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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey Roller, its great that you have come back. when i drank i did as you did and figured well i have stuffed it now may as well have a pity party about it but then i would stay away from here for months and months and keep pity partying. I was only hurting myself. Good on you for coming back so quickly.

    I never want to have a day 1 again, god they are horrible arent they and when we have done days and drink we know the hell of day 1 again which probably deters a lot of people. It deterred me for a few years but now i am one of those that is up to 60+ days and it is totally possible and totally gets easier as the days roll by. The first 30 are the hardest but once achieved you will never look back and shudder about doing a day 1.

    Keep on here, make yourself accountable everyday, someone is always here if you feel like a drink, we are all in different time zones. Keep yourself busy and eat instead of drinking. You can always lose the weight later on. You can do this Roller and you are here so you want to. Big hugs
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Newbies Nest

      Thank you Ava that really helped. You have made me go a bit teary (in a good way). Day one sucks, I really should learn from this! I guess I need to re-learn or practice more some strategies, so when things get a bit tough like they did on Saturday I don't just revert to my default of heading for the wine to get smashed. I feel like such an idiot, but hopefully I will be the sort of idiot who learns from her mistakes lol. I've actually lost some weight even in the not-quite-a-week I managed to be AF, so there's an incentive hey? Thanks for your support, it was needed tonight xxx


        Newbies Nest

        Hello everyone,

        Day one for me... again. On my way to work and feeling crappy.
        Hopefully I can finally make this work, and ill try to make sure I'm around on this forum a lot more than the last time I tried to quit, as I can see the support is excellent, and seems to work for a lot of you guys.
        Unfortunately im seeing friends tonight who will probably be drinking, but ill take a big bottle of juice instead of the usual beers.
        Not looking forward to the inevitable struggle sleeping later either.


          Newbies Nest

          Hey Minderaser, we're in this together now :-)
          We can have today as our quit day and help each other, try and post every day, I'll look out for you & you look out for me :-) hopefully we can have our landmarks together as well.

          I had a crappy day at work today, trembly, anxious, chewing gum all day praying my boss didn't come near enough to me to notice I was smelling of alcohol. I kept my head down and just got through it. I'm home now, and it's getting better. I'm playing some video games to keep me occupied whilst my No. 1 support, my hubby, is out with some mates. He promised he won't be late and when we comes home we'll go to bed with a funny DVD and books. He was very sad that I slipped up over the weekend, and I hate disappointing him like that almost as much as I hate disappointing myself.

          Big hugs to you Minderaser. We can do this xxx


            Newbies Nest

            I am glad to help Roller and Mind. Its always good to have a quit buddy and pm'ing is a great way to keep each other on track and also get to know each other. I avoided situations where there was al and still do, i am not losing these days to anyone and the more days you achieve you will feel the same, it is the getting there that is hard but its doable believe a 20+ year drinker who didnt ever believe in herself. Roller get rid of the al out of the house thats a must. I never had any al, always drank it all so my biggest hurdle was not going to the bottleshop which was in my local shopping shop. I used to go before work and get my shoppng so i was not tempted on the drive home but god it was hard to steer my car into the driveway some days. I can never again see the disappointment in my childrens faces so i will not drink for them and also for me. The benefits are amazing in the long run and guess what i dont disappoint anyone anymore, i dont wake with a hangover, i dont feel like total shit and i dont look it (well toss up on that one). I always have mwo open, it is my first check in point with my cup of tea at 5.45am and my last point of call at night.

            Watch some alco documentaries on youtube, they open your eyes and alco movies also. I watched them constantly at first, thinking of course, i was not that bad. Now i thank god that i have not got any organ damage or anything else for that matter.

            You guys can do this, dust yourselves off and go for it, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Newbies Nest

              ava i think i love you!!

              *puts on british stiff upper lip and holds out hand to shake.


                Newbies Nest

                lol Rox you do remind me a lot of the old me i must say. Tough as nails but soft in the middle. With no al i am soft all over, and i mean soft and spongey ha ha.

                bugger the hand i am more the kiss and cuddle person.
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks Ava. It's really good to hear from people like you that it's possible :-)
                  Just had a brief phone call with my mum, she was like "You sound a lot less distracted than usual" made me sad to realise that as she usually calls me this time of night I was probably always half (if not fully) pissed when we spoke, and as we don't see each other much she just thinks that what I'm like, this person who doesn't really pay attention to her or care what she has to say. Yet more reason to make it work this time!

                  Thanks for all the support it is much appreciated here x


                    Newbies Nest

                    now now ava, just shake the hand. i might break with a hug.

                    rollergirl, im at the start of my day one so youre ahead of me. well done for getting through it. i did exactly the same as you but i drank on friday til monday. feeling it now, nerves are jangly and i feel sick. i felt so good on thursday, why the hell do we do it??


                      Newbies Nest

                      I dunno Roxane. But hey that makes 3 of us - you, me & Minderaser. So now we all gotta keep sober, because no one wants to be the first one to slip up (lol, I was joking by the way, I'm not crazy competitive in that sense.)

                      My day at work sucked big style today, but I got through it, and thought, if you don't want to go through this again then don't make yourself have to! Tomorrow will be another and a better day. Keep at it Roxy, we can do this.

                      Love you ladies! (and guys, too, maybe?) xxx


                        Newbies Nest

                        I can honestly truly say that i never thought i could do it and i still think it is somebody else and not me. I never thought i could achieve anything especially giving up my best friend forever but i did and i am still doing it, now i have to keep it up. If you drink AT people it does not hurt them it only hurts you. If someone stresses you, look at them and say to yourself "you are not going to make me drink" as pissed off as you are they do not deserve to make you fail. The only person you will fail is yourself and look where that has gotten you! Changing your attitude to life situations is a must as we dont have the bottle to fall back on when we stop. Realising i could NEVER drink again was the hardest thought i could have. As LB said on another thread why did we buy 12 bottles of al if we were only moderating, we can never moderate. Alcoholics cant have one drink, we all know that, its learning not to have that first drink that we think takes the pain and stress away. We are not dumb us humans but god i was totally insane with al to think it took all my pain away. It gave me more than i ever wanted.

                        Roller so many drunken conversations which was sad, some i cant even remember having.

                        I am waffling on now, sorry guys but you know if you can help one person to get off the merry go round it makes all the waffling in the world wonderful. Now there are 3 of you on Day 1 so even more support. Buddies are very important also.

                        My bedtime (thank god you say ha ha). Be safe and sober guys and will see how you are all going tomorrow.
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Newbies Nest

                          Sleep well Ava :-)
                          Mind & Roxy, good luck on Day 1. Let's all check in with each other tomorrow on Day 2 x


                            Newbies Nest

                            im using a scattergun approach to posting roller so i can get a bit lost. i will keep an eye out for you and minderaser though.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Mind, Roxy, Roller - sounds like you have a great team. Go team on day 1 - you ac do it. You've got lots, and lots of cheerleaders. (No applies from me though. Ha, never could do that.)
                              Mary Lou

                              A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                                Newbies Nest

                                Sorry 4 typos - you CAN do it!
                                Mary Lou

                                A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill

