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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Oh my gosh Starfish, I'm going through wedding plans too! I always liked my daughter's MIL to be, but she's been saying some kind of hurtful things lately and I wonder "Is this what you've been thinking all along?" And she has tons of people she's making us invite or she'll get upset, and we aren't rich and the hall we've gotten for the reception isn't huge. Sigh. I feel bad but I am ready for it to be over and I won't have to deal with people for a while..


      Newbies Nest

      Grace put your foot down with the people. My daughter decided on 100. There is 240 of them and boy did they hit the roof and asked if i could not invite some people. I thought WTF, we had 30 they had 70. Great uncle Arthur who lives in woop woop and is 150 but needs to be invited blah blah blah. My daughter just said no and deal with it. A lot of noses out of joint but she did not care, it was HER wedding not theirs. There is only me and she knew i could not afford much so it worked out well. My daughters MIL can do everything and my greatest achievement was socialising and drinking oops.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        CONGRATS to the quad squad - well done on 21 AF days - yay!!!

        available, your daughter's wedding sounded a lot like my daughter's wedding. What is it with the Italian mamas? :H
        Everything turned out OK but I wasn't able to invite my aunts & uncles because my son-in-laws family had to invite so many children!!! That was not fair.

        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Yep, you hit it Lavande. Not Italian, but she's from a very large Catholic family. People even my SIL doesn't know are going to be put all out of joint if they are not invited. How important can they be if my SIL to be doesn't even know them?

          available, she just isn't that kind of girl. She worries and worries about making my SIL's family happy. She's always been my compliant one, never a bit of trouble, but the down side of that is she tends to let people walk over her-until she REALLY can't take it any more, then she explodes and everybody's like "What the hell?"

          Well, day 4 is tucked securely away. Hope everyone is well and safe.


            Newbies Nest

            Hey quick check in .... Sick kids(( 33??? I think .... Glad y'all are having tough on Friday night


              Newbies Nest

              Hola! I'm half way through a amazing tropical vacation. Spanish lessons in the morning, yoga in the afternoons, enjoying the warmth, the relaxation, the family time.

              Tonight we were out for dinner with friends and someone offered me wine. I said no thanks. He said why not? I said I quit drinking in June, thought it was time. He said so you smoke a lot of pot? I said no, I'm high on life. Then the conversation moved on. Love feeling this confidence. But don't worry I don't let my guard down. AL is a slimy bugger who will sneak into your life if you let him. I'm done with that!
              Newbies Nest
              My accountability thread


                Newbies Nest

                Lol hanging tough not having it tough ....sorry


                  Newbies Nest

                  gracieb;1614470 wrote:
                  I just don't want the drama of the word "alcoholic". I don't want to have that word as my identity.
                  I am exactly the same. I did once go to an AA meeting years ago and when it came around to me & I said my name and that I'm an alcoholic but there was this surreal feeling b/c I had absolutely no conviction to the statement. Being a very honest person when I say something like that there is no way I can say the words without believing it 100%. So do I need a label or have to assume the identity? I drink too much and would like not to so what should I do? ~~ Like in the Spanish language people ask ?C?mo se llama usted?, meaning what is your name. The literal translation is ~ How do you call yourself? ~ . I am called by my given name but that does not identify what I am just who. I feel like I am talking kooky and wish I could explain myself better but I simply am trying to say I drink more than a person should, that I know. There is much deception in the world and I do not want to deceive myself with empty words. Call me kooky if you like & I am not trying to play with words it's just how I feel. Hope I have not offended anyone. Phew now I feel confused. ~ Oh well 3 AF weeks in the bag. ~


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi, Nesters:

                    A quick check in after a particularly LONG day. I had a drinking dream last night (my first). I was SO relieved to wake up and realize I didn't have to post Day 1 again in the roll call. Instead I got to post Day 47 (I missed a day yesterday). We have some big numbers coming up - MyLuck and Guitarista I hope you are writing your 90 day speeches...

                    Here's to another weekend without the poison! Instead of my usual Friday martini (as a starter) I had some coffee Hagen Daz - I indulged, rewarded and saved myself a hangover all in one delicious scoop (ssshhh - don't tell NoSugar).

                    Stay strong.


                      Newbies Nest


                      :bday7:HAPPY BIRTHDAY :bday7:

                      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                        Newbies Nest

                        MAE Nesters!

