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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Slightly belated congrats to those celebrating their Big 6-0 that is super-cool
    Little Beagle I think dancing will definitely have it's place in my toolbox! And beagles... SOOOOOO cute!
    & DTD - what is butt velcro? (do I even wanna know???)


      Newbies Nest

      Lavande;1620447 wrote: Is it too early to starting planning my veggie garden? I have to do something with a positive spin so I don't go snow blind here Lav
      Never too early, Lav! (And you know it, don't you?:H). Spring is around the corner... of a very long city block.

      Roller Girl;1620450 wrote: what is butt velcro? (do I even wanna know???)

      Roller, butt velcro is a Nest term - like the velcro that holds everything together, butt velcro is used to superglue your butt to your perch so that you don't fall out of the Nest Available in unlimited quantities and colours

      Jane, so many of used to isolate ourselves while drinking, and it really is a relief to be with people who know exactly where we were. And as for people-pleasing... I've become much more my old assertive self, for various reasons - one being that it's so much easier to tell people that I'm not drinking when I sound as if I really mean it. Byrdie has a story where she drank from a bottle of hair spray - you were in good company at the hairdresser's! What colour is your hair going to turn into?

      Dave posted these two threads on uploading pictures; if you still have problems, PM me, or ask here. and

      Back in the days, when my drinking pretty much started when I opened my eyes, I used to drink wine out of an enamel espresso cup (so that people would not know what I was doing nine o'clock in the morning). It got to a point where I was so ashamed of the drinking, and unwilling/unable to stop, that I used the cup even during "socially accepted" drinking hours. Now, there's a wine glass on my desk, from which I drank juice, and does it bother me one bit? No - people are now welcome to think what they want - because I know that I do not drink anymore
      ! It's a silly thing, I know, but goodness, what a difference being sober makes to my conscience.

      I'm going to make some more coffee - does anybody want a refill? I'm soon going to have to start a thread to get help for my coffee addiction:H:H. (And one for my MWO addiction :blush: And my smiley addiction)
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Newbies Nest

        Hi, Nest:

        I have to check in here early today - DAY 60!! (hooray for us, Poppy) - to say congratulations to Narilly, Jim and Tree - 30 days is such a big deal. For me it was, anyway. There is a nest tradition of a 30 day speech where you talk about how you did it to inspire those coming after you. You'll see some 30-day writing in the tool box if you haven't already. So? Speech! Speech!

        Don't know if he'll check in here, but WineB has 100 days today, too! There MUST be a speech requirement for that??

        Not much for me to say since I checked in last night. I'm off to work. Feeling great!


          Newbies Nest

          Pav, I was just gossiping about you on the Loamers thread.

          Well done on 60 days AF - it's such a great achievement. Even better, you're more then halfway to 100 days!

          And where's your speech, young lady?
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            Newbies Nest

            :jumpwow: Pavati:jumpwow:
            :jumpwow: 60 days!!!! :jumpwow:

            And where's your speech, young lady?
            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


              Newbies Nest

              Congratulations to Pavati and Poppy!!!

              Stay together and get this done! You both sound so committed and strong


                Newbies Nest

                Oh my goodness, friends. How can we ALL sound so much alike? I identify with each and every post (just read all the ones since I last posted)- and Jane. I believe you and I are twins. I had to switch hairdressers after my last color job. I'll never live that one down!

                I am so proud of everyone here, fighting the good fight. The more I see how much we all have in common, the more I am convinced that this disease is no different than some of the others - like diabetes or hypertension and the reason I say that is our symptoms are so similar and one of the remedies is the same- abstinence from substances causing or aggravating the condition. That makes it a lot easier not to continue to beat myself up over the whole mess. Just take care and move on. We are all good people, and we are all trying to hold on for dear life. Yay, us!

                Speaking of butt velcro- I need the industrial strength these days. My goodness, my life gets more stressful by the day. Or is it that I am just conscious enough to realize it? Yesterday, we found out our entire home heating system needs to be replaced at a cost of 3-5000 dollars (which we don't have)! My daughter, who ran away to live with a friend on New Years Eve is about to be evicted from her friend's house, for the same reasons she was not getting along with her own family and felt she needed to leave. These are just a couple of examples of what's going on in the Star family....
                But, you know what? I will not drink over this. Drinking will do nothing to help the situations, it will only make things worse.
                As I said yesterday, my coping strategies are to stop and think about other ways to deal with these stresses than turning to the bottle. I think of a nice non-al drink, a relaxing hobby or a healthy snack and I give myself a break. I also imagine what the next few hours will look like if I drink or if I abstain. Abstinence ALWAYS looks better. Everything is going to be okay.
                One more short story to leave you with- On my drive to work this morning, I was approaching a small black animal crossing the road in front of me. Well with the string of bad luck I have been having this week, my fear was that it was a black cat (bad luck and all). I immediately started saying to myself "Oh please be a dog, please be a dog, please..." It was a CAT! A black one :upset:
                Everything is going to be okay!
                Love you all!



