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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Tuesday morning Nesters,

    Sunny but very cold so far today
    Another winter storm on the way for tomorrow, ho hum.

    Making a good plan & commitment will help you all meet your goals. Adopting an attitude of gratitude will help you keep your quit
    Best wishes to all those just starting out again, choose to make this quit your last!

    Have a great AF Tuesday everyone!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Roller Girl I think that really being there is ond of the main reasons I don't drink.
      I think of it as I never HAVE to drink again and that is so liberating.
      My hubby is finally getting it. I was sitting on the sofa feeling blue about some bad news of my daughter's. And he ask me if there was anything he could do to help me . He said well you will feel better later.
      The bad as well as the good emotions that I never experienced fully when I was drinking are all just part of being alive. I am grateful for being able to feel again.
      Have a great MAE all.
      No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


        Newbies Nest

        little beagle;1622637 wrote:
        I think of it as I never HAVE to drink again and that is so liberating.

        That is it, LB! It is now our choice whether to drink and we're choosing
        not to. The compulsion and overwhelming need to arrange all aspects of our lives so we could drink - and drink enough - is GONE! What freedom!

        The thing is, we could have made that simple choice at any point but until you get some good amount of time AF, it is so hard to see that. That is why hanging in there, no matter what, for at least 30 days is so important, I think.


          Newbies Nest

          Hey all, I'm new here. I'm on day 3 of a serious taper and it seems Dante left out a circle of hell, because this has to be one lol.


            Newbies Nest

            Wow, some REALLY great posts overnight!! Pav that quote from AA is WORD! I felt as tho my situation was unique and nobody had it quite as hard as I did. I would justify failing by saying, 'but THEY don't have the pressures I do or 'they just don't UNDERSTAND!' ' Those longer termers don't get it, it's been a long time since their day 1'. These are all excuses to keep the addiction going. This is the addict in us finding justification to continue. I had to DRAW the line! This is IT! I am NOT going to drink no matter what and no matter who....and all I have to do is get thru this day. That is do-able. I think these are the small but essential changes in our thinking that need to least that's what I found. The more excuses I made, the worse I got. If I really asked myself WHY DO YOU KEEP FALLING? The answer was really simple. I was afraid of trying. I was afraid of feeling emotions instead of sorting them out. I was afraid of peer pressure and 'what were THEY going to think?'....I was filled with FEAR. But the truth is, the FEAR of it is nothing like reality. Getting thru an event (taking the choice to drink OUT of it) is do-able...and nobody cares! It is all a mindset...and yes, you may have to be a bit selfish at first and NOT attend drink-fests....they will always be there later. You are NOT going to miss anything major if AL is involved. Protect your quit as if your life depends on it...because it DOES! As we have seen time and time again, this is a disease where the winner takes all, and AL is the winner. Get it out and you will never regret it. Did I ever think I'd be saying these words? Hell no! I fought it tooth and nail! This was to MY detriment....the last laugh was on me. When I see someone take his/her quit and run with it and not fall...I think to myself, what clicked in that person? What is it that he/she read/heard that worked? That person has saved themselves a buttload of anguish!!! I wish that we ALL could get it on the first try, it would save SO MUCH DISPAIR! I wish everyone could see 3 years down the road...either you will still be fighting it, or you will be sober and loving it! It seems like an easy choice, and it is.... it is a daily choice! Choose to be sober this day, no matter what. Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              Mind, Roxy, Roller, and 3030! Another Quad Squad!!! Pull up a twig and get comfy! We are so glad you're here! We have lots of success! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Everyone! So much going on here today!
                Looks like a great group of day 1'ers-- and lots of good support and tips from people who have been going at it for awhile.
                I'm also back at it, getting into the right mind set-- slowly accepting again that I don't ever HAVE to drink again!. Well said, LB! And for accepting that, and sticking to my plan, everything in my life improves. Experiencing the bad times as well as the good--I realised that I made the mistake of drinking "AT" someone the last time I decided to drink. Instead of sitting and feeling and finding a solution I chose the easy way out. Yeah, right!

                Bastet, thank you:l I am also looking forward to getting to know you better..
                and Ican! How the days fly!! I am SO happy for you-- you're like a new woman and it's so exciting to hear about your progress!:h
                Ava, you're such a positive force here now! I love you long-winded, heart felt posts! You are in a strong space right now, which is a joy to see and hear!
                Tree!! Great going on 34 days! you're rockin'!!

                Hi Marylou and tf :welcome: and HP andTJ and NS, Lav, Byrdie, Pav, Jennie(glad to see you back here)-- and each and every person stopping in and sharing today. I am so thankful for all of you!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi guys not had a chance to post for a few days. Good reading the back posts and see new memebers coming on board. Love your comment Brybie about the ' click' I have spent quite a while trying to fathom what my click was that finally lead to me sticking with my af. I really cant attribute it to any one thing but I am so glad it worked. Being af just over 2 months now and feeling and looking great . I also have a much better relationship with my family and friends. I just kept telling myself i could have a drink if I wanted to but I was choosing not to !!!!. Mind set and positive choices and thoughts imo are very important. I was also surprised how much support and praise I recieved and I now activily tell people I dont drink and its amazing how many people say ' whow good for you I wish I did not drink ' Although I dont admit quite so readily to people I dont know the depths of shame and dispare I was in while drinking, I just smile and accept the compliment !!!. Being af has given me and my family our life back and now I think if I can do this I can do anything !!!! So good luck to all the day 1 ers we have all been there and if I no will power, queen of excuses, good at feeling sorry for my self aka an excuse to drink Pop's can do this anybody can !!!
                  AF Since 2nd December 2013

                  Being af is not your punishment ! its your salvation !!:goodjob:

                  Diet Start

                  25th Feb 2014 10st 6lbs 3rd March 10st 1.5lbs


                    Newbies Nest

                    Home from Vacation

                    MAE nesters! I am back in my nest after a month away in the sun. 30 days of yoga, walks on the beach, healthy living and great bonding with my family. I had a couple of WTF moments where the smell of red wine called to me, but it's been over 8 months now and it really isn't a threat any more. I am more amused than anything. Like seriously AL? As if!

                    I don't forget the first while though, the struggles before I found MWO, the first days where I was totally lost without AL, the social events that were so scary at first. I will never put my body or my mind through that again.

                    So newbies, make a plan, be ready for the lure, have an answer ready, an alternative, a getaway. Post often and stick close, this site can save you. I am living proof.
                    Newbies Nest
                    My accountability thread


                      Newbies Nest

                      tf3030;1622651 wrote: Hey all, I'm new here. I'm on day 3 of a serious taper and it seems Dante left out a circle of hell, because this has to be one lol.
                      Hi there you've come to the right place. Detox is hell but it's worth it! Do you have medical assistance or some support system in place?
                      Newbies Nest
                      My accountability thread


                        Newbies Nest

                        Just re-read, Byrdie-- that was such a great post. We DO have the choice. And I definitely don't want to be here 3 years from now thinking about how much time I've wasted and trying to get through day 1 again!

                        3June, your vacation sounds wonderful-- I am so envious. I can't think of anything better than a "wellness" holiday. And well done on 8 months-- very inspiring to me.
                        Jane, sunny holidays in Florida! I know you were worried ahead of time about travelling and about not drinking on your trip, but it sounds like you've done a great job.

                        Hope everyone is having a good AF Tuesday. I am being LAZY! In bed with tea and computer...


                          Newbies Nest

                          MAE all,
                          Woke up in a really bad mood clue why...getting over it I hope.
                          Payed bills and waiting for ice storm followed by snow storm...maybe that is why I am in a bad mood..hate being trapped in the house....bleh...
                          This kind of day would have sent me to the deli for wine and cant deny that the thought popped into my head but the difference now is I am NOT acting on the thought....what a difference a few months will make..;-))

                          Newbie's Nest

                          Tool Box
                          AF 9.1.2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            A very good evening to all.

                            HP and TJ checking in on a little milestone. DAY 30!!!

                            Were not there quiet yet, a little road trip coming up very soon but I know TJ can do this. We're here to be AF!

                            As always it is very inspiring reading all your kind posts of support for TJ. I know she reads them and appreciates everything you've all done to get us this far! Thanks from us both.

                            Thanks Dream. You're right when you say big day, Some people are amazing! I know TJ is.

                            Bastet. Thanks for dropping by on your great Day 22! well done and keep it up!

                            Marylou-Keep going. Life is a roller coaster, we all have our up days and the down days are always just around the corner, keep trying, one day at a time is all it takes. And stay here too among our very special friends at MWO.

                            Little Beagle- TJ is not stopping ever, She just keeps on going, a bit like the energizer bunny!!

                            Well done Tree 34 Days AF is fantastic, there will be no stopping you!

                            Rollergirl- Coming to the end of another day 1 IS a great achievement, everyday is massive in its challenge to us, but you won that battle today! Try and do it again tomorrow! You might surprise yourself and everyone's here to help. On to day 2 then!

                            Thanks Lifechange- We are still going strong!

                            That's all for now. Time to get in the car. Will post back later when we make it through.



                              Newbies Nest

                              HP and TJ!!! YAAYYYY on 30 days! What an accomplishment.:wd: So very happy for you-- have a great road trip and see you in a while.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Woohoo! HP and TJ!!! Thirty days is AWESOME!!!!




                                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.

