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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Morning Nesters!!
    Thanks for the coffee, DO! That mug is so damned cute with all of us cosily perched.

    PAVATI! Congratulations on 60 days! You have come such a long way and have been such a positive force in this Nest. I'm glad you have friends you can be so open and honest with. Are these friends that don't drink? I've been thinking lately that I don't really have any friends that don't. They respect that I don't, but it would be nice to have some people who have also made the decision not to. How old is your son?
    HONEY! Congratulations to you on the big 30! I think I missed you yesterday, too! Well done on getting those 4 weeks under your belt.

    I am going to go back and read what happened here last night while I was deep asleep..
    I have such a stressful day of work ahead of me. But I am in the right frame of mind. And it will be over in a short 8 hours!!


      Newbies Nest

      Pav and LC online - lovely; it gets lonely here this time of day!

      Pav, what a wonderful way to celebrate 60 days! (I've also ducked all of my speeches - will have to make a plan there, perhaps over the weekend)

      LC, one tip I picked up from Molly (a very wise old bird), is that she examines her thoughts every morning, and if anything bothers her, she's extra vigilant that day. A good strategy that I use too. So, glad to hear everything is in a good place and space with you.

      Ah, Jane who's got it all has joined the kaffee klatsch too! About your trip to the hairdresser: you know, I don't regret all of my drinking days: it's like the feeling at the end of a wonderful holiday: I enjoyed it, had lots of fun, perhaps got a bit too much sunburn or ate too much, but now I'm ready to go back to the real world - only this time the real world is sober. Maybe I was just lucky - I drank a lot, but never had anything really bad happen to me. Grateful I stopped before the bad did happen, because let's be honest, it's always lying in wait. I was just very very very lucky.
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Newbies Nest

        Happy Frursday, Dreamy and LC.

        I'll have some gluten free crepes with ham and cheese and a non-fat, no foam latte. Thanks! xo


          Newbies Nest

          Great stuff going on here in the Nest!

          POPPY! Great job on getting those 60 days! A post you wrote a few days ago is one that made me feel like I could come back here and have another chance at having this wonderful life. I was so down and you welcomed me-- without knowing it was me.--it was for everyone. Thank you..:l

          Jane, how does the hair look? Are you pleased? I can tell from your posts that you don't need to drink to have a great time!

          K9, Congrats on 2 years!! WOW! And the haircut looks great on you!

          Star, that was a great post. I needed to be reminded to give myself a break--it's what I've been struggling with lately. Just stepping back or sitting down and relaxing. Not letting outside forces in life get me down. And imagining ahead-- another great tool.

          TJ, well done on 25 days! Your getting it done, one day at a time. The best way to do it!


          Roller, you have some good plans set up for the events coming up in your life. I hope you're feeling better now with regards to your neighbor. Like everyone else here, I've been terrible about drinking AT people in the past. I still feel hungover, just thinking about it.

          Ava and Dottie!:h I love you both!

          see you all this afternoon. Hugs to everyone.


            Newbies Nest

            DO! Thanks for that advice from Molly! It's priceless and exactly what I'm going to start doing.

            Pavati, Crepes coming up!

            Hope you ladies have a wonderful rest of your day!


              Newbies Nest

              Nooooooooooo - just that Pav and LC were online too and then you joined us - mornings (you know, our mornings, the proper ones) tend to be very quiet! Or is it the "Jane's who's got it all"? Sorry - didn't mean it that way - I enjoyed the joke you made about if you have it you have it.:l Damn, sometimes we need to see faces and expressions and hear voices here. (And not that sort of voices, either!)
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                Newbies Nest

                Morning guys - a bit of a crappy morning today. A month in and this is where the brain really tries to fool you into a false sense of security - but I've learnt from my previous mistakes. I'm meant to be out tomorrow watching sport, and my buddies will all be drinking. I've been a hermit all of Jan, but still not sure I am ready to face a boozer sober yet.

                I think an accumulation of poor sleep and inadequate fruit/veg intake over the last week has left my brain at that point of fine balance - going to load up on nutrients today and sleep well tonight.