                        Just a brief fly-in - lots of things to do today.

                        From a quick skim of the posts it seems that everybody had an enjoyable AF Friday.

                        Sorry NoS, but couldn't resist this:

                        Have a lovely AF Satuday, Nesters - chat later!
                        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good MAE everyone!
                          Thanks for the coffee, DO-- those cookies sure look yummy. They are sugar and gluten-free, right? We have crepes here for brekkie with apple sauce and cinnamon or maple syrup. Or the usual almond milk, hemp shake.

                          MYLUCK, Congrats on 90 days!!:wd: I'm very happy for you!!

                          Welcome back to Star and Fin-- I'm glad to see you both sounding so positive and strong.
                          It's helped me to read your posts-- I have had quite a time the past 2 days keeping myself on track. I began having the, "maybe I wasn't really that bad" thoughts, reading the MOD'S thread, thinking about whether or not it might be possible for me to moderate.??! For fucks sake. I even mildly suggested to my boyfriend that it might be nice to have a glass of wine to check his reaction. Which was, in a very sweet way, after having seen me struggle the past 2+ years, "I don't really think it's possible for you to just drink a little". This is huge for him, too. He always used to say, "just stop after one glass. why is that so difficult?". So I didn't want to bring everyone down--'cause after what seems like a long time AF, I don't really want to admit struggling to keep it quit. I think I'm procrastinating with some things that need to be dealt with. And being so exhausted with jet lag didn't allow me to get much done last week. And I honestly began to glamorize the drinking. "everyone gets to drink except me, blah blah." The gratitude escaped me briefly.
                          So, by the skin of my teeth I'm still here. Thank the Universe. And you all.

                          Hugs:l to everyone. I am reading all of the posts and feel like I know and can relate in some way to every story. I will start posting again more-- we are strength in numbers and in shared experiences.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Happy birthday Chero hope you have a lovely day sober.

                            LC, well i never ever thought you would say that you thought you could have a glass. I now definitely know to be vigilant, i have not had that thought this time, last time i thought i could moderate and well we know how that ended. If we could moderate we would not be on MWO. I am glad your bf said what he did and was so supportive to you. Keep him!

                            I finally got over my heat lag from the last week and vacuumed and mopped listening to music at 7.30pm. Never before would i have done that, before i would be up to a bottle or more and hitting into walls or dancing like a dickhead. Mind you as i was doing said mopping i did think a wine would be nice but none in the house and not blowing it now.

                            I know LC you will always be in front of me leading the way, you have been an inspiration to me.

                            Big 50 days for me tomorrow and i'm succeeding for a few people especially on this journey and you are one of them my lovely friend.
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Newbies Nest

                              LC, nice change in attitude from the BF - you've trained him well:H:H. And I am so glad that you stayed strong. I've noticed that if some part of my life is more off-track than usual - like you with putting off things and still having to cope with jet lag - those awful thoughts do become more insidious.

                              You've stacked up an enviable number of days, and I wonder if the the 100 day plussers do not put a lot of self-imposed pressure on themselves to not admit to such feelings - and definitely not in the Nest. Yes, it might discourage Newbies who are struggling, but it's also a reminder - for all of us - that having a certain number of days behind you is no guarantee that the BliksemseBoozeBrain has slunk away and given up the fight. So: glad you made it through, and glad that you posted about it.

                              Sure, the biscuits are sugar free, gluten free and the Tooth Fairy has just left me a wad of money under my pillow!:H

                              Hyper, Winter and FF - :jumpwow::jumpwow::jumpwow:

                              To all those struggling with what to tell people - it is difficult in the beginning, and I used all sorts of excuses. As you become more convinced that you have made the right decision for you, it becomes easier to simply tell people that you don't want a drink. I've developed quite a Medusa stare, sort of saying My life, my business, any more silly questions from you and you get turned to stone.
                              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Not a good week

                                I drank for the same reason as always. Don't want to talk about it too much, feel very unhappy about it. I was getting fed up working late into the night every night just to keep up with every thing. I must stress that I enjoy my job a lot.(When I am at work) I don't like coming home and working until 10.00pm or often later. I know most people who do this job work really long hours, I just don't like it.

                                Anyway today is day one again and I feel that I can be sober a day at a time forever.
                                New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!

