Good Morning Nesters!!
Thanks for the coffee, DO! That mug is so damned cute with all of us cosily perched.
PAVATI! Congratulations on 60 days! You have come such a long way and have been such a positive force in this Nest. I'm glad you have friends you can be so open and honest with. Are these friends that don't drink? I've been thinking lately that I don't really have any friends that don't. They respect that I don't, but it would be nice to have some people who have also made the decision not to. How old is your son?
HONEY! Congratulations to you on the big 30! I think I missed you yesterday, too! Well done on getting those 4 weeks under your belt.
I am going to go back and read what happened here last night while I was deep asleep..
I have such a stressful day of work ahead of me. But I am in the right frame of mind. And it will be over in a short 8 hours!!