                Here's the sober February everyone


                  Newbies Nest

                  London if you dont feel that you can cope dont go, your quit should be your priority. Being a hermit is okay until you feel able to handle people drinking. But if you do go you may suprise yourself on how strong you actually are this time. From track record though it may end badly! Only you can know what to do and i know you will choose wisely.

                  You are doing so well.
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Newbies Nest

                    jane27;1620897 wrote: DTD, Thanks & no worries. I feel a bit guilty that I don't have the pressure of a 9 to 5 job right now. I need to get over it! Xoxo wishing everyone a great day. :h
                    Jane, enjoy the fact that you don't have any job pressures right now! :l
                    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters,

                      Happy Friday! I am self-employed so there's no 9 to 5 pressure for me either & that's the way I like to roll at this point in my life
                      You guys were busy entertaining each other here overnight while I was asleep, that's nice to see

                      Jane, I don't have raised beds YET but I would love to have some. I've been trying to get someone to help me on that project. My garden is quite huge, I actually have been planting less & less the past few years. It does feel more like a small organic farm :H
                      I try not to worry too much about insect damage. If needs be I can let some of my hens loose & they are only too happy to go on bug patrol I won't use any pesticides!

                      Londoner, staying away from the drinking crowd for now really is the best decision!
                      It's not going to be forever, just for now while you grow stronger in your quit!!!

                      Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!!!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Londoner, :woot: on 31 days - keep them coming!

                        (And what I'm really trying to say is watching sport with your booze buddies might not be such a good idea - it may just mean the end of a good AF streak. Stay strong, ok?) I fully understand that cabin feverish feeling, and I know that I would not have been able to do what you are doing now - not at that age - but think long-term here. If you decide to go, have a water bottle with you, so that when somebody asks you what you would like to drink, you can hold up the bottle and say that you're fine for now - rinse and repeat as necessary. Good luck!

                        Did you get your party hat from Byrdie yesterday? Can I give you one, if not: :goodtime:
                        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                          Newbies Nest

                          jane27;1620903 wrote: DTD- thorry for being tho thenthitive. :biglaughmonkey::biglaughmonkey:
                          Ith all light! :l:l:l

                          Lava and Jane, I've actually built some raised beds - all my myself, and I'm blessed with 12 thumbs - so it can really be done! Have a look at this site, Jane, and ask if you need more info.
                          Square Foot Gardening Store | Raised Bed Planters, Square Foot Gardening Grids, Square Foot Gardening Boxes
                          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                            Newbies Nest

                            MAE all,
                            Jane thanks for the raised bed garden beds are raised but bought them at Costco..may try to make a few works great except when the dogs take a short cut through them...
                            Pav I don't have a problem giving up meat but dh is another story so I am taking it more slowly with him.
                            Off to buy dad some socks than a visit if there is time..I have to visit earlier in the afternoon or he is very confused...goes with the disease so I adapt.
                            Hugs to u all!!

                            Newbie's Nest

                            Tool Box
                            AF 9.1.2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Happy Friday! I am so glad to be comfy and cosy at home, settling in for the weekend.
                              NO work! Lucky me.

                              This next week is "winter break" (didn't we just get finished with Christmas break?) for the schools here-- and because the girls are going on separate vacations with friends, I'll be able to have 3 days alone with each of them-- a rare occurrence. I have taken a couple of days off of work so we will have 12 year old days and 9 year old days. So looking forward.

                              Lav, thanks for sharing the link--Emotional Freedom Techniques-- a lot of good information and things to try out.

                              Londoner, CONGRATS on 31 days!! Very well done. I think I would also wait a bit longer, if possible. It's hard to hermit sometimes, but I think with a bit more AF time under your belt you'll feel more certain in your decision not to drink. The Roller coaster sucks and now you have quite a few days behind you!

                              I'm being called to dinner! See you all in a bit. xo


                                Newbies Nest

                                woohooo, Londoner!!!! We are so proud of you!!!! Keep up the great work!!!!




                                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.

