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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    MAE Nesters

    For the guys, as promised yesterday...

    Ican, good to see you back - and that you're not even counting days any more!

    Pav, join the hippies - desperate times, desperate measures and all that... (and then report back on Softy's hippy thread)

    HP and TJ, it's almost like re-negotiating life, isn't it, with distractions popping up in all sorts of unexpected places. Well done on resisting them!

    Star - :yay: on seven days!

    Myway, the fact that we're AF doesn't means that life stops being life; we used to lean on Al to cope with feeling down, and now that that is out of the equation, the downs feel deeper. I know that the very last thing you want to hear is somebody telling you to do something - especially when you can't seem to get going - but any form of activity is the one thing that will help you to feel better.

    NoS and LB :l:l:l.

    On a downhill slope to Friday Nesters, so have a lovely AF Thursday!
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Newbies Nest

      morning Nesters! NS, LB, hope you both feel better today! :l:l

      It's been a busy week for me, sorry I haven't checked in here much. It's so good to see so many days being racked up. It's been a great week for me so far, work wise, socially, and family wise.

      It's great to see all the AL free days being racked up in the Nest, long may it continue!
      Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


        Newbies Nest

        HP and TJ checking in on a cold Thursday morning.

        We are all ready for Day 18. TJ is working and I'm making appointments for next week and fixing the Mini-Me Funbalance for the next road trip! You can't drink and drive so it works for us!

        So many nesters old and new making great progress thanks to everyone here! Everybodys got someones back on this. Teamwork will win in the end..

        Roxanne. Welcome back? Lets see how we can help to give you the strength to fight the fight. We are all behind you. I hope you sorted out your email alerts.

        Cherokeer. Keep it up, were with you all the way. One day at a time. And now it seems with added support at home. Your husband will get you through the squeaky bum times! That's my job with TJ and so far were doing OK.

        Gracieb. Good to have you here! 7 days is fantastic. Keep it up!

        Mershellrn. Hope your still managing to stay strong with us here.

        YellowBrickRoad. So here you go again with the whole community behind you. TJ feels similar to yourself about AA. It just seems to add additional anxiety. Which is a bad thing. And we don't like bad things getting in the way of our positivity!

        Mywayin. This is the place to be when your feeling down. We are all lucky that there are so many friends helping us on our way!

        And last but not least before I get busy. Big thanks to Byrdie, DreamThinkDo and Pavati. Kind encouraging words from you all. I know TJ will appreciate them later when she finishes work.

        Everybody have a good AF Thursday!


          Newbies Nest

          Hello Nest! I'm so happy to be hear and read everyone's posts today. I see lots of positive things happening here in the Nest. I'm here for my afternoon accountability check in.

          I have to be honest and tell you all that I had a slight slip up last night. As I was looking through a kitchen cabinet where I keep all of olive and cooking oils, I found a bottle of wine that I must have stashed and forgotten about. Without thinking, I put the bottle to my lips took a sip... and immediately had a gag reflex, almost like my body was saying "NO"!!! I quickly went to the sink and poured out the remaining contents of the bottle, then tried to identify WHY I didn't do that in the first place? I think that it is as I said earlier, I was NOT thinking properly, and if I was than I would not have thought it was a good idea to drink the wine. This just goes to show how powerful the lure and control of AL is and that it will be a fight everyday, even when I'm very motivated to quit. So I'm calling today Day 1 because of that mistake, but I'm proud of myself that I did POUR IT OUT and not drink the remainder of the bottle.

          I'll be in the Nest a few times today, keeping my head screwed on straight. Right now I'm off to cook a healthy lunch (blackened chicken, salad with cucumbers, baby tomatoes, feta cheese and basil olive oil).

          Much love and strength to you all today!
          Would you like you, if you met you?


            Newbies Nest

            IMO i wouldnt call a sip a slip and go back to day one. but you do and thats what matters. i would have thought ' oh well, hang for a sheep'.

            email alerts still not working, does anyone know how i contact support about it?

            thanks for the welcome hp and tj.


