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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey roller and good on you for Day1, its hard for sure but once you hit the 7 day mark it gets easier. I think we all suffer from the anxiety, i know i did and now at 60 days, it is very rare for me to be anxious at all. I was at the stage where i could hardly write from the shaking and i would tell myself every excuse under the sun why i was shaking and it was never related to al. Funny how our al mind works. That is lovely that your hubs is supporting you, take all he has to give to help yourself get sober. My sleep was horrendous also but i slept when i was tired (at work was hard) and realised that i may be awake at 3am but that was ok and i could come on here. We put al into our bodies, we cant expect our body to go back to normal in a short amount of time. Keep eating, reading and do anything but buy al.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Newbies Nest

      Thank you Available! I love to hear how other people have been through it & come out the other end. Hopefully I will do too


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Roller Girl your post is not self indulgent t all it saying how you feel and for me that has been a huge part of remaining af (59 days for me today). Lot of what you said resonated with me I have put my husband and children through hell because of my drinking, it has been the kiss of death before my lovey kind patient husband came along a few years ago. But even he was getting to the end of his tether. Sounds like your husband is totally onboard with your quit which is lucky as some people struggle even more as they are their partners drinking buddy which makes it harder to say no. I agree with your husband I found in the early days that I just tried to block out any thought of tomorrow or the little voice that kept saying ' will I never really have a drink again ????'. A think a part of me was frightened of letting it all go so I just used to do my best to block any thought other than the day in hand out and before you know it the days have mounted up and you give less and less mind space to not drinking its just what you do and you will feel so much better not having to say your sorry to your lovely husband for what you have said done when drunk, which believe me is like being let out of a cage. So stick with it and indulge away write a whole novel on here is you like if it keeps you from drinking .

        AND Available 60 days whit whoo !!!!! amazingly well done you should be so so proud of yourself. Are you going to tell us all how much life has improved in the last 60 days ????????. Sending you a big sober, so proud of you hug !!!
        AF Since 2nd December 2013

        Being af is not your punishment ! its your salvation !!:goodjob:

        Diet Start

        25th Feb 2014 10st 6lbs 3rd March 10st 1.5lbs


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Roller Girl, and Welcome to the nest.

          I have just read your first couple of posts and I could have written them myself. As you spend more time around these parts, you will see how similar we all are. You are a good person, RG :l and it sounds like you (and your husband) are doing all the right things to help you get sober. You will be so happy you did! I agree with ava on the anxiety lessening (is that a word?) In fact, I was just thinking yesterday about how much calmer I feel when sober. It's amazing. Just remember to read here and post as much as you can. Keep yourself full. Hunger is a major trigger for us, as it does crazy things to our blood sugar levels and tricks us into thinking we need a drink. Alcohol is a damn liar. Don't let it deceive you! Huge congrats on day 1. Really, that is awesome! Get an ironclad plan for day 2 and carry on girl. You got this!

          :h Star



          I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters,

            Hello & welcome Roller Girl! Glad you decided to join us on this AF journey. Be sure to get a good plan together for yourself, you'll never be sorry.

            Had a little more snow here overnight, not too bad but it's only 9 degrees at the moment & that's bad!!!
            Wishing everyone a great AF Hump day!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Byrdlady;1619851 wrote: Hells bells, i need some back up on Prize patrol, Star can you pick up the moons for me after today?

              Xo, Byrdie
              :H Byrdlady, Step away from the mic and zip up yer britches...Star's back with a shined up, SOBER moon and can't wait to get a crack at showin' it off. Butt ya may not recognize me at first, I been workin out ya know :H:H:H

              All jokes aside, we all appreciate you so much, Byrdie :groupluv:
              You and the Prize Patrol do an outstanding job of handing out all those awards and we understand how senile (er busy) you are, so I am happy to help out wherever possible.

              I just want to give you a hand :wd: for all the hard work you do around here along with our other nest moms...Lav, K9. NS to name a few.
              At ease, soldier- Star's got yer backside!



              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                Newbies Nest

                Wow, my previous quit buddy NS is a nest mom!!!! Isn't she the best!?!
                and birdie too?.and all my other old MWO friends??

                I just won't anymore


                  Newbies Nest

                  I think I'm a babysitter, Jennie :H! It sure is good to have you back. Like I wrote to you, you can be sober for all of your 50s! Many of us truly wish we had done that, too. We're here for you, Friend. :l


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello Nest. I have not checked in for a few days (bad me!) but I've been good, taking things one day at a time and remembering that "sobriety tastes better than AL".

                    I have to pack for this weekend now but I will try to get back online very soon. I've been thinking of you all everyday, even if I have not posted.

                    Much love and strength to you all today!
                    Would you like you, if you met you?


                      Newbies Nest

                      Dottie Belle;1619929 wrote: My mother died 5 years ago today..last year I was in a total wine did not bring her back nor did it help this year I am not repeating the same.....too cold to even go to the cemetery today...the year she died we couldn't bury her because the ground was frozen....but I do miss her, she had a long life...she was 91 when she died to that is pretty darn good....stubborn Irish lady...maybe I am like her in that way....have her temper too...or so I have been told....;-))
                      Dots, if you got that temper, then I hope you will use your flying UnderWear for GOOD and not EEEEvil!!!!

