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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    urgirl: Ava urgirl:

    :cheering:inkele: 50 AF days deserve a happy dance! inkele::cheering:
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Newbies Nest

      lavande, sorry to hear that about your nephew's wife. 42 so young, I also send prayers to her for a full recovery. Life is precious and we should treat it that way. The more I am around this site the more I really realize this.


        Newbies Nest

        Ava, 50, yay! MyLuck...90 days...woohoo! Congratulations, my friends.

        Lav, so sorry to hear about your nephew's wife, prayers and positive thoughts on the way. These things do bring home how fortunate we are.
        Every AF day is a milestone.


          Newbies Nest

          MAE (again) Nesters!

          Found these beaded enamel mugs for our coffee this morning - unbreakable, but careful, they BURN - ask me!

          Lav, I hope your nephew's wife recovers fully.

          Happy Postman, how did the road trip with TJ go?

          Have a wonderful AF Sunday, Nesters!
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            Newbies Nest

            Good Morning all!

            Thanks ByrdLady. Day 13 is now in the bag thanks to ALL the support were getting here! TJ is still in awe at what she has managed to achieve and continues to be positive. One day at a time is still crucial to our plan.

            DreamThinkDo. Love the mugs perfect for my morning cup(s) of coffee while browsing the forums! Are they for sale?
            Yes road trip was an adventure. A simple formula that's worked well so far. A little drive, have a coffee, chat, hug and reflect on whats been achieved so far. Perfect. No stress allowed and keeps TJ in a possitve frame of mind. Until some idiot starts hi beaming us and driving around us! Freaked us both. Really could have put us back to Day 1. But were calm again and now on Day 14!!! We will not be stopped.

            Thanks Little Beagle. The advice about anything to keep busy is so true. Simple but true!

            Lav. Sorry to hear your sad news, it really is frightening that unpredictable events really don't care when they show up to ruin our days. A speedy recovery is wished to your Nephews Wife.

            Ava. Another inspiration to us all. Keep up the good work 50 Days AF!!

            Good luck all for an AF Sunday


              Newbies Nest

              Good MAE Nesters!! Beautiful cups, DO! Thanks for the warning-- I surely would have burned my lips! So today we're having fruit salad with yoghurt and brownies on the side. Can you believe it? I also have some delicious bread to toast with PB&J.

              AVAILABLE!! Congrats on 50 days AF!:h Amazing story with your daughter--perfect timing (if she had to get sick) to show you what you're gaining in this new chance at life. Last night as I was saying goodnight to my 12 year old, she wrapped her arms around me and said, "I love you so, so, so, so, much mama!". Though my girls are younger and we haven't really talked about my not drinking anymore, they definitely notice the difference.

              Lav, thank you for sharing about your Nephew's wife. Reminders to all of us.

              HP&TJ today must be day 14! Great job on getting 2 weeks under your belt. Where did you go for your outing yesterday? The weather here is not in any way inviting-- but I might make it to the video store later.

              NS, thank you for posting the One Crafty Mother site again-- I will have time today to have a look. I love what she said about surrendering. It's exactly how I feel right now. I was thinking I also need to find some AF friends. My friends respect my decision not to drink, but they drink themselves-- and I would like to have some people in my life that have chosen not to drink.

              Pavati, :l Thank you

              Big hello to Moretoit, Byrdie, Jim, Hyper, Ican!, Jane (I liked what you said about AL playing all innocent! DAMN AL!), Star, Fin-- and everyone else flying into the Nest today. Let's have a wonderful sober Sunday!!


                Newbies Nest

                x-post HP&TJ-- sounds like a lovely outing! Hope you have a great day..


                  Newbies Nest

                  Greetings Nesters!

                  Lavande, I am so sorry to hear about your nephew's wife. Life is certainly something to value.
                  Ava congrats on 50 days
                  TJ two weeks is fab
                  Life Change I do get what you mean about surrender, when I was sober for more than three years that was the attitude that I had.

                  I loved what you wrote a while back about everything clicking into place and flowing when sober, the positive feeling is so lovely, there is a sense of limitless possibilities, when I drank recently that horrible dark negativity descended very quickly.

                  Thank you to Fat Fella
                  and Hypernova
                  for your kind messages, I still see myself as a quad as on that 28th Dec day I did so much thinking and planning about my sober journey, so it is still a significant date for me. Hello also to Winter Walk
                  hope you are doing well.

