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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Just checking in to see how we're all doing, we're all living and learning I guess,:l

    Excited about my London trip tomorrow but now worried that I might just slip and have that one beer that'll lead to more and more and end up with me running round London trying to get my hands on wine to take back to the hotel after the club or wherever we end up.

    I'm going with good intentions but I can hear my mind already planning past the first couple of drinks, if I have that first one. Just need to stay strong and say no "I don't drink anymore you know" after the first few they won't notice it's a ginless gin and tonic I'm drinking.

    Anyway night all hope we all have a good day tomorrow/ tonight where ever we are:l:l

    Just taking it day by day.......


      Newbies Nest

      Evening everyone
      Sorry didn't check in earlier, had a bit of a 'flat' day just not in good form so prob will just go to bed and wake up perkier tomorrow!
      MG, sounds like you have a great friend there - lucky you, it should make things easier to have someone to lean on a bit. You sound very strong and happy.
      LIS, Lucky you going to London tomorrow, like you say, its only the first one to say no to. Good luck with the trip.
      Goodnight to all else here
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        Happyto report today's snowstorm didn't amount to much

        Mama Bear, hope you are having a strong day.

        MG, congrats to you on your 3 AF days, that's terrific! Please carefully follow the instructions you were given for reducing your Valium dosage - you don't want to run into any problems with that. Keep up the good work!

        HC, I'll take the MWO addiction any day!!!!!

        Sunni, glad to hear you have work coming in - my business has been very slow since the holidays. Check in when you can!

        LIS, enjoy your trip to London with a clear head, take pictures, have fun!

        Molly, hoping for a better day tomorrow for you - we all have down days from time to time!

        Wishing a safe & cozy night to all - the night light is on!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Phew feeling a billion times better today!

          Hi Everyone,

          Thanks for the support since my fall. Well I'm AF2 today. Hoping to surpass my AF15 this time around.

          Wow it was nice not having a hangover today. Did a double workout and think I sweated out most of the alcohol from Sunday (one workout was for work and one was for me).

          Hippy - Love the video idea. Yesterday was definitely a horror flick on hangover pain.

          Kids are a little wild right now so I must go and get them to bed. Hubby is at curling tonight so I'm on my own.

          Then a hot bath, a good book and back to my sparkling peach!

          Talk to you all tomorrow when I have more time.


            Newbies Nest

            Spam - "A bump does nothing for your swing." - I think I know what you mean - I have a few bumps in my swing. Never had to swing around one though. Let me know if I can help with your lessons - I've been meaning to fly down to Oz for the winter.

            MG - "I am thinking about maybe trying to excersise or do something else proactive to stay busy today. Maybe go to a Barnes and Noble and get a coffee, look around, I used to enjoy that before I couldn't do anything where they didn't have a bar." You must be one coordinated lady if you can exercise on three valium! But you've got the right idea MG, keep your spirits high - you sound great! And isn't it great to get the support from your friend.

            You too Hippy - I wish I could figure out the social equation.

            "Couch to fridge" is a start toward the 5k. I think I saw the Couch to 5k program on under 'Running'. It's a program that takes a newbie up to race-shape in about six weeks. Mine took longer - maybe 'cause I run slow. Ha. For us k-impaired Americans 5k is about 3.1 miles.

            LIS - "Just need to stay strong and say no "I don't drink anymore you know" after the first few they won't notice it's a ginless gin and tonic I'm drinking." - You've got it Leave! You already know you have the strength to do this!

            Hi Mollyka - hope tomorrow's perkier for ya!

            Hi Sunni and Lav!

            MamaBear - like Lav said - a bump in the road is something to learn from.

            Meech - So glad you're back on board.

            Take care all!
            Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


              Newbies Nest


              Hello to all. Just popping in to ask if anyone knows what's up with Fluff. I noticed a couple of days ago she hadn't posted since the 10th of Feb. Last post was about a snow storm hitting the mid-Atlantic. That was it. I PM'd her but haven't got an answer yet. Does anyone know if she's okay??
              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                Newbies Nest

                I have asked the same question myself - haven't seen her here and she hasn't posted to her journal. Hope she's okay.

                Leave - hope you have a great trip - that's always something to look forward to. Stay strong and you will be okay. (Lots of supp's and AF liquids!)

                Molly, hope you are feeling better - today is a new day right? and if you are waking up without a hangover - then it's even better!

                Meech - so glad you are doing better - it's amazing how great you feel after feeling so bad. Sometimes I think we need that (someone else said it was a "wakeup call") and remembering that awful feeling might help you if you are tempted again. Sure made me think twice the last time.

                Lav - not much snow for us either (yea!)

                Tranq - did you get some snow yesterday or did I hear incorrectly when listening to the news? Maybe it was Ohio? Oh well - I was only half listening - getting dinner, etc.

                I've been having trouble getting into some of the threads from my home computer - specifically this one. My computer is old and believe it or not - we still have dial up! I know, you are thinking "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" We live out in the boonies and right now, short of putting another dish on our roof, that's all that is available. Such a pan in the a&%!