                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Congrats Pavati and Poppy on 60 days....that is fantastic!!!!!
                  Going out later to an event at Whole Foods...lecture on plant based eating...trying to drag dh into this vegan eating thingy...slowly he will succumb...resistance is futile...
                  LC and Ava we are still in this together so hang tight and hold on we will beat this!!!

                  Newbie's Nest

                  Tool Box
                  AF 9.1.2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    :l Star :l Hang in there my friend, and you're right, drinking will NOT make anything better! I'm sending you a virtual roll of industrial strength butt velcro, plus some glue, plus some nails, plus some tape...etc. :h

                    Congrats Pavati and Poppy! 60 days is HUGE!!!

                    Jane - Byrdie has lots of "interesting" stories! :H And oh yes, she DID (finger snap) drink out of a hairspray bottle...and other things. HA

                    I think the nekked rain dance worked, there is some water falling from the Californians are mighty confused right now

                    Happy Thursday Nesties!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Much appreciated, K9!

                      I keep repeating the words you nest moms post about eating and drinking AT people and situations.....that's what made me a FAT DRUNK! I'm trying to do better now. In fact I AM doing better now

                      Hey BTW, I LOVE the cute hair. I kept mine like that for a few years and just loved it. Now I am trying to let it grow out one more time before I get too old for long hair. Thinking about starting to wear a granny bun actually :sigh:



                      I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                        Newbies Nest

                        jane27;1620586 wrote:

                        PS Re: hair dresser stories ..maybe there's a reason we all live a ways from each other...imagine if we had done our heaviest drunks in the same town? Sweet Jesus!




                        I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                          Newbies Nest

                          So I make this decision to not drink--and I have cut down A LOT already. But then yesterday I get a call from a business partner offering me 2 box seats at the The Phoenix Open 16th hole for Sunday's final round. Now I do not know if anyone has ever seen this on TV, but it is one big party. And we have gone several times and everyone is drinking and having fun--and it is an awesome blast to go have a couple beers and just enjoy the golf and the AZ Sunshine.

                          And then it hits me: I am in real estate, my whole job is smoozing with people (which I do very well) and a big part of that job is attending events like this where everyone is drinking. And I know for certain that a big reason I get invited to these kind of things is because I'm one of the funnest guys in the room. Now I have never emabarrased myself, never get loaded at these kind of things so I know it would be just that: hanging out and having a couple of beers. In fact, if I could drink at home, in the evenings when making dinner, like I do at these kind of things I would be a strictly social drinker and no worries.

                          Anyway, I am sure other folks have had similar thoughts and been in a similar situation. And maybe it's all in my head, but I just would feel so awkward going and not having a beer or 2--which again, in a setting like that , that is all I would/have done. Yikes. Why does the entire social world revolve around booze????


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Dafty,

                            I know what you are talking about. I have been invited to my supervisor's birthday party tonight at a local restaurant. "We hope you can join us for a drink or a meal", the invitation read.
                            Well, I am choosing not to go. I know good and well, it would not be just A drink for me. Truth be told, the old Star would be lit by the time the party started (at 5:00) and then have SEVERAL drinks at the party...and maybe even some on the way home....pitiful. The really scary thing would be that this party is in the next town, so not only would I be drinking, I would have to drive myself home (hubs not invited)....So, as you can see....I have thought it thru and decided it is too early in my quit to chance this type of scenario. I have already told her that I have an appt with the income tax guy today, which is actually the truth and I bought her a gift. Hopefully that will satisfy her. She said she understands. It's just easier and much less risky this way, Dafty. There will always be occasion to drink, with co-workers or friends. We have to get our new habits instilled early on and then when we get our "sea legs" we can go out socially. Just my 2 cents! Good Luck!



                            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                              Newbies Nest

                              HP and TJ checking in on a good Day 25 AF!!

                              TJ has had yet another good day and saved us some money too! Perfect for any future road trips.

                              I want to wish all the community well in their endeavors to be AF. Well done, and never give up!

                              HP feeling a little flat after some bad news today. So will have to come back tomorrow and finish this post.


                                Newbies Nest

                                :l HP. Hope you feel better soon.
                                WTG, TJ:goodjob:



                                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.