                  I treasure all the sober days I have had . The bottom line is I am free if I am sober, there are endless possibilities ........ not just physical things but new thoughts and new attitudes. New ways of being. So whatever happens I will not drink, the time to be most on my guard is driving home from work (however much work I still have to do I will drive past the off license. ) Also I know that booze does not really soften the working load as after one or two hours it slows me down so much it becomes counter productive. Also it dulls my creativity.

                  One of the things that makes me more willing to work at home in the eves is to break it up with little "treats" be it stretching exercises, a bubble bath, listening to a piece of music, coming on this forum for a few mins....... all these things help it seem less daunting.

                  Sorry to write such a long, rather self indulgent post, but am trying to sort myself out and give myself strategies.

                  Happy sober Sunday everyone, once again thanks for all the support.

                  Darkest Diamond xx
                  New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


                    Newbies Nest

                    MAE to Everyone,

                    I haven't been here for a few days; the heatwave in Melbourne was horrible. Thanks Little Beagle for your supportive words; I really am a sook when it comes to hot weather! I even had thoughts of al, and have made a mental note that hot weather is a "red flag" situation, where i'll need to be extra vigilant.

                    Lavande, sorry to hear about your nephew's wife; what a shock for your family. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

                    Available, congratulations on your achievement, and well done to everyone else racking up good days. :goodjob:

                    best wishes to all Nesters,
                    love Steady
                    AF free since April 29, 2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      lovely sunny day here in London and what am I doing............. working, so utterly sick of this, got to get another job!
                      New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters,

                        Bitterly cold here - wish I could send you some of this cold air Steady!
                        I'm not a fan of extreme heat either.

                        CONGRATS on 50 AF days Available! Being totally present for your family is a wonderful gift
                        Myluck, I sure hope I congratulated you on your 90!!!

                        DD, I spent my whole life working shift work & that included weekends & holidays. I know how that drains a person, physically & emotionally. I hope something else with better hours opens up for you.

                        Thanks everyone for healing thoughts for my nephew's wife. I'm sure that her good general health & physical strength will help her in the rehab process. None of us ever know what's around the corner ~ that's for sure! I wish I could go visit but they live quite a distance away.

                        Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday. I am hosting an AL free dinner today for my daughter in honor of her 37th birthday & for her husband who is turning 40 on Wednesday - yikes!!!!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Lavande thanks for your reply I know I must sound like the biggest moaner in the world, I don't mind working at work, I enjoy most of it, even if I go in at 7.00am and stay until 7.00pm (which I do most week days). What I resent is then coming home and working until 10.00pm or a lot later and working at home at weekends. Grrrrrrrrr sod it going for a walk in sunshine now DD
                          New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


                            Newbies Nest

                            MAE all,
                            Off to train event. DH has been behaving so I figure he deserves a treat and hopefully out to dinner after. I deserve a treat too!! I am find int that dinner out is fine and I don't "need" wine to enjoy it. Seems funny tome that putting some time distance between last drink and now is making this easier and I dont feel deprived..I am very grateful to all of you ...
                            Have a wonderful AF Sunday!!

                            Newbie's Nest

                            Tool Box
                            AF 9.1.2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning, Nesters!
                              Dot Bell, getting that distance is so key in this whole just CAN'T see it until you have AL in your rear view mirror!

                              3 years ago today I had my last drink. I don' t even remember it. What I do remember is my husband packing his clothes and leaving. I remember crying in my bed and my dog being upset, too, knowing how wrong things were. 3 years ago was the worst day of my life.....As the song goes, it's always darkest just before dawn. I was faced with a HARD choice: give in to the addiction and succumb to it or fight for my sobriety and my husband. Believe it or not it was a HARD decision! I was about to adopt a lifestyle that would save my life and my marriage. I have never regretted ONE day of being sober. Free at last, but always vigilant. Get sober and stay sober! It is the best decision I could have made! AL has never done ME any favors, it is baggage I carried because I was afraid to be without it. I was afraid of what life would be like, how would I relax, how would I socialize, how would I unwind or celebrate? I do it the same way normal, happy people do it... Without a crutch! I experience happiness in a childlike way.....completely! I also feel sorrow. I FEEL....and it feels great! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Wow Byrdlady you are truly an inspiration to us all! Not to long from now and I might have been facing the same situation. What a journey you have been on and the fact that you do not regret any of the last three years is amazing. I am so thankful that you have stayed on the newbie thread to help us all out. It was while I was lurking that you, and many others, gave me the courage to say no to alcohol. It was all a leap of faith but now I am glad I did it thanks so much! 7 days today!