              Newbies Nest

              Mein I'm glad you are so determined.
              Pav a naked rain dance. How funny. I am going to have a funny to think about today.
              GLad to see you doing so great Ican.
              I feel good today. Nothing like a good nights sleep.
              No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                Newbies Nest

                Available, good for you for standing (sitting) strong!
                At first I used to say I do usually drink wine, but I'm on a low carb diet and not drinking for that reason. This is not really a big lie as I am usually on some kind of diet anyway. The last couple of times I said that I'm a non-practising alcoholic. Everyone and I then go ha-ha and bob's your uncle. So far so good.
                But like you, I have the exact same thoughts on how wonderful it would be to enjoy a drink like regular person do. But I know I can't, and the more I'm on MWO the more I am grateful that there are others out there exactly like me. That is such a comfort.
                Good luck to all of you out there; at least we are not alone in this strange boat.
                AF since 28 October 2013
                600 days on 20 June 2015


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning Nesters,

                  I like that attitude of gratitude giraffe
                  It has kept me solidly on my AF path for nearly 5 years now.

                  Mein, some behaviors are habitual.....see a bottle, pick it up.
                  With fierce determination, go thru your kitchen & the rest of your house for that matter & get rid of any more bottles hanging around. Do it consciously so your psyche knows this is business!!!
                  You can develop new & healthier habits, I did

                  Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest


                    Gracie - A lot (most) of people come here with the pipe dream that some day they can moderate. Unfortunately, that is just not possible for an alcoholic. Believe me, I tried EVERYTHING under the sun to make it happen. All that happened is that I drank harder than ever knowing I was "limiting" myself the next day. Drinking is such hard WORK! From planning it, to doing it, to hiding it the day after....I was finally able to quit when not drinking became easier than drinking. And now, I rarely get a craving, but when I do, I know exactly where to come...right here!!!

                    Oh I agree with you K9Lover. I do not even want to try to moderate. I read Rational Recovery a few years ago and it was the first time I started to see that the chatter in my head that wants me to continue drinking is not me. I was able to quit with that method a couple times, once for three months and another for a year using his addictive voice recognition method alone. I know it only wants to get one of it's soldiers (one drink) inside the castle (me) so it can use that breech to gain entrance to the whole castle, take over and run me through the mud once more. I know for me, moderation is a losing game. If I succeed, my addictive voice says "See! You're fine!" and then as I continue on it just waits for one little weakness, pushes it's way in and takes over. Or, if I'm already weak it just pushes in and takes over right off. All in all, the best safety is to keep the enemy soldiers OUTSIDE the castle! (Can you tell we recently had a spell of studying medieval history? lol.)

                    Congratulations Star!

                    HP and TJ, glad you kept your balance!

                    I read "Kick the drink easily" and thought it was pretty good. He sort of brain washes you after all the pages, repeating the same thing, but in a way that is good if it gets you in a right mind set.

                    That's what I figure-like reading a little bit each day will just reinforce my resolve for that day. Kind of like devotions. I did realize a couple weeks ago that part of my trouble is deep down I do believe I am missing out on a major "treat" that other people get to have and I don't. I am working on changing that core belief. It isn't a treat. I mean, really, it doesn't taste THAT good, the buzz is nice, but the nice part doesn't actually last that long. Then the rest of that time you're trying to recapture that initial feeling, or just avoid having to come out of it. (I hate that in between feeling, when the buzz is starting to wear off.) Is it really a treat? We ARE brainwashed! I have been brainwashed. It isn't all that great!

                    I feel like an abused girlfriend that's starting to get wise to the tricks going on... :P

                    Mywayin-I know it sounds cliche but staying in the now has really helped me with depression. Eckart Tolle (you can find lots of his stuff on Youtube for free) explained it in a way that I could finally "get". Also, a lot of times when I'm really depressed I find I need more nutrients. I used to be depressed a lot but I started using these two things about 6 months ago and they have helped me so much.

                    Mien-I don't think that should count either. You were ambushed and you stayed strong. :P

                    Still trying to figure out the quote thing...

                    Well, Thursday is under way, I'm going to go see if the coffee is done. Hope everyone stays safe and warm (or cool if you are down under.). Good day all. We can take this one!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning, Nesters...
                      GracieB, great post! That sums it all up!

