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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Day 5 Check IN

    Hello! I was feeling pretty bad yesterday but I'm doing better today. Upon some peristence, called again and got squeezed in to see my doctor, I am just not ready to come off the diazepam quite yet. There's still so many times I feel like drinking just out of habit. Like after eating dinner, in the morning getting ready for work, I used to put some wine in a glass I drank on my long commute to get ready to face the day. Its just so different. That's all for now glad to see new faces on here!
    I ain't afraid of no ghost....


      Newbies Nest

      Evening folks - whew.. long day.

      The big smoke is just that - ick.. stinky.
      I'm glad to be back at home in the woods

      Today went pretty much as expected. I had a specialist appointment and was informed that there's another surgery on the schedule. That nasty 'c' word is still creeping up, so we're getting rid of some internal organs. Talk about excessive spring cleaning, huh?

      At least it's just a hysterectomy (I get to keep my ovaries and prolong menopause for a while, still), so it wasn't all bad news. Mr. Wonderful and I did some shopping and had a lovely dinner, I picked up my new saddle that I ordered a while back, then stopped at my daughter's for a few minutes (boy, she's really getting a baby belly now) and then started the 2 1/2 hour drive home. I'm pooped.

      Welcome newbies and Good Night Oldies (I don't JUST mean you, Lav) :H
      Will try to check in tomorrow - take care, everyone!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Everyone!

        LCC - and have the "Control Drinking in Social Occasions" CD. What is the consensus on the CD's? Do you really need them all? Can you do it with 1 or 2? Please advise.

        Hippy Chick - six weeks af - Yay! You're my new hero! Like Lav says - cherish those good feelings. It really does feel fantastic when all the al leaves the body feeling good on its own. You rock!

        Hi Mamazum, Grateful, Sunni, Lav


        Hot chocolate? - go for it! This is no time to count calories - this is the time to spoil yourself rotten with non-al treats!

        Mazzie, "really looking forward to the day when I don't even think about al. Wonder how long that might take?" It will come soon but slowly. Each week that goes by takes the edge off a little more as you build the confidence in knowing that you can deal with whatever comes up.

        Kbrown, welcome. I can assure you that you're no longer alone in trying to understand how al messes with our lives. There are a lot of good people around here and a ton of great info all over this web site.

        Welcome Cecelia - we've all gotten here in different but similar ways. One thing's for sure, none of us woke up one morning and decided to screw-up our lives with al. Leave the past in the past - use it to help figure out what to do next.

        overit - is fantastic as well! Don't hesitate to chime-in and ask any questions here or anywhere on this site. There are a lot of people who know how to help.

        MamaB- "Be strong and I wil continue to look for the inner strength to beat this...." Nice words, and now I know you will find that strength within. Yes, I didn't try to quit until I had all the stuff I needed either.

        Ishy - day 2! Wow. Don't worry about what will happen later - I had those same thoughts - the truth is you can't figure it out, or worry about it now, the answer comes when you get there. You will know what to do when the time comes!

        Ok, Jolie, Hippy my story from last night... I met a nice lady and asked her to join me after work last night for drinks and appetizers (fyi - I try to moderate now). So we got together and ordered some drinks and snacks. I had a Guinness and she ordered a margarita. Well I had barely slurped the foam off my Guinness by the time she finished her second margarita. Then she called me out for not drinking fast enough! She said "you're making me feel like an alkie!" Ha! There was no way I was going to order a second beer after that slam. But she continued with the marg's. Sorry to say ;}, there won't be a second date.

        I admit that I did break-down and get another beer for the train-ride home, but she was long gone at that point. Trying to be social can be trying at times. And like I said HC, even being single doesn't let you escape from the pressures of our significant drinkers.

        A big welcome to all the new nesters that I may have missed.

        Take care all!
        Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


          Newbies Nest

          Oh LCC, I forgot to comment on your question re: the CDs. Based on last night's adventure, I wish I had the CD that addresses social situations. I ordered the basic mwo cd set that included a clearing, hypnotic, sleep learning and subliminal. I used them regularly in the initial weeks (not so much the subliminal), and still use them occasionally. I thought they were helpful and very relaxing. They even played a roll in getting me into meditation and exploring the mind more deeply. Hey, I'll try anything! In retrospect, all the money spent on mwo suggested resources was well worth it in my estimation (I chose not to try topamax though for personal reasons). Lord knows I could never do this myself in the past - so something must have helped.

          Take care.
          Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Tranq..... LOL. That was me in my previous life..... slam em down and order another....
            Better luck next time.
            I finally got it!
            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


              Newbies Nest

              Happy Friday morning Nesters,

              Waiing for the sun to show up here at some point......But we are in for another day of snow melting, so I'll take it

              Tranq, Yikes! I'd be afraid of a Margarita blaster too!!! I think, quite possibly 'problem drinkers' are alcoholics in training. Keep searching pal

              MG, glad to hear you are starting to feel better - good that you got in to see your Doc! Stick with us, OK?

              Sunni, do you have a date set for your surgery? Would you feel better having a slightly used nurse at your side???? I'll be happy to fly up I may be an Oldie BUT I do feel younger & healthier than I did one year ago. It is amazing what nearly a year without AL can do for you Glad you got to see your daughter yesterday. We'd better get your Granny lessons started soon!

              Greetings HC, hope your day is going well!

              Enjoy your Friday one & all - I'll be back later
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest


                Morning, fellow nest dwellers!

                *yawn* Desperately trying to wake up (I've almost got one eye open now). Busy day ahead since I was away yesterday. Plus, I'll have to head over to the barn this afternoon - I finally got a date with the farrier (well, technically, it's Miss Sophie with the date) :H And tonight, one of Mr. Wonderful's colleagues has a Blah-B-Q. Mind you, I kinda feel like crap; not sure if I'll actually go.

