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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters,

    I'm up way too early on yet another freezing cold morning thanks to one of my dogs, oh well. She's been out & is now back asleep, I'm not :H

    DD, your quit has to be the #1 priority in your life. You still sound so overwhelmed with your job. Please check in here before picking up another drink. We can & will help you break that cycle

    Greetings available, I see you online as well!!

    Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Hey Lav, dont you hate it when the dogs do their business and go back to their sleeping ways and thats it for us! Mine do know to sleep in on weekends.

      Always stalking Lav, keeps me out of trouble being on MWO and way too many drinking stories on fb with it being Australia Day here.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Newbies Nest

        Hi all - quick stop by today for me- my paper for school is due today at midnight, it will be fun day today this is my last class to complete my MBA :lordhelpme:
        AF since 10/20/2013
        Smoke free since 09/24/2007
        Meat free since 09/20/2008
        With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks for support, Lav I do feel utterly overwhelmed...... have spent nearly three hours so far on work trying to plan out stuff etc and got very little done ... I have stuck at it but it is so dam hard wish I could just walk away from this f****** job!!! Still have loads to do and do not want to work late into the night....not paid enough!! Fed up.
          New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


            Newbies Nest

            MAE all,
            DD I understand your frustration...I hated my job and they totally overworked and underpaid me..I had to get out before it killed me...literally.I think that job let to lots of my current health issues...stress is a killer and adding AL on top of it was so not good for me....please dont do that to yourself..
            17F to church then grocery..more snow on the way...aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh

            Newbie's Nest

            Tool Box
            AF 9.1.2013


              Newbies Nest

              Morning, Nesters!
              GracieB, great job on your getting thru the store with a cherry coke. Sometimes this thing we have (addiction) reminds me of my Chihuahua and her ball. When she is "in the Zone" of that ball, it's all she can think about. She will be fixated on it until someone throws it to her. She CANNOT think of another thing until that happens...unless you clap your hands or distract her in some way...then it breaks the cycle and she's ok again. Same thing when we start entertaining an AL thought and let it get legs...the next thing you know we are down the rabbit hole. Distracting yourself and pushing those thoughts out is HOW IT'S DONE! The cherry coke did it! I'm so happy for you.. You are on Day 13 now? That was a changing day for me...that's the day when I knew I could do this...and I never looked back! Well done on getting this far, the worst really is in your rear view mirror!!

              Cold as a witch's heart this morning. YUCK! I haven't felt my toes in 3 weeks. I miss them.

              Hope everyone has an easy day today!! XO, Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Good MAE, Nesters

                I'm having an extremely festive weekend (which isn't all about me but about a family member), but inside, I'm celebrating my year of sobriety . Thanks to all of you for your supportive posts and kind remarks. I mentioned in another thread that is really means something to be seen and heard here. So, thank you.

                AL was hanging out with us all day yesterday but believe it or not, that gets to be ok after awhile. I didn't sit by him or talk to him or even say I was glad he could attend and he totally left me alone. It doesn't seem like that will ever happen at the beginning but after awhile, it really does so stick with your plan!

                I love this quote from Ava -it is so true!:
                Your job is not worth your life and you deserve the best life you can give yourself.
                You can substitute anything
                that may cost you your life (literally or figuratively) for "Job", including your addiction. It was figuratively costing me my life and given the progressive nature of the problem, it may literally have done so, also.

                Have a great rest of your weekend or beginning of your week. More festivities today but AL isn't invited!


                  Newbies Nest

                  GracieB - Great job with the Cherry Coke. That was a good idea. I was looking back at my first posts (I STRONGLY recommend that to anyone who is wavering - conjure that feeling you were having your first day or two and you'll never want to go back!) Ava wrote this back then:

                  I don't want a drink but my AL brain is trying to coax me and I am ignoring it. Like a toddler saying "mum mum mum mum" and I am like shut the F*** up.

                  I'm with her on the posting mania. It helped (helps) me a lot to get everything out - it doesn't seem so bad.

                  DD - so sorry about your job. One thing is definitely true - drinking will only make it even more overwhelming. I didn't realize how foggy my brain was from alcohol until I got some good distance from it. Everything is more clear now - hard things are still hard, but they seem more manageable, or at least I can get them done with a little more ease. Come here and post if you feel like drinking.

                  I am ready for another day of helping my son with his school work. Happy I am not hungover today or the struggles I am sure we will have would have been worse.

                  Hope you all have a happy, sober Sunday.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning Nest, Trying to stay warm in the midwest!!

                    The past few days I've been busy & I've not had the desire to drink. For some reason (maybe the downtime), I'm feeling tempted so, I'm posting to ride out that craving. I've made it a week and I don't want to go back to day 1!!!

                    No Sugar, your post is amazing. Congratulations on 1 year! I look forward to really participating in life again.

                    DD, in Spring of 2013, I stopped drinking for about 2 months (don't ask why I started again, I guess I just thought I could control it). I know that definitely helped my job performance and during that time I landed a new job. I can relate to an awful, stressful, insane workplace and I definitely drank to deal with it. Starting the day with a hangover really did not help a bad situation. Just take care of yourself and don't compromise your health for your job.

                    Take Care,


                      Newbies Nest

                      HI all HP and TJ checking in.

                      So may inspiring milestones reached by so many of us in the last couple of days.

                      All of us can be inspired, energized and re-energized during our darkest hour. There is always a light out there somewhere. We just need to find it either on our own or with the help of our fellow nesters! Who never let us down!:thanks:

                      Congrats to Roxanne. Your doing great. Keep it up!
                      Mein- You're amazing. You managed to win that mini war and you carried on fighting. Good to have you here still!
                      Gracieb- Cherry coke saved the day! Well done on making Day 12 AF!
                      Marylou- Welcome your among many friends here that are only to willing to help you reach your goal.
                      Cherokeer- It's good that we are still here! We will get there. Yeah work does suck sometimes but things can always be worse can't they? Stay strong.
                      Darkest- I read you posts and just feel like crying too. I wish i hand a magic wand to make it all better. I'll keep looking for the wand. Stay strong with us till then.
                      Maji- the 'old' me has to die to allow the 'new' me to emerge' I remember speaking with TJ and using this type of statement. Its so true that an AF TJ is the one we need to save.
                      Bastet-An inspiring post. Family mean everything don't they. Knowing that they're proud of your achievement makes it even better. Well done. TJ has two sons who are surely proud of her efforts to win back her life.
                      Jane27 20 days AF. A massive well done to you.
                      Rivergal and Eloise- Just do it. Go get yourself you party hats. You've earned them! 30 days AF!!
                      Fat fella. All those days (30?) add up quickly when your determined and you've got the support here to back you up.
                      Poppy-I like the idea of a 100 Day AF reward. Every single day is a major achievment but when a major milestone is reached surely we deserve a little extra? How are you gonna celebrate Poppy?

                      Everybody have a happy AF Sunday evening.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Well Done TJ!

                        HP checking back in to finish congratulating everyone.

                        I just posted to what feels like the whole community cause you are all doing great! Keep it up!

                        So now I'm back to congratulate someone very special to me.


                        Today TJ will reach her 21st Day AF!:happy:

                        What started out 3 weeks ago as 'Have decided to do the 7 day sober thing. I have no expectations but will take it one day at a time' is gathering momentum every day.

                        It doesn't matter how long it takes us to get TJ there.
                        How many hugs it takes to get there.
                        However many road trips we need to take.
                        How many miles we will travel together.
                        How many cups of coffee we drink!
                        We are in this together till we win.
                        I will not quit trying to get TJ where she wants to get to.
                        I'm here for her.
                        Our new best friend Lulu is here for her.
                        All the community(Yes All of you reading this) are here for her too.
                        And we brought Molly along too!

                        It is really amazing to see someone make such a huge change in their life.Ive never been through anything that is this emotionally rewarding. TJ is slowly changing before my very eyes. Ive seen the lowest of lows and knew that i wanted to help even when I probably didn't have a clue how to do that. Luckily for me TJ guided me here as she thought it was the answer to her prayers. Maybe, Just maybe it will be! Thank you everyone.:thanks:

                        I'm just the inbuilt support that joined the party.I've got her back on this.
                        But thanks for everything you've all done for us. We wouldn't of got this far on our own.

                        TJ is the one making this all happen. She is such a strong individual.

                        I'm so proud and just wanted to send this message to her on this special day.:l

                        So on we go. One day at a time. We will see you all again tomorrow.

                        Well Done again


                          Newbies Nest

                          Wow, great job HP and TJ! 21 days is a real milestone!!
                          I'm sorry, but I can't seem to find out your circumstance, are you and TJ going AF together? Do you also have 21 days? We don't have many folks posting on others' behalf...and I had quite a bit going on lately, I'm sure I missed and TJ are doing this together? Sorry to be a boob, but alas....I'm just so happy for the 21 days, it only gets better from there, too!
                          So many heading into their 30 day milestones! Jane and Tree!! In the coming days we can look forward to lots of inspiring speeches! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            DD- I too have a very stressful job where I am the second in command. And there are a lot of policies and procedure we have to abide by, and things are changing all the time. When I was drinking I totally ruminated about work ALL THE TIME! Even when I would go to bed it would be dreams or half-sleep about work. So glad to give it a rest!
                            :earth: Tree23


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey Tree!!! GREAT to see you, I was just leaving something on roll call...I am so proud of you, too!
                              I tell you, in our world, this is big! Did you think in a hundred years you'd be giving advice on a NO DRINKING forum??? Life is crazy!! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Congrats TJ on 21 days, it is a huge achievement and HP if you are not drinking and just a friend, man i want a friend like you. To see what that person is underneath the al is a beautiful thing and not only should TJ be congratulated you should also. For your unwavering support, for seeing the beauty buried deep within, for being focused on a persons sobriety, for knowing the life that she deserves and could not see. You are a wonderful sole.

                                Big hugs to you both and she is a wise woman to point you to MWO.
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

