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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    HP, TJ, Pavati, Dream,
    Thanks for your encouraging words. You are right 4 is better than none. It's kind of interesting, I haven't said anything to my husband about not drinking. I just haven't been. Last night when I got myself a cup of tea and he poured himself a beer he looked at me and asked me if I was okay with him drinking beer and if it was going to bother me and if it was he wouldn't drink.

    It really surprises me he even noticed I wasn't drinking. The only thing different is I set my teacup where I would have usually set my wineglass.


      Newbies Nest

      That's really sweet Cherokeer. It's nice he's noticing you efforts and wants to be supportive.


        Newbies Nest

        Jane, that's erm, wow. Thank you for sharing.


          Newbies Nest

          Jane, that coworker.... wow. That's really, really low, hoping someone will continue to self destruct so she can keep getting what she wants... just wow. Congratulations on getting OUT.


            Newbies Nest

            Jane, My daughter got married last June. It was almost ta single handed event. I made all the flowers, decorations, paid for a half of the wedding, bought my daughters wedding dress & accessories, put on her bridal shower (her bridesmaids and maid of honor sucked) all the while working 40+ hours and pulling 80 hours of on-call in addition to that. All with no help. I was trying so hard to make that experience beautiful for my daughter. I wanted to beat her bridesmaids with my elbows as well as the grooms worthless family. She was so stressed out and tearful all the time.

            She was so worried about everything. I think if I got 25 hours sleep a week during that time I was doing good. I was close to hallucinating at times. But I would do it all over again. My daughter had a beautiful wedding. She looked like a fairy princess. My only words of encouragement.... it will be over one day soon. Just love her through it, Mama. She is taking a huge leap and it is emotional for her. Not to mention how emotional it is for you watching your little girl grow and be getting married. Just breathe, one day at time. I'm sending you some positive energy, hang in there sister.


              Newbies Nest

              The first part for Jane got erased. It was supposed to say Jane, I'm jealous.

              Then Gracie,......


                Newbies Nest

                Darn wine, darn me

                Ok, so i have been doing pretty well. I thought i could moderate but last night Im thinking no. I got a bottle of chardonay, turned on the bachelor, ate dinner. woke up on the couch, passed out. had to drag myself up to bed. woke up realizing, i am sliding into the old habit again!!! Ugg. so today i start day 1 agian. taking the kudzu, st johns wart and most of all, starting up on the cd's again!!!
                wish me luck
                ?Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.?

                ― John Wayne


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Mershellrn

                  Sorry to see you having to start over.

                  We don't judge here. We're all here to help you get through this one day at a time.

                  So on we go.


                    Newbies Nest

                    I am here, starting out all over again for the umpteenth time. I have only posted once here, and then disappeared because I thought AA would help, but so far no luck. I think I am having a hard time with the whole higher power thing. Or maybe I just wasn't ready, was still in denial, thought I (my alcoholic demon side) could continue to get away with it. Until recently, I made an ass of myself in public, for the first time, and hubs said he's never seen me drink a lot before (which means I was really hiding it well).


                      Newbies Nest

                      Yellow and Meshell,
                      Welcome to the start over crew. I am on day 4. There is no shame in trying to reclaim your life. Keep at it. I totally caved last Friday on my birthday. My husband is the reason I started trying to change my drinking. It was ruining our marriage. I was drinking at my husband (as a wise one pointed out to me) I said some awful things while hammered. Anger came out about things I didn't even know I was angry about. I realized if I kept going on this road I was going to lose my husband and possibly be that person my children might not want to be around. I have to change, change is hard. If I fall down, my stubborn ass is going to get back up again.

                      Hang in there friends, peace and strength to you!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Recently my husband ask me why I still need MWO after 9 months. I need MWO to keep me on track, to have someplace to turn to when I feel the stress mounting.
                        Posts like Poppy's to remind me of how bad drinking felt. The waking in blind fear made me FEEL that anxiety that accompanied those drinking binges.
                        Byrdies inspirational posts. It feels like she knows what I am thinking and just says the right thing to make me feel better.
                        The excitement of the Newbies as their days start to add up. Its like sharing Christmas morning with a child. All new and magical again
                        To see people like Dottie and Bhalo finally reach that 100 day goal.
                        And finally I fear complacency. I am afraid to take all I have accomplished for granted and that doesn't happen when I am busy helping others.
                        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello Nesters!

                          Poked my head in as I knew No Sugar has a milestone coming up and wanted to hang around to send her a big virtual hug. I'll pull up a branch.
                          10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                            Newbies Nest

                            LB - good point about MWO. I need it for the same reason. Well said.
                            AF since 10/20/2013
                            Smoke free since 09/24/2007
                            Meat free since 09/20/2008
                            With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


                              Newbies Nest

                              YellowBrickRoad;1616628 wrote: I am here, starting out all over again for the umpteenth time. I have only posted once here, and then disappeared because I thought AA would help, but so far no luck. I think I am having a hard time with the whole higher power thing. Or maybe I just wasn't ready, was still in denial, thought I (my alcoholic demon side) could continue to get away with it. Until recently, I made an ass of myself in public, for the first time, and hubs said he's never seen me drink a lot before (which means I was really hiding it well).
                              Alcoholism is a biochemical disease, recovery from which requires time and abstention from drinking alcohol.

                              Many find the concept of a higher power useful but it is not a requirement. Acceptance of your situation, belief that you can recover and patience with yourself and the process will do just fine.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Welcome Yellow and Roxane and good to see you Meshell, I'mStrong!

                                Jane, what a post! I want to be you when I grow up! I have been at my job 26 years and I make less money every year...the stress is thru the roof, and the company has lost all civility.
                                i am getting to the point of giving them an anatomy lesson.

                                Cherokeer, 4 days in OUR world is huge! When I was starting out I would have killed for 4 thing you know, you'll be getting mooned like I'm about to do for Gracieb!


                                Great job on getting 7 days behind you! You have mastered every single day the week can throw at you! keep up the streak!! We are so proud of you!

                                Moretoit...I wish I could let you borrow my 3 years for a day or two.... Once you get some distance form AL you will wonder WHY the HELL you nearly gave up life and limb to make it fit into your life! You would wonder how you could see so many people you love suffering from this debilitating disease and even consider drinking again. WHY did I put myself and the people I love thru such agony? This is the gift of hindsight. I wish you would give your AF self a fighting chance to heal! You will be amazed at how much BETTER life is without booze! It really is worth it... You know in your heart of hearts what the answer is, you have been around here long enough to see what damage AL does. I hope you will stick with us! I is worth it. Byrdie

                                Edit to add, my email notifications worked until about 3 months ago, and when I use the icon menu, it locks up my computer, thanks to NoSugar, I have the way to make them appear without clicking the icon.
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