                Well, it's hump day! Hope everyone has a safe, AF, wonderful day!

                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Moring Nesters,

                  Happy Humpday
                  The sun is out, think we'll have some melting action today - yay!!!

                  I wonder where Fluff is - hope she's OK!

                  Jolie, I had to deal with dial up for a year after we moved here to cowville too! It's a serious pain in the a$$ especially when you work from home. We pestered Armstrong cable company until they agreed to install cable on our road. Every household in the area immediately signed up Give them a call!!

                  Wishing everyone a terrific AF day, I'll be back later

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning All
                    Happy Hump Day!!
                    Got my book and all my supplements in the mail last night.....
                    Gotta read up and get started.....I am psyched
                    Smooches Pooches from sunny but freezing North Florida
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Newbies Nest

                      Okay Mama Bear - so what would freezing be to you in Florida? just curious. Were the puddles frozen this morning? Not likely. Makes me giggle. Just teasing. :H Glad all your stuff arrived. Time for some great reading and good supplements.

                      Has anyone tried to send Fluff and private message? Maybe I'll do that if I can figure it out. Kind of worried like the rest of you. Maybe she's on a sober holiday? hope all is well.

                      Well working on Day 3AF today. I am feeling pretty confident although witching hour hasn't arrived yet. It's a little bittersweet knowing I could be on Day 18 - but I guess I did 15 - slip - working on Day 3! Must think positive. Sorry to be a bit of a downer there.

                      Married Girl 29 - so are you working on AF4 today? Good job on getting through those first 3 tough days. Keep strong!

                      Glad the sun is shining and melting things Lav! :sun:
                      It was terrilbly dreary here this morning but the sun is out now and lifting the spirit and energy levels.

                      To all you runners. awesome job. I have been a coach and personal trainer for about 20 years and specifically a running coach for the last 6 years. go slow build up a good base. Go figure - What a hypicritcal life I have led...I have had to run with work so many times hungover and it SUCKS. No more of that I say! Imagaine what physical feats you can accomplish AF free!
                      Good job to you and everyone excercising out there. God gave us a body to move.

                      Kill the Beast and Hug yourself!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hellooooo Nestlings (insert regal wave)

                        Weird day here.. weather wise.. every time I look outside it's something different. From brilliant sunshine to *that nasty four letter 's' word* Oh well. When that sun is out, the melting begins, though... a GOOD sign! Eh, Lav? I bet you are as eager as I am to get out and play in the dirt (some call it gardening).

                        Anyways... Just a quick fly-by.. much ado about everything, especially since I'm off to the big smoke tomorrow.

                        Hope you are all having a grand hump day - be strong, safe and sneak in a smile when you can
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning All

                          Just a quick check in before heading off to work. Going into day 5 for me today and feeling good. The mental merry go round with al gets a tad tiring and I feel like it wearing me down quite a bit. Am looking forward to that becoming easier.

                          Anyway, Lis Molly Lav Meech Tranq Stirl Jolie Mama Suns and everyone else, I hope you all have a great af day/night and enjoy the freedom!
                          Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi everyone

                            Hello and sorry for not posting in a couple of days. My first AF day was supposed to be monday but I didnt manage that but I got there today so am happy to have begun a least...

                            LIS i hope you have a great trip to London and I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

                            Mama Bear I am excited for you getting your supplies. Hope it's all making sense to you. Big encouraging hug from your sis:yougo:

                            Molly, I had a grump on for a couple days so maybe we can blame it on the air around here:H Anyway, hope you wake up to a happy thursday!

                            Best of luck to you all and take care


                              Newbies Nest

                              Another 'new-be' for the nest


                              Just exploring the site and thought I would drop in. I have just about completed day 2 - not quite sure if I am in the right place. Feeling pretty good, but putting off going to bed.
                              Anyone out there?


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning everyone. Trying to get motivated to get ready for work. Blah!
                                Been seeing my relationship thru sober eyes lately and not sure it's what I want to see. I didnt realise how much my husband drinks (I know, I know... that's the pot calling the kettle black....). He has been telling me things that he swore he didnt tell me the previous night. He gets really argumentative and obnoxious and I just cant be bothered with it. It's not affecting me in the way that I want to have a drink, in fact it is the exact opposite. It reinforces my choice to stay sober. I just dont know what to do.
                                I also went and saw my parents last night - my mum doesnt drink, my father drinks her share and then some!! (He taught me well). Seeing him with his drunk friends really opened my eyes... they were slurring and dribbling, it was revolting.
                                I wonder if I am becoming like a smoker who gives up - goes over the top with disliking others smoking/drinking...
                                Hi Red Eye and welcome. You are in the right place. Lots of people here that know what you are going thru. Just ask us anything. Keep popping in here as I find it the best thing to keep me on track. Take care.
                                Gotta get up and out the door. Try and find my happy face.
                                Til next time. Hippy Chick
                                I finally got it!
                                "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah

