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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I just wanted to say something which may at first not seem particularly connected to AL but believe me in my life, the way it's been for so many years, every single little aspect of my life has been governed or affected in some way by alcohol so in that respect it is connected.

    I gave up alcohol just over ten weeks ago. I'm gradually accepting that now I've got the initial stage over with (by which I mean the daily cravings and having to avoid anything and anywhere to do with the dreaded drink) I am trying to think of strategies to get my life back on track and do stuff I should have done a long time ago. I really badly need to get my body under some kind of control. I've already had one hip done, have a disability so I can't exercise or walk far at all, but I can't use that as an excuse to sit around. I don't even need to sit around now, as I do not have a hangover! Secondly, my skin went dry, wrinkly and muddy over all those years. It's about time I tried to undo or improve some of the maltreatment I've meted out to myself. And I have started to watch my weight - I have 100lbs to lose. That's a lot.

    All of that I have to change, and I'm enthusiastic about it, which I haven't felt for nearly two decades of wasted time.

    But the thing that has made the biggest different in my new AF life is that two weeks ago I finally went to get my hearing tested. I knew one ear was a problem. Turns out neither of them are great, but yes, my hearing in my left ear is 30% down on what it should be. So - somehow I swallowed my pride, and last week I picked up my hearing aid.

    That may not sound like a big deal, but I've always associated with hearing aids as something intended for elderly people - but yeah, you are right, look at my sign-in name, and go figure!

    I've found quite a difference - I can hear my footsteps on the lawn, crisp grass underfoot. I can hear my beautiful birds up the garden singing without having to leave the house. On the downside, I nearly took the car in to the repair shop because of a really loud knocking, only to realise in the nick of time that it was the sound of the keys knocking against the steering column as I drove along! It's great not to have to lean in to hear what people are saying, and to have that panicky guessing at what someone has said, or pretend I've heard when I haven't.

    None of this stuff would have happened if I had not given up alcohol. I was too hung over to care about my skin, my weight, my eyes, my hearing. I just knew the years were rushing past and I was out of control.

    I'm not telling anyone about my hearing aid because I'm still a little embarrassed but it's very small and tucked behind my ear.

    I know I can't turn back the clock, but I wasted pretty much the last twenty years and I really plan to make the absolute most of the next twenty.

    Thank you for listening.

    AF from 22 November 2013

    Happily on the road to Sobriety - there's nowhere else worth going to...


      Newbies Nest

      Good Morning, Early birds :l

      It's 5 a.m. in my portion of the nest. I am sipping that first cuppa (Thanks, Dreamy) and catching up from last night with the happy and wise posts from:
      Kuya (SO glad you are back)
      Dottie (5 months, woohoo!! and get rid of those "what ifs", girl...nothin' but trouble there!)
      Dreamy (a braai is a barbecue, right?):chef:
      HP and TJ (WTG on one month, TJ! Good to see you too, HP),
      Sixty-four (sounding very strong there, albeit roasting in that wicked heat),:toohot:
      LC ( a fellow animal lover :l) and
      Steady (wishing you strength in caring for your parents. I know how difficult that is)

      Busy day for me today. One of my dtrs has to leave in just a bit for her job at hospital, so I will cook breakfast for her (unhungover!), will go to early mass and then grocery shopping and maybe hit the gym before the superbowl party which i will eat healthy snacks and drink (hmm, haven't figured that one out yet, but it will be yummy and nonalcoholic), Sounds like a full, sober day! Will check in here as I can.
      Hello to all who drop in today. Make it a good one!

      xoxo Star



      I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Sixtyfour.

        I've been in and around the forums this morning and have just read your post.

        Firstly I would like to say well done on your massive achievement of making it through 10 weeks, I know that was not easy to do! Those cravings just seem to pop up and invite themselves into your day! But it is great to wake up without that hangover.

        I'm know how you feel about making some changes in your life, little things will add up to making a bigger difference later on! One day at a time is the winning formula. You will get to where you want to be, you sound well on your way already and everyone here will be here to help you!

        TJ is making big inroads now and we are up to 4 weeks!! WOW, and I'm making changes that will help on the journey too. I was inspired to go on a little run recently after sitting around for about 19 years! I know exactly how you feel. But one step at a time works for me too.

        We will see you in the nest.


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Nesters,

          7 am in my part of the nest, waiting for some sunshine & mild temps today. Tomorrow the snow returns, unfortunately.

          sixtyfour, so glad to hear that the hearing aid is making such a difference for you
          Many years ago I suffered a pretty serious head injury, had surgery & was left without the ability to smell or taste anything for over a year. It was like living in some sort of a vacuum
          Having our senses in good working order helps keep us balanced I think. Once you are feeling solid in your quit maybe you can join in a medically supervised weight loss program at your local hospital. They should also be able to recommend appropriate exercise for you as well.

          Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday. Today is Groundhog day - waiting to hear the result of the famous rodent's weather prediction :H
          Punxsutawney Phil Vs. The Farmers' Almanac: Whom Do You Trust? : The Two-Way : NPR

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Breaking news just posted by Moss, Lav:
            ps - for those of us in the northern hemisphere, it's six more weeks of winter. Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow
            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


              Newbies Nest

              Phooey, 6 more weeks of winter! I've had about all the fun winter I can stand!!

              Gosh, so good to see returning nesters!! AllanKay, don't be a stranger! Steady, always great to see your posts! 64, what an inspiring post! It' hard to describe just what AL strips away from takes all the motivation away from anything that doesn't feed that addiction. Like Kuya was saying, it is a JEALOUS lover who resents and sets up obstacles for us to have any sort of life outside of the cycle we are in.
              Kuya, that post was Tool Box worthy....let's get it in there! Just let me know, I will be happy to do that. It describes the scene to a T!!
              So happy to see the strings of days adding all starts with a decision! When you are SICK enough of the cycle, you will find a way to break it! Hugs to all today, Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                MAE all,
                Cold and gloomy again...I want spring and I want it NOW!!!
                Off to church then super bowl parties today. Not really my thing anyway..I like football and will probably have it on while I do other things...or not. I like the commercials better than the game.
                "what if's" are gone and moving on to the 6 month mark. I guess there is more healing to do....
                Back later.

                Newbie's Nest

                Tool Box
                AF 9.1.2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Wow! the start of day 33. Seemed impossible when I started. Would have posted on day 30 but can't do it from home my wife doesn't understand so I keep it away from her. I wouldn't have been able to do it without the advice from this site. My normal work schedule is 3 or 4 - 12 hour days per week with 3 or 4 days off per week. On my days off I would start with a little whiskey in my coffee and it would go from there. I still start the day with coffee but no whiskey. I have indentified my triggers (stress at work, home, boredom) and have found that I can control this. There are so many good tips here. I was reading Daft Junks post and that could have been mine as well. I started wondering if I were in fact an alcoholic and started doing some research and realised that I had some of the symptoms. Actually that is how I ended up here totally by accident. I had already decided that I needed to quit but was scared because I had tried so many times before without any success. This site made it possible! To all of you lurkers out there - sign on start posting - It really does make a difference. 33 days is huge to me. I know that I can't moderate been there done that got the sales receipts. I have accepted forever and I feel great about that You all have saved my life. THANK YOU!


                    Newbies Nest

                    :goodjob: NMJ! What a fabulous accomplishment! 33 days! I'm slight jealous but following in your footsteps. Way to go!
                    Mary Lou

                    A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                      Newbies Nest

                      CONGRATS NMJ :wd:
                      MWO is fantastic & so are you

                      Damn that Punxsutawny Rodent :H :H :H :H
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Jim your post reminded me of how I felt when I found MWO. I had been looking up "Are You an Alcoholic" quizzes. Let's face it, if we have to ask, we likely are. I think the key for me was to forget the label and get on with the mending. I still have a tough time saying it. Probably why I never went to an AA meeting. Probably also why the anominity of MWO works so well for some of us. My hubby didn't get it. I couldn't talk to him. My drinking friends didn't want to lose their drinking buddy. Here I found people who had been there, were struggling like me, and those who were searching like l did. I found a support group and was able to remain anonymous.

                        I'm a couple of days away from 8 months AF now, this what freedom 55 really means to me!
                        Newbies Nest
                        My accountability thread


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning, All:

                          64 - a lovely post.

                          Jim - Congratulations on your 30+ days. Amazing.

                          Kuya - thanks for that post. I am at 63 days and have had a string of blah days. I don't feel like drinking, but I need to stay focused for sure.

                          OK - I was up until 2am at a friend's house where another friend performed music and story telling. Many laughs, beautiful music, and I drove home safe and sound after midnight. As usual, there was the pull at the very first pour of the night, but I ate and ignored it, and then spent the rest of the evening with no regret. So much less scary than I thought it would be.

                          Happy Sunday, all. It is FINALLY raining a bit here - the snow pack in the Sierras is 19% of normal, and the state just cut off water to some municipalities to conserve for summer and fall. It has been pretty bad, so any amount of rain is a welcome relief.

                          Happy Sunday, Nesters!


                            Newbies Nest

                            And 3J - Yes! I have taken MANY of those "are you an alcoholic" tests. If you have to ask...


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey Nomorejim!! Way to go on 33 days--:goodjob:

                              Sixtyfour, thank you for sharing that. I was just lamenting about the fact that I'm back on day 8 (which I AM grateful for) after having a really great stretch of AF time. I am happy that I didn't waste another 6 months of my life f******* around with moderation or shame or guilt. But it is more difficult now-- it will take extra time for me to get back in my really sober and happy about it frame of mind. Your post helped me put into perspective what I (we all) have lost/not cared about during our time of drinking. But we still have today and the future!!! And we have the power to make it as wonderful as we want it to be. So nice to hear about your renewed sense of hearing...:h

                              Morning Pav! Sounds like you had a great evening! And waking up fresh on a Sunday morning.. nothing better than that. Have you had your coffee yet?


                                Newbies Nest

                                3J! almost 8 months!! I'm so happy for you and your new life-- I remember your first AF camping trip. Weren't you gone for 4 weeks? I was so inspired by your success and still am...:l

