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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    again, some people have quit both at the same time, others have not. if you do, and have a wobble (you will, sorry!) stay af and quit the smokes some other time.


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Sarah. I need to loose some weight but I figured being af was my priority so I have focused on that these past couple of months and I now feel ready to pay some attention to loosing some weight. I feel that if we try to do too many things at once its a bot like setting yourself up to fail as we are only human and cant do it all in one go !. Being kind to yourself in the early days is important maybe set a goal to quit smoking when you are more comfortable with being af ?? just a thought and good luck you can do this !!.
      AF Since 2nd December 2013

      Being af is not your punishment ! its your salvation !!:goodjob:

      Diet Start

      25th Feb 2014 10st 6lbs 3rd March 10st 1.5lbs


        Newbies Nest

        Londoner! you are doing so well - doing several pink elephant dances for you!

        Sarah, I tried doing both - I reasoned I may as well get two withdrawals for the rice of one. By Day 3 it was a case of one or the other (or mayhem and murder). So, here I am: still smoking, still not drinking. Going NF will happen - eventually.

        Poppy, I've now lost about 8 or 9 kgs - without changing my diet at all. In fact, I'm eating more than I used to, and apart from the recent morning walks, am not doing any form of exercise. Your body's metabolism need time to readjust to actually having to cope with food, so give it time, and wait for the results. Just one more incentive to stay AF!
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Nesters

          Sunny & very cold here today, no snow until tomorrow!

          Hello & welcome Sarah!
          Glad you found us & decided to join MWO. Have you looked in the tool box yet? It's filled with great ideas to help you put your plan together.
          It took me a few weeks after I joined to put my plan together & gradually reduce the amount of wine I was drinking each day so as not to need any medical help detoxing. Quitting suddenly can be dangerous for some. I did not use any Rx meds. I found the MWO Hypno CDs to be a huge help in getting my thinking straightened out & learning to relax without AL. Wishing you the very best!

          I'm heading out for the day & will check in tonight!
          Wishing everyone a terrific AF Friday.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Jane, not much help on the car situation, but: it's your car, your decision - I don't think you have to give reasons as to why not. If you really want to give a reason, perhaps say you're worried about the insurance situation, since he's a new driver; I know that here excess payments are loaded for certain age groups and time they've had a license.

            If you don't feel like leaving the house - why do so? Some people are just more sociable than other, and the media pushes that picture that there's something "wrong" with a person who doesn't want to be out and about the whole time. I like being on my own most of the time, and it doesn't much bother me - but there also is a difference between being alone and being lonely - that is a big red flag for me.
            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


              Newbies Nest

              MAE all,
              Bitter cold here. Hate to go out but we have errands to run and I am sick of sitting in the house...
              I quit smoking decades before. I don't think I could have done both at the same time. And the weight loss was just a bonus to quitting all the junk food and calories I drank.
              Off to face the cold..

              Newbie's Nest

              Tool Box
              AF 9.1.2013


                Newbies Nest

                Good Late Morning, Nesters!
                Welcome, Sarah! Wow, are we going to have a lot in common! I have Crohn's/Colitis, too! I can tell you that getting AL out of my diet has helped it 1000%!! In fact, that is my excuse for not drinking anymore! Everyone seems to accept it and not continue to push once I say that!
                I'm with the group....once you identify that you have a problem with AL, seek out an online forum and join, you are prolly one of us. But here is the good news! There is a fix for addiction! :H:H:H You are not going to have any luck with cutting back (you've tried that, right?) Made rules about AL and then broke them, so now what? Accepting that one drink is deadly for us takes us a long way to the finish line. Once you accept that ONE drink is only going to feed this addiction then half the battle is won. Take the choice of drinking off the table completely. It's just not an option to deal with things anymore. So what if the day has a Y in it, I'm not going to drink today! I do that every single day and 3 years later here I am!

                I was actually thinking just this morning about this disease I have...Crohn's, not ALK'ism. Why me? Why did the stars line up and land on my fanny? Well, who knows, but it happened and now I live with it. Some days are easier than others. This translates to our ALK'ism, too. Why me? It was just a perfect storm of opportunities I guess but it is what it is. My ALK'ism is totally controllable....all I have to do is get thru this day. I can do that. I didn't take any of the meds either, just used the support of this nest. Welcome aboard!

                Londoner, you sound like a new man!! So proud of ALL the nesters for getting this monkey off our backs once and for all! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Sarah! I'm pretty new here but have been helped so much by all long term successful "nest moms". The thing is we all have so much in common and they have all been through it already or know someone who has that I don't hesitate to ask for advice. In fact that is why I here today - with questions;
                  When do I try to cut out or taper the sleep aids I use? And when do I get concerned about sugar intake or just extra reward food? I am almost at 4 weeks and feel like maybe I have been too KIND to myself and need to use a little discipline. On the other hand I don't want to jeopardize my quit and I did join a health club and went 3x both last week and this week. Anyway just wondering if it is time to rein myself in or give it time and things I'll take care of them selves. I hope everyone has a great AF Friday and weekend! Thanks in advance for giving me advice.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Bastet, good for you on your AF time
                    I think we are all different & some decisions have to be made on a personal basis?
                    The sugar intake is something you can reduce slowly (if you think you'd freak out going cold