                Lav - my dear, I'll take you anytime! :H Come on up! I was trying to read up on what to expect, recovery, etc... but decided to just skip that part. Didn't like what I read, so I'll make up my own post-op story! :H No, no date yet... hospital will call me. *sigh*

                You know... I'd like to urge ALL of you to look after your health. Going to the doctor has always been a last resort for me. After 13 years I finally decided to have another physical done. That was 2 years ago - and low and behold, there was something wrong. No symptoms, just some tests didn't come out 'right'. I'm ever so grateful that I went when I did - or else this may have turned into a much bigger mess. So - I know that our health is often the last thing we consider (especially if and when we are drinking) - but please do get regular check-ups!

                There - morning sermon delivered

                Tranq - we'll have to set you up with a nice lady that only leads you into GOOD temptations Very happy you didn't feel the need to 'keep up' - that would have put me off big time, too.

                Hippy Chick - big congrats! 6 weeks is awesome! MarriedGirl, you've almost made it a whole week - very cool! One day at a time. Sounds so cheesy, but it really does work. Breaking it into bite-sized, manageable little goals is the way to go.

                Ok, better get my butt in gear. Have a great Friday, everyone and look forward to a happy, hangover-free Saturday
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Everyone!

                  I am very excited to be on day 3 AF. My goal right now is 6, mainly get past the weekend and then go from there. It is really nice having a place to check in and see how others are managing as well. Have a great Friday!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Everybody....
                    used my cleansing CD for the first time last night and got so relaxed I missed Evan winning the gold in figure skating!!!!!
                    Sunni.....I am a breast cancer survivor and honestly, chemo and radiation was easy to deal with compared to the battle with THE Beast . I know it's a hysterectomy, but if "C" shows up let me know.....
                    KBROWN....:welcome:.....U R NOT ALONE
                    Tranq....good job with the Guiness and run for the hills from Margarita Mary!!
                    Question.......and it's kind of gross...but u guys r
                    I started on the supplements last night and this morning and had the MOST PAINFUL GAS and spent 20 minutes in the bathroom this normal??????????????uch:
                    Feel fine now, but was very uncomfortable for a bit......
                    I remember all the comments that temporary discomfort is worth the fight, but...YUK!!
                    Ordered topamax yestrday and it will take 2 weeks to get here, but I am starting the supps and CD's now..
                    Smooches from the sunny but cold South......GO TEAM USA!!!!!!!!!!!
                    (hi Sister you!!)
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Newbies Nest

                      Happy Friday everyone,
                      Working on day 3 too Excuses. I feel strong this morning but i know I have to be cautious of the Friday night boredom.

                      Tranqq it pains me to think Margarita Mary is me. I can suck down a glass of wine like no ones business. I don't know why I pretend I care about what it tastes like. Good for you to recognize the danger in Margarita Mary.

                      Sunnshine, you have an amazing attitude and great health advise. I hope you find your energy today.
                      Thank you everyone for this thread.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Goodmorning to everyone in this wonderful, strong, supportive community. Day 2 AF and feeling more committed to doing this than anything I've felt in a long time. Though I am nervous about the weekend...friends calling and texting about going out...I've told each one that I quit drinking and am going to my first AA meeting tonight. No one believes me! Also worried about my triggers at dinner, talking on the phone, sometimes just down time in general. My family may not have a home-cooked meal or family and friends hear from me for quite a while!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi, C. Congratulations on 2 days AF!!! Don't worry right now about your family & need to do this for yourself first.

                          Excuses, Ishy-congratulations to you also. You guys are doing great!!!

                          Mama Bear - it is so good to see you posting and helping others. Aren't you glad you gave yourself the birthday present of MWO?

                          Sunshine-I had a hysterectomy 12 years ago for the same reason....thankfully the "C" stayed away after that. The recovery wasn't bad at all and will probably be better for you since it's been so long- they probably have better ways.... Won't it be nice to be a healthy grandma?

                          Hello to all of the Nesters and have a fabulous Friday!! Keep up the good work!!
                          Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello lovely nesters!

                            Hope everyone has a good start to the weekend.

                            Hippy Chick, huge congrats to you on your 6 weeks of freedom. What an achievment. It is so so inspiring to hear how much you are enjoying your new life. Thanks so much.

                            Married Girl and Cecelia, good luck avoiding those triggeres. Just seems like they are everywhere sometimes.. I've been changing a few small things here and there in an effort to shake my brain up a bit so it's not in autopilot all the time. Just little stuff like walking a different way to the shop, trying different tea, wearing different clothes. If nothing else, it takes my mind of alc for a bit.

                            Sunshine, I'm sorry lovey, I told you in my last post to have a great day in the city. I didnt know you were going to the doc. Thanks for the health advice:h

                            Excuses and Ishy, congrats on Day 3. Am on day 3 too but my oh my fridays are hard. Time to grit the teeth and be inspired by our wonderful friends in the nest:l

                            Tranq, you're so funny. I'm glad you enjoyed your 2nd Guinness in peace without having to listen to the sound of slurping margeritas. Hope she paid for them:H T a for hot choc advice too. Will happily take that on board!

                            Lav, hope the snowmen are getting nervous..have a good friday!

                            Mama Bear! Am delighted you are enjoying your cleansing CD. Must order the CDs too; am still waiting for the book to arrive. Am so glad I have lots to read here to keep me going. Hope your poor body gets used to the supplements pronto. :eeks: Have a lovely evening sugar. x


                              Newbies Nest

                              hey Soph....
                              the flying poops are no fun.....tee hee
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hee hee Mama B, just love that smiley in the toilet!!!
                                So glad I called by. Finding it really difficult right now. But will hold tight knowing you are all out there.:thanks:

