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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Nesters,
    I had the day off today. I went to a Zumba class in the morning and met a friend for lunch. I have to go to work this evening but have a little time before than. I told my husband this morning that it was 25 days and he immediately knew what I was talking about but his comment was, really already! I'm like yes. Does he not see that this not a walk in the park. My friend is an across the street neighbor who I have known for more than 20 years, our daughters went to pre- school together. I would never in a millions years say anything to her about this. So today kind of made realize that this is the only place I can really be completely honest.
    Taylor 303 - I know it is very hard to keep it all honest but given that none of us know each other if don't tell on here you are only lying to yourself.
    Dream Think Do - you are so great with coffee every morning. It's a little on the early side for me but I love waking up and seeing the cup.
    Pavarti - swimming is such a good way to release tension. I am a baby when it comes to swimming when it is cold. I always wait until it is about 70 outside.
    HP & TJ - congrats on the 32 days. You two are just rolling along!
    Avail - I really hope your pup is doing better. I agree you can't put a price tag on the health of a family member.
    Mein - I'm sorry you are feeling so down. I just try to remember that even AF I will continue to have all the same mood changes as before and maybe even more so.
    Lav - I'm glad your power is back on and you have a warm house. Sometimes it's the simple things.
    Roller Girl - day 3 is awesome! I do have to agree with everyone else though that maybe a weekend with your friends is not the smartest move right now. Byrdlady says if you were invited to an all you can eat banquet and you were on a very strict diet would you go? And how would you feel if you did?
    Dottie Belle - you are inspiration to all of us. It is so great to hear that you keep feeling better!
    Badger - day 2 is terrific, good going!
    Jane - that picture of the dolphins is unbelievable. How are you doing with being AF on vacation? It sounds like you're good, let me know if you come up with any strategies.
    Hanoj - I tried hot yoga once and almost passed out. I like aerobic exercise but I need all the fans going.
    And hi to everyone I missed Lead 366, Samstone, Marylou, NS, Elvis, Roxane, Fin, Panacea, Stupot and Minderaser. And anyone else. I think the nest is mighty crowded right now and everyone is doing great!


      Newbies Nest

      I changed my avatar after a year, Badger. Sort of a new stage, I guess.

      Byrdie, don't make me bring my horror-reports about sugar into this safe and cozy nest :H!

      Good work, Hanoj and Mind! I promise you will never regret having not drank the night before. Mornings with no regrets are worth any amount of discomfort the night before.


        Newbies Nest

        Bastet;1623721 wrote: I told my husband this morning that it was 25 days and he immediately knew what I was talking about but his comment was, really already!
        well done on 25 days!

        I really think that early AF days are a bit like dog-years, especially if it's your first major quit after years of being in an AL fog. you have to re-learn your responses to everything, re-think all your long-held thoughts - it's exhausting., every day seems like a week

        your husband, however, is running on normal-people time


          Newbies Nest

          Hey Badger! Great to see you reporting in! I will see you right here tomorrow! Same bat time...same bat channel! You are so right, those first few days are agonizingly slow but mercifully, they speed up after day 13.
          So happy to see everyone! I wish I could go down the line and name everyone I dont know how yall do that!!! Hugs, B
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            hanoj;1623701 wrote: Hi All! Made it to Hot Yoga today - felt great to do something I know helps me tremendously reduce/remove the cravings when I practice daily. I started to have a hard time at lunch in a downtown restaurant with all the temptation around but then my food arrived promptly and was so delicious I enjoyed it and forgot all about the cravings as my blood sugar leveled out and I naturally focused on being grateful for my meal and the quality green tea and the cool anime playing on the restaurant tv...I felt like a kid again!

            Just a reminder - get SOME exercise in today - even a walk around the house! Yay Endorphins!

            Also, I heard this from the book "Sober Kitchen" by Chef Liz Scott - always use H.A.L.T. to avoid bad cravings. It stands for: Never let yourself get: Hungry - Angry - Lonely - Tired. Of course each of these will happen often but being prepared to solve them, happily and AF has been really helpful. When I don't prepare to solve these it is a tough rock of the boat but I am learning - Self Care Rocks!
            agreed! Im using HALT---It sticks after a few months......and those four words lead to using.

            Exactly....just a little exercise does wonders. Im also this time going to keep me full of good whole food--beginning when I wake up------It does work! Proteins and VEGGIES!:goodjob:


              Newbies Nest

              OK Cool--lets do that!

              I feel pretty good......and one thing that is more settling now is TRULY UNDERSTANDING that brain and neural repair takes time. Im using lots of sugar.....and eating three very well balanced meals to ensure Im not EVER hungry.

              I think too that Im gonna ditch the guilty and self defeating shame thinking. ITs stupid and non productive. Hey...We are here with friends and there is lots of success. Ive reviewed this aspect of my life so often that it does nothing. ITS HISTORY. The bright side?..We are sober today and we should be thankful and proud.

              I know I wont drink tonight---DAY 3 then after a pleasant sleep...I dont even care if I wake up through the night...its part of the deal and will end very soon. If any of you have ideas to keep me busy...please advise...Im retired and have wayyyyyyy too much time on my hands. NO KNITTING! lol


                Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters,

                I feel so lucky to have power back - there's still so many going without tonight. This was one wicked ice storm. for sure!

                Hello to the newest newbies & welcome back to some just returning!
                Never quit trying, you'll get there if you just keep trying

                I'm watching my grandsons tonight so my hands are quite full :H
                Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hey Emilbus)

                  Yes--I understand completely. But---it was not the REAL you that did that to significant other. Its the sneaky alcohol. Also remember...most of us here had no idea what we were getting into and its only recently that info has become available via internet. So..take are a good person.....your recognizing something big.....and you are taking steps. Be kind to'll get there with a little time. Drink some warm herbal tea....take a hot bath---Use epsom salts if you can---it sucks toxins out of your body. Works wonders.

                  One more thing...its really not that hard actually...just dont pick up a drink and dont let your mind beat you up....the really good person inside you does not deserve it. Its only a few days now and you will feel soooo much better.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Lavande;1623781 wrote: Good evening Nesters,

                    I feel so lucky to have power back - there's still so many going without tonight. This was one wicked ice storm. for sure!

                    Hello to the newest newbies & welcome back to some just returning!
                    Never quit trying, you'll get there if you just keep trying

                    I'm watching my grandsons tonight so my hands are quite full :H
                    Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!

                    Hey Lav---nice work on your freedoms since 2009...Jealous?...YES I AM! lol

                    Anyways...I hope to join you soon....such a simple just not do it.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Jane I know that beagles definately love to eat. How funny. And such a big voice for that little dog.
                      I remember when I first quit tbat time really seemed to crawl, but at about 2 weeks it sped up to almost normal time. Just hang in there.
                      Sorry Fin. At least you are here with us who care about you.:l
                      Have a good one all.
                      No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                        Newbies Nest

                        lead366;1623757 wrote: OK Cool--lets do that!

                        I think too that Im gonna ditch the guilty and self defeating shame thinking. ITs stupid and non productive. Hey...We are here with friends and there is lots of success. Ive reviewed this aspect of my life so often that it does nothing. ITS HISTORY. The bright side?..We are sober today and we should be thankful and proud.
                        That's the ticket, Lead. Look forward, think what you have to be grateful for, and forgive yourself.

                        Welcome to you and Emilbus - you've found a great place. I spent SO much time reading on here when I first came that I felt almost like I knew everybody already. Especially check out the tool box in some of the signatures here - great resources to fill that time.

                        Hi, Fin - glad you're back.

                        Another looooong (but not stress filled) day at work. I like reading all of the posts about exercise here. When I have a long day at work that is stressful, I find my fight or flight hormones are activated and I feel anxious. Exercise is absolutely key in helping me calm down and relax after that. I used to go straight for a drink, but that only exacerbated the feeling when I woke up - what's the point in that.

                        Sleep tight, stay close.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning all from a not very sunny England. Again!!

                          HP and TJ checking in on Day 33!

                          Yes they do seem to be flying by a little quicker or am I just getting older, they say everything goes quicker as you get old?:upset:

                          Happy to report again that TJ had a solid Day 32! We had known for a while that one of TJ's jobs was finishing but yesterday we heard that she was successful in her Wednesday interview. I knew she could do it! I'm proud as always!:goodjob:

                          Welcome Panacea. Good to have a new friend in the nest with us all.

                          Lead366-Welcome and well done on getting yourself through Day 2!!

                          Emilbus-Welcome. 2 days and we will get you racking up those days before you know it. Stay wth us.

                          Badger-Well done on getting through Day 2 as well. I know from helping TJ that the sleep pattern can be badly affected during the first few days and the bad dreams ( It was day 3 for us) are side effects from the alcohol withdrawal. But as your days mount up hopefully it will get easier for you like for TJ.

                          Rollergirl day 3 done! Well done, It does get easier, Ive seen it with TJ. Best of luck for your weekend. Stay strong.

                          Minderaser- Great achievement of getting through Day 3. Keep going. We've got your back!

