Afternoon, Nesters! Finally HOME!

DTD and Jane, you girls are a howl!!! Sober suits you both and I thee your humorith thide coming out!!! Getting drunk makes you feel like thit!
Londoner! GREAT job on your 30 days! DTD came by the prize closet and gave your hat!, :goodtime: Congrats! I equate going out too soon in a quit as if you are on a very strict diet and you get invited to an ALL YOU CAN EAT buffet, but you aren't allowed to eat!! That doesn't make sense! Why would you go to the buffet if you can't have any of it? Staying out of those situations early in our quits is key...we aren't Mother Theresa, we can stand anything but temptation! So just sit tight for now, there will be a thousand more opportunities to get together....set yourself up for success and not endless temptation where you are feeling deprived!!! Maybe you could watch the game with someone who is homebound or can't get out and about very well! Try taking the focus off of what YOU can't have and think about so many others who don't have it so well! Gratitude for your otherwise good health and dashing good looks, for example!! Don't feel obligated to fold to peer pressure....even tho we are adults it's still very much out there. Getting that distance from AL is Priority ONE right now...the rest will come. You don't have to be a hermit, but keeping yourself out of bad situations is important!!
Ok, so I had my new company car ONE day. I'm in the parking lot of the hotel where our training was and I skidded on an icy patch and scraped my wheel on the curb but good! Dam! Then when I was leaving the parking lot this morning, the front bumper scraped the road as I drove out!!! What the what????? Not getting off to a great start with the new company car! Glad to be home and in one piece!!
Congrats to all for the successful AF strings!! Byrdie