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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Well, what a way to start the "moonth" of February, everyone! The prize patrol has TWO full moons to bestow today... Butt first, our riddle of the month....( everybody put your "stinkin" caps on)

    What did one butt cheek say to the other butt cheek? (Don't all answer at once! Byrdie, put your hand down....members of the PP are disqualified)
    And the answer is:
    Together we can stop this s#*t!!

    Yes, we can! That's why we have to stick together, guys!, on to more important "dooings"

    Let's give it all up for LifeChange and Maji, who have conquered SEVEN days of beating Al's sorry arse. Every day of the week! Now just rinse and repeat. We are so proud of you!

    LC :moon:

    Maji :moon:

    xoxo PP



    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


      Newbies Nest

      THANK YOU PP!! Glad you made it to the gym early this morning, Star! Those buns are looking gooood!

      WW, you are so smart to jump right back in here at signs of the "stinkin' thinkin'" being anywhere, even remotely near you. It's always said that a relapse begins way before we actually decide to drink. And I have fallen into the trap a million times-- ignoring the subtle changes in my thoughts and determination.

      I need a nap! How's that for a Sat. afternoon treat?:h


        Newbies Nest

        LC, didn't realise you were on Day 7 - would have made you an extra-special cup of coffee - will you share with Maji?

        Congrats, you two.

        (I had a nap this morning and have just woken up from Nap No 2. Superlazy today. Go on, treat yourself!)
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Newbies Nest

          Starfish1;1621369 wrote: Well, what a way to start the "moonth" of February, everyone! The prize patrol has TWO full moons to bestow today... Butt first, our riddle of the month....( everybody put your "stinkin" caps on)

          What did one butt cheek say to the other butt cheek? (Don't all answer at once! Byrdie, put your hand down....members of the PP are disqualified)
          And the answer is:
          Together we can stop this s#*t!!

          Yes, we can! That's why we have to stick together, guys!

, on to more important "dooings"

          Let's give it all up for LifeChange and Maji, who have conquered SEVEN days of beating Al's sorry arse. Every day of the week! Now just rinse and repeat. We are so proud of you!

          LC :moon:

          Maji :moon:

          xoxo PP
          Bahaha!!! Star, what a wonderful mooning! What a great joke!!!!!
          Congrats LC and Maji!
          Sam, i was restocking my suitcase after 3 nights on the the old days, I would have had to make sure I had a big stash of booze in there. I hid it in the linking sometimes if hubs was along. I honestly feel like a prisoner who has been given her freedom. It is a relief to be out of those chains. But I know I am on parole! Always vigilant! It is just exhausting to keep up with the demands of alcoholism. i cant believe the person I became. It's good to be back. I am glad you recognized what makes us different than others. We have an obsession when it comes to AL and you just cant rewire that. Great job of being objective there. Impossible to do when you are under the spell of it, but getting that distance is eye opening.
          Hope everyone has an easy day!! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            DreamThinkDo;1621195 wrote: Caper, this is the Newbie's Nest - could you please have your arguments with RJ, Kuya, and everybody else on a different thread?
            Yes, Caper. We really try to keep things positive in the nest. We have enough challenges to deal with as it is.

            Please try to help us keep focused on maintaining our sobriety and supporting one another.




            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


              Newbies Nest

              Great job on going for the snickers instead of the bud light, Jane! I know the whole ordeal of getting to the "theshore" was a challenge for you. The packing and flying, always associated with drinking. And then those KIDS on the plane. There's always one or two, isn't there. I usually feel bad for them, thinking their ears hurt or something like that, but still, they get on my last nerve!
              Now you are down in a beautiful area and this is the "new you". The non-drinking Jane, who can have an even better time without feeling buzzed. Splurge on any non-al drink or food your heart desires, Jane! Go for long walks on that beautiful beach, collect seashell, take naps, go to the spa and whatever else makes you happy. You are doing great and this vacation will be better than any drinking vacay you have ever had. You've been to FL sober before and you can do it again. Enjoy, and keep in touch.


              P.S. Go buy thome thpecs tho you can thee better! :H:H:H



              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                Newbies Nest

                Tharfith, thtop thaying thuth nathy sinthgs about thpecs to Jane :H:H:H:H

                Jane, I can live with bratty kids - it's the parents who do zilch about their offspring that drive me up the wall. Have a lovely holiday - use the money you would have spent on Al to buy you something really nice.

                I'm off to a braai. I don't know all the people who will be there (which always makes me feel slightly nervous), and two of the others are ex-drinking buddies. But, I've done a similar thing a week or three ago, and that went off well. I see all these new, AF experiences as building blocks - easy to build on if there's a solid been-there, done-that, got-the-T-shirt foundation.

                Lovely AF Saturday, Nesters - speak to you tomorrow.
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Newbies Nest

                  [QUOTE=DreamThinkDo;1621450]Tharfith, thtop thaying thuth nathy sinthgs about thpecs to Jane :H:H

                  :H:H:H Well, just tryin to help, geeee withhh!!!! If she'd stop eating those brussels sprouts stems I bet she'd be okay LOL (that's on another thread!)

                  Have fun at your braai, Dreamy!



                  I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                    Newbies Nest

                    WooHoo up to 45 here today..heat wave...but snow next week so I will enjoy this while it lasts.
                    Hope to get to the gym with a friend next week. She joined and I am going as her guest to cheek it out. Need a kick start as diet and weight loss is stuck in the mud..

                    Newbie's Nest

                    Tool Box
                    AF 9.1.2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Still away on holidays but it's nearly time to fly home. Last night I had a virgin Caesar and the other night a virgin pinacolada. I love being AF!
                      Newbies Nest
                      My accountability thread


                        Newbies Nest

                        winterwalk;1621334 wrote: Hi, Marylou thank you for the reasons to be AF, I managed to give up alcohol for nearly 2 years and then I went to the GP with a virus and she said my blood pressure was quite high, she asked me if I drank to "de-stress" and I said no, and she actually told me that a couple of glasses of wine wouldn't hurt and would de-stress me! (my work was quite stress full at the time) she suggested I had the wine! I now wonder whether she was trying to convince herself too! So I did and then it just snowballed again, that was 2010. Since then I've tried to give up and only got to 6 weeks at a time, its now my 5th week and I feel so good, but I can feel myself starting to notice posts on facebook, television programmes, etc promoting wine and I've come back to get me past the cravings and remember why its so good not to drink, I just keep remembering waking up with blood shot eyes, telling people at work I had a migraine, waking up in the night with having nightmares and not getting back to sleep, waking to drink water, go to loo all the time and I know the few hours of drinking the night before leads to a full night and the next day of misery, self guilt, inability to work or play and feeling ill, tired and lethargic.
                        Copy this post or create a link to it. Whenever the voices start re-read it, you're doing great! PS I'm betting your doctor didn't know you had troubles with AL when she gave you that advice?
                        Newbies Nest
                        My accountability thread


                          Newbies Nest

                          I ended going out for the afternoon. I've realised I am sheltering myself too much from real life, and the only way I am going to strive to improve at socialising sober is getting out there and socialising sober. So I had 2 AF beers in replace of the real thing and must admit it helped put my mind at ease. Much like a smoker needs to twiddle something between their fingers, I believe a drinker in a pub needs a glass bottle in their hand.

                          I normally let my emotions dictate my mood and outlook. And drinking numbs that temporarily, only to intensify it in the following days/weeks. So my goal is to not let my emotions run my life - meditation is helping me to realise that emotions are there regardless. But I can react in whatever way I want to.

                          And today, I finally realised that life is to experience. By sitting at home I am not experiencing it. By drinking I am not experiencing it. So time to start trying new things AF, and not let peoples views on my abstinence sway me (people find it weird)


                            Newbies Nest

                            London just wanted to say how proud I am of you for making the right decision. You totally rock! The switch has been switched I say on your thoughts on al. One day at a time is all we can do! Big hugs.

                            I went out before and said i would have a soft drink and got asked three times if i wanted a wine. Oh yeah right just torture me will you but i had the strength to say no. Protect your quit with your life as Lav and Byrd say!
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi, all:

                              With all of us gathering days like daisies, I thought I'd share this link related to relapse prevention.

                              First step - avoiding mental relapse, the symptoms of which are also the symptoms of post acute withdrawal (PAWS). Lots of good information. Happy reading.


                                Newbies Nest

                                :jumpwow: Londoner :jumpwow: Wish I could give you a hug for that post of yours!

                                Back from the braai, and I'm soooooo ready for bed!

                                Stay well Nesters, chat tomorrow!
                                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