                          Bastet 25 days!!!. That's brilliant. You are right, this is the place to be yourself, cause everyone can relate to your story and we all help each other. It's strange to say this but just 6 short weeks ago I didn't know anything about alcoholism and how I could even help someone who was suffering from the addiction. TJ guided me here and luckily for us both we met a great community that took us on board and have stuck with us all the way to Day33. Thanks, we are rolling along nicely.

                          Jane- We accept your invite to get those AF days up to the magic 60! That's a massive amount of days but if you can do it? Then we will be by your side as well. Be good to yourself and be a little selfish and do what you want for once. I loved the dolphins too!!

                          Have a happy AF Friday.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello Nesters,
                            Just finished watching Thanks For Sharing, a movie I quite enjoyed about addiction (this movie being about sex addiction but addiction carries i.m.o.). I am finishing up the first of two days off in a row. It seems like forever since I last had a day off (I week ago...crazy).
                            So I am in the process of buying a house. I put in an offer (the realtor I am working with came up with it- it was low but what do I know?) and the seller wouldn't even look at it. It was a slap in her face. I had just gotten on my lunch break when I found out. Then I ate and talked some things over and was feeling very anxious and full of doubt. So, because I have made this commitment to myself (AF)(and it was only 2 in the afternoon and I still needed to finish the day) I bought cake and ate cake. Then I got sick because of all the emotions. For me emotions and food do not mix. So that was one instance when cake won over wine, however gag reflex trumped them both.
                            So we put in another offer (this one is really good, I can't imagine she would expect the asking price, when it is above the assessed value) and are waiting to hear about it. It is frustrating and nerve racking, also to figure out everything I need for my own place. Its six or seven years since I had my own place, maybe had roommates but it was mine. I am so looking forward to that again.
                            The mormons visited my Mom today. They almost broke her; these barely-out-of-diapers young men who have no life experience try to tell my mom she is not a good person or Christian if she is not in good standing with the church. She tried to explain to them why their perception of things is screwy to her, and they treat her as if she is the demented heathen who God has turned from. It rightly pissed me off! Of course because they were here, the whole can of worms that is my family's past came out. Mom got uber depressed. Wine is a soother. She drank; I made supper and freaked out about internet and TV for the new place. I like that I have something to occupy my mind because otherwise it would be easy to go back to vino. I kinda wish I would have had to balls to stand up to the little elders and told them a thing or two, but from my experience they are so damned brainwashed and engrossed in their own dogma that they can't listen to common sense or human rights. (I do apologize if anyone here is LDS and I have offended. I do understand that what I have said is not true for everyone who follows this religion. I will end now because if I continue I see the possibility of things getting ugly, and I am not the type of person who enjoys misunderstanding, conflict, and closed minds.) So goodnight. Perhaps I will have exciting news tomorrow. Namaste
                            :earth: Tree23


                              Newbies Nest


                              you said it yourself, there is no point in arguing with people that are brainwashed/fixed in their belief. to them, you are the one that is wrong and needs to be shown the right belief. this is not just for religion, think of anything; politics for instance.

                              i have learnt just to nod, yes, fine, goodbye. i found doing that stopped me from getting upset and frustrated. that includes people who have the same thoughts as myself but are 'fanatical'.

                              im sorry they upset your mum so much and therefore you. not very christian imo.


                                Newbies Nest

                                MAE Nesters

                                Sorry, coffee's late today.

                                HP, congratulate TJ on the interview and the AF days she's stacking up.

                                Lead and Pav, you are so right about not dwelling on the past - rather look at today and tomorrow. Put the past behind you, Emil - you cannot change it - but you can change today.

                                Lead, here's a thread to look into: I think it mentions knitting:H - and a gazillion other things to keep you busy!

                                Bastet, to non-drinkers or normal drinkers, 25 days are nothing. One of my SiLs goes months without alcohol, and she wouldn't understand how much just one day, in the beginning, takes out of one. So, see your husband's comment from his perspective - to him, 25 days are not a big deal.

                                Fin and Badger - are you back on your old perches? The butt velcro should be next to your coffee:H:H

                                Stu, two sprained ankles must be pretty awkward. Must have been quite a tumble. Perhaps you should also have a look at the link I posted for Lead

                                There are a lot of people I haven't mentioned - well done to each and everybody here.

                                We have a cholesterol challenge in town - a promotional thing for a certain margarine brand. I've not really been using the recommended amount to lower my cholesterol, but it's .9 down from what it was two weeks ago. Have been doing the early morning walks three times a week, and I think that played in much bigger role in the lower reading than the marg. The challenge runs until next Friday (and then I'm going back to butter)

                                POETS Day, thank goodness - have a good AF one.
                                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

