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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Byrd, I am LOL. Thank you for the moons. And Miley, hats off to you too. MyLuck -- incredibly awesome.

    Much better day today - feels so good to smile sober. Week 2, here we come.

    To all my peeps in cold weather, I hope it passes soon. I've been in FL 15 mos and don't miss the cold, snow, ice at all. Stay warm ANC cozy.

    Will post more tomorrow - happy dreams.
    Mary Lou

    A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


      Newbies Nest

      Available! Congratulations on your huge pair! OF MONTHS! You are really racking them up! We know you are standing up tall for this prize!
      We are busting with pride for you! Great job on these! Many more to come! PP
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        thanks so much Byrd, i love my big set of jugs and will wear them with pride. The days are just whizzing by and for now it is okay what life throws at me as i can do it alcohol free. I have no regrets being 60 days af compared to when i was pouring booze down my throat and every day was a regret.

        40 days to go until i can get to 100 and talk all your ears off.

        Thank you MWO, Byrd and Lav for being my nest mums, my prison wardens, my good cop bad cop, my support and for your ultimate wisdom and for your belief in me when i didnt.
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Newbies Nest

          Hi there everyone, I a kind of nervous about posting but just thought I need to get on and do it already :-)
          I'm scared and excited about the thought of giving up drinking, I just hope I can be more successful this time, than at the others times I've tried. I feel like alcohol controls me & not the other way around, and I want to break this dependency on it. Alcohol has caused me a lot of problems in recent years and I don't want to carry on with it any more, but man it's scary to think of a life without it. I'm a very anxious person & I used to love how drinking would chill me out, but these days it just makes my anxiety worse, plus I do stupid stuff & make an idiot of myself when drinking. I'm also scared of it making me physically ill. The longest I've ever gone alcohol-free is 17 days, which may not sound very impressive, but I thought that was quite an achievement. My partner really thinks it's time I made some effort to cut down or quit the alcohol, so here I am guys. Back to Day 1 & ready & willing to give it a(nother) shot. Any advice or encouragement is most welcome x


            Newbies Nest

            Roller Girl - :welcome:

            You have come to a place of love and support. I celebrate day 7 today thanks to the wonderful people here. Read through as many threads as you can - you will soon learn we (MWO) all have similar stories. There are many wise senior members here that share their wisdom. I can't tell you how many stupid things I did when I was drunk - and that's just what I can remember! I'm rooting for you. We all are.
            Mary Lou

            A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


              Newbies Nest

              Thank you Marylou it's great to know there are other people out there going through the same stuff, and congratulations on Day 7 Today is tough as I'm hungover and "rattling" with the anxiety a bit (yes I am that stupid I prepared to start my period of abstinence today by... getting smashed last night, d'oh!), but reading around on here & taking my time to follow threads has helped me a lot, plus the success stories are very inspiring. I really want to be one!


                Newbies Nest

                MAE, All:

                MyLuck - 100 is a remarkable feat. I posted on your birthday thread, but CONGRATULATIONS!

                MaryLou and Miley one week is amazing. As K9 told me, now you've been through every day of the week sober.

                Dottie Belle!! 150 and some flying underpants. What could make for a better Tuesday? Thanks for everything you add here - hope the girls are treating you well today!

                Ava, my friend, you know I'm close to catching you. You're on Australia time, so I still have two American days, but you know that I am riding your wind as you fly along the sober path.

                Roller Girl - One thing I've learned here is that alcohol only controls you if you let it. As long as you can say no and not pour any down your throat, you are the one with the power. You give up that power and control by drinking. Yes, sometimes easier said than done, but amazingly true. I was afraid to get sober and live life without my buddy alcohol, honestly and truly afraid. That fear kept me from acting for too long. Now that I am 58 days sober I can say that the fear was unfounded - completely. I still have friends, go out and have fun - I celebrate, mourn, complain, rejoice, cry, laugh, love - all of it! I just do it without the mask of alcohol on. Does it feel different? Yes. Does it feel bad? No. It feels great to experience life with a clear windscreen and full presence. Read through the tool box, and rather than wanting this to work, make it work by devising a plan and sticking to it. It really can be done - just look at all of the high numbers around here. Ok, I think I'm done. You should know that I am prone to loquacious posts - they are for me as much as for you. It is good for me to remember all of those things as well.

                All of you in the crazy cold, stay warm, and vice versa. Remember - you're all thinking RAIN for us - still a 30% chance for the next two days. Sleep tight, nesters.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks Brydie for the award....they are just beautiful!!
                  Thanks Pav for the congrats....
                  I feel so darn good and grateful for ALL of you!!!!!!!!

                  Newbie's Nest

                  Tool Box
                  AF 9.1.2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Pavati, thanks for your input, it must be a lovely feeling to be where you are
                    I am off to check out the toolbox right now


                      Newbies Nest

                      My mother died 5 years ago today..last year I was in a total wine did not bring her back nor did it help this year I am not repeating the same.....too cold to even go to the cemetery today...the year she died we couldn't bury her because the ground was frozen....but I do miss her, she had a long life...she was 91 when she died to that is pretty darn good....stubborn Irish lady...maybe I am like her in that way....have her temper too...or so I have been told....;-))

                      Newbie's Nest

                      Tool Box
                      AF 9.1.2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        it is great you are so busy handing out these awards!! Congrats to you Dottie, My Luck, Available, MaryLou and Miley!!!
                        Liberated 5/11/2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Dot 150 days woo hoo and wow and amazing work. I bet your mum would be so proud of you for what you have achieved in giving up al as we are also. I wonder where LC is and hope that she is joining in the 150 day celebration with you.

                          ML 100 now you get big girl pants and move on to the thread that i so much want to be part of. You dont have to sneak a peak anymore! A big hug and congrats on your wonderful achievement.

                          May and Miley the 1st week is the best feeling of accomplishment isnt it? You have done every day ending in a Y including a weekend, now it gets a bit easier and each week is easier still.

                          And a big congrats to Available, oh thats me! Just kidding but i feel pretty proud.

                          Pav dont drown poor Roller in words just yet. ha ha. I will always carry you behind me Pav, i will never fail you in that respect.

                          Roller welcome to MWO. Alcohol controls all of us if we let it, we come to MWO as we dont want it to anymore. The hard part is saying goodbye but the best part is getting to know you again and being sober. I suffered from awful anxiety also but when i gave up al the anxiety abated ten fold after a week or so. 17 days is a great amount of time to be af, i did 11 days in 2011 and thought i had conquered the beast but no he still had me in his grip. Stay on here, post like a lunatic and read. God Pav your talking is rubbing off on me!.

                          thanks everyone for the congrats, i feel amazing being sober and love you all to bits.
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Newbies Nest

                            Dottie Belle, congratulations on 150 days, and thank you for your presence and support!

                            Roller, you are in the right place if you want to remain sober. I could not have done 86 days AF without the good, caring, understanding people here, that I know.
                            Every AF day is a milestone.


                              Newbies Nest

                              MAE Nesters!

                              Dotty, well-done on grabbing the flying underpants out of Byrdie's prize safe. A sad day for you, too, but I'm sure that your mum is very proud of her stubborn daughter today!

                              I hope LC is celebrating the same number with you. I miss her on the boards - as well as Dave and quite a few others - we should have a search and rescue party!

                              Avail good on you for your foundation garments! MaryLou and Miley, a Byrdie moon is an awesome sight, don't you agree?

                              Roller, welcome here! Settle in: the Nest is a great place to learn how to live life without Al always dragging you down.

                              We had some unseasonal rain last night - I'm not complaining at all - and today looks like another beauty.

                              I've just made some fresh coffee - help yourself

                              Have a lovely AF Hump Day, everybody!
                              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi All, I am not sure if anyone will be interested in reading this, but I think I will type it anyway as it might be helpful for me to get my thoughts in order.

                                So I'm just coming to end of Day 1 AF. It's been a tough one as I've been home alone dealing with a lot of anxiety which no amount of deep breathing & mindfulness could combat & probably some mild withdrawals too. But I got through it without going for more alcohol! I used the time to read & plan for how I will manage when the cravings do come, and I took some time to reflect on the problems I have caused my self & my husband through my abusing alcohol over these past few years. The net result is I have caused myself & the person I adore most in the world a lot more harm through drinking, than there have been good times. And I would really like not to give over any more of my life to alcohol.

                                When my husband came home from work he took me out dancing, and then said after we eat tonight we should give each other a massage & watch some TV in bed. He is trying so hard to support me in this and I am very grateful that he is still by my side after all the embarrassments and problems and distress I have caused him over the years. He is more than I deserve, and I need to get myself sober so I can start being the sort of wife I want to be, and should have always been.

                                So that was my first day AF. A tough one but I got through it. Tomorrow will be easier. This time tomorrow I will be coming to end of my second day AF. My husband said all I have to do, all he wants from me at the moment, is just to say to myself every morning "Just for today I'm not going to have a drink. Just for today. We'll worry about tomorrow tomorrow."

                                Anyway sorry for a self-indulgent post, but it was helpful for me just to put that into words. I'm off to get the message oil ;-) don't wait up ....