                      Stay strong, everyone...back on your heads. XXOO, Byride
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Mae all,
                        1F here just crazy. Not going anywhere today.
                        So glad I am not drinking or this weather and being stuck inside would have been a drink fest..instead I am going to eat healthy and drink my can be done!

                        Newbie's Nest

                        Tool Box
                        AF 9.1.2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          My co-worker and I were just saying we were gonna do a rain dance! We left out the nekked part though, maybe that's the key to making it rain! It's worth a try right? LOL This drought is buggin' me big time, allergies, coughing, yard that is ALL dirt. I was thinking yesterday I would shave the cocker spaniel up to his knees so he doesn't drag in so much dirt. That visual was quite funny. lol

                          Gracie - great analogy with the soldiers and the castle...all it takes is ONE to breach the security...stay strong my friend!

                          Mein - I am so proud of you for pouring out that bottle. I wouldn't be too hard on won that battle. You can do this!
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            Newbies Nest


                            Good for you for getting past that moment. I'm a newbie -- day 2 for me. I'm also new to posting and forums etc but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it.

                            You all are so inspiring -- I don't feel alone anymore! I'll be checking in A LOT. This support is priceless.

                            Quick question -- does everyone take all the recommended supplements?

                            Thanks -- have a great day.
                            Mary Lou

                            A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                              Newbies Nest

                              Byrdlady;1617122 wrote: Star!!! 7 days??? Girl, you need a good mooning!! Here ya go!
                              STAR, This is not easy for anyone but I know that for you at this time is is an especially big accomplishment. I'm so happy for you :l.

                              Lavande;1617191 wrote:
                              NS, sorry to hear you are so stressed today. Sending you strength & a few hugs. I know you know what to do to remain solidly on your path :l
                              Lav, you were in my head a lot yesterday. (You know I do well with the no-BS advice that you and Kuya offer ) I tried to let go of thinking I could control other people's reactions and that it is my responsibility for everyone to be happy or at least comfortable. I also thought about how grateful I was that despite feeling awful, I did not consider having a drink (that option is off my table!) and was immediately and fully aware that it wouldn't help anyway. And for that I am so so so grateful!

                              Mein Sonnenschein;1617308 wrote:
                              Without thinking, I put the bottle to my lips took a sip... and immediately had a gag reflex, almost like my body was saying "NO"!!! I quickly went to the sink and poured out the remaining contents of the bottle, then tried to identify WHY I didn't do that in the first place? I think that it is as I said earlier, I was NOT thinking properly, and if I was than I would not have thought it was a good idea to drink the wine. This just goes to show how powerful the lure and control of AL is and that it will be a fight everyday, even when I'm very motivated to quit. So I'm calling today Day 1 because of that mistake, but I'm proud of myself that I did POUR IT OUT and not drink the remainder of the bottle.

                              I'll be in the Nest a few times today, keeping my head screwed on straight. Right now I'm off to cook a healthy lunch (blackened chicken, salad with cucumbers, baby tomatoes, feta cheese and basil olive oil).
                              First, I think I would like to share some meals with you - yum!

                              The sip was a mistake and the pouring out was an AWESOME ACCOMPLISHMENT! That took strength and determination.
                              Starting your count over is a good idea in my opinion - if your goal is to be completely AF, giving yourself a Mulligan (I know you're a golfer ) could lead to trouble on the next hole. That addicted voice will always give you an out if you let it. Congratulations on choosing to pour that poison down the drain!

                              :h NS


                                Newbies Nest

                                Well Hello, Mary Lou....good bye heart...Sorry, got lost in that song by Ricky Nelson, was it? Welcome! Day 2 is awesome around here!!
                                You will find a smorgasbord of us as it relates to the supplements...I didn't use any, but have heard nothing but good things about the Kudzu and L Glutamine. Some folks take some but not others, but I haven't heard any negatives about taking them...just positive stuff. Kuya will be along shortly, she wrote the book on them. I just wanted to let you know that it's all over the place as far as the supplements go.

                                NoSugar, congrats on your One Year Eve!! I am so excited for your celebration!!! Your Big Girl Panties are getting their finishing touches this afternoon, just in time for Awards tomorrow!! XXOO, Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

