sad isnt it.
                              Mama Bear - keep fighting. You will find no judgement here. Just keep coming back to us.
                              MG29 - I am loving remembering things I used to do before I got really bad. Have a list of things I am going to do again (when I get myself organised).
                              I am telling more people now that I have stopped drinking and feel quite comfortable them knowing. Alot of whom I have told have seen me at my worst so they know why I have given up. The staff Christmas party saw me at my finest, so my work collegues really understand! And alot are envious.
                              Well everyone, have a great sober Wednesday and now that our internet is working again will pop in again later.
                              I finally got it!
                              "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                                Newbies Nest

                                Cool News

                                Hello all-

                                Hope everyone is having a good day!

                                Well, turns out much ado about nothing and I couldn't feel better! I visited my best girlfriend today that I posted about being worried telling I quit drinking about before and basically "spilled my guts" about quitting drinking, the medical detox, the counselor and psychologist, past failures with AA, the whole deal. And she was like totally cool with it all. I coudln't believe it. And she said that her boyfriend who we are doing the joint birthday get together with at his house has his 5 year sobriety anniv Mar 5, coincedentally right after out birthdays on March 2 and 3 and she is only going to have like 1 or 2 glasses of wine that night which is totally fine by me. I knew he didn't drink at all. And my husband can take it or leave it. It was always ME with the problem, altho I thought everyone else was drinking as much as me.

                                I guess I feel guilty for underestimating her understanding. She has other girlfriends she can go pubcrawl with but I am so happy knowing our friendship can remain and be focused on the meaningful stuff that makes long term friendship so great.

                                Counsellor appt went well he is really pleased with my progress, 3 days sober is big for me. He just says to make sure and see Dr again so I don't run out of diazepam before I'm ready. I AM staying on Campral long term.

                                Thanks everyone as always for listening! You guys are great.
                                I ain't afraid of no ghost....