                      The places that AL took us are frightening. I hope you will have sweet memories next year on this day....about how far YOU have come. Thinking of you... B
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Starfish1;1620024 wrote: :H Byrdlady, Step away from the mic and zip up yer britches...Star's back with a shined up, SOBER moon and can't wait to get a crack at showin' it off. Butt ya may not recognize me at first, I been workin out ya know :H:H:H

                        All jokes aside, we all appreciate you so much, Byrdie :groupluv:
                        You and the Prize Patrol do an outstanding job of handing out all those awards and we understand how senile (er busy) you are, so I am happy to help out wherever possible.

                        I just want to give you a hand :wd: for all the hard work you do around here along with our other nest moms...Lav, K9. NS to name a few.
                        At ease, soldier- Star's got yer backside!
                        I had my make up all set to walk out the door and read this! I am crying with joy!
                        Nobody makes a better BUTT joke than you!! Welcome to the PP! Thank you for having my back, or Butt, as the case may be!

                        Welcome RollerG...getting thru Day 1 is major! It makes you feel like you've been in a roller derby! Day 2 is better. I could say to myself, " you proved you can go 24 hours, now rinse and repeat!" I also would say, ' If Oprah offered you 2 million dollars to stay sober today I bet you could do it!" You dang right, so if I can do it for her, I can do it for me! We are so glad you found us! As you can see, we have lots of success here!

                        About to head out in the snow and ice, yuck. Stay strong everyone! It IS worth it! Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks, Byrdie! I'll doo my best to fill yer britches!:H:H:H

                          Butt ya realize yer drawers are extra large around here and very hard to fill. I'll doo me best though!



                          I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Lavande;1619798 wrote: Hey Sam - you guys would be missed if you went extinct
                            Someone has to help clean the chicken coop :H :H
                            Yep, men :upset: we can't live with 'em and we can't clean chicken coops without 'em!

                            Just kidding, Sam. We love all our nest roosters, its just these pesky bird brains we live with in the real world that stress us out on a daily basis. Such is life, I guess!



                            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Just Another Newbie

                              Hi All!

                              I had earlier and mistakenly started a new thread and several of the members recommended I post in the nest. So here is the link to my original post and their comments:


                              And I will pick up the posting from here:

                              Thanks all.

                              How I drink: usually a couple gin and tonics before dinner (Bombay Saphire--I love that stuff)--which is usually as I make dinner. I enjoy cooking and usually come home from the office mix a cocktail and then make dinner for the fam. But it is never just one cocktail and my pours are strong. I guess this is where most of the damage is done because truthfully I will have the game or the news on or something while I cook and somehow my glass always stays full, so by the time dinner is served I am pretty well lit. Since my wife is usually off with kids or helping them with homework before dinner, I am pretty well free to drink without her really knowing/seeing how much. I know I have come to rely on this ritual as my method of destressing--doing something I enjoy while drinking. Then it's dinner with a bottle of wine--my wife will always have a glass and on a rare occasion 2. She is a normal drinker. Most times I finish off the rest of the bottle while cleaning up. Then it's off to bed. That was typical for an awful long time.

                              When my wife started thinking that maybe there was a problem here--which I do not disagree with--I agreed to clean out the liquor cabinet and sticking just to the wine. Which I have mostly done. But about a month ago I started doing something that really bothered me and really confirmed in my mind that there was something really off here. Since I was not having my gin and tonics while I cooked anymore I started having a large glass of Arnold Palmer--half ice tea, half lemonade. Then somehow it struck me that if I poured a couple splashes of vodka in there no one would really be the wiser. So bought a bottle put it in the garage and started doing that. I have since stopped because I realized that was something alcoholics do. Ha!

                              I have quit on 2 different occasions for 30 days. I should not say quit--I had no intention of quitting drinking, I just wanted to show--mostly to myself--that I still had some kind of level of control. I am not so sure anymore about that.

                              So here I am. Still in fairly good shape, but beginning to see the road ahead and not really digging the trip. In some ways I am pissed off. I mean I had this great relationship with booze for 20 years--it calmed me , helped me be more "normal." Those that know me will tell you I have one speed and that is about 300 mph--and the booze helped me ratchet down a gear or two in the evenings and shut the mind off. And it worked! But now I feel like the booze is not fulfilling it's part of the bargain. Now I just feel tired, angry and irritable--and I guess that is really while I want to do this. I am a naturally positive, outgoing personality, and somehow the booze seems to be transforming me into an angry frustrated asshole. Not fun for the wife, kids and coworkers.

                              Anyway, clearly because of age or brain chemistry or whatever, the booze ain't helping anymore. Can't wait for the supps and Cd's to get here.

                              I am still curious about the Topamax. As I said in my earlier post I really don't want to get the family Dr. involved in this. And, of course, I can order the Topamax from some online pharmacy. So my questions are:

                              1. There is a link on the site to "River Pharmacy." Has anyone used them with good success? Or used another one they would recommend?
                              2. Maybe I should give it a go without the meds? Any thoughts/input there?
                              3. Maybe #1 is a really bad idea?? Again any thoughts/input would be appreciated.



                                Newbies Nest

                                MAE all,
                                14F here and I am still freezing....gotta see how many days till spring..
                                Byrdie I promise to use my flying underwear for the good of the nest!!!
                                LC we miss u..come on back to the nest!!
                                Staying in again today but must venture out tomorrow....may get up to freezing this weekend...WOOHOO for freezing....
                                Newbies the first few days were the hardest to me...finding someting to do instead of I stuck really close to the nest and posted and read and repeated each day 14 turned a corner and 30 days was there is a bright future for you all just stay with us and please post before u drink..

                                Newbie's Nest

                                Tool Box
                                AF 9.1.2013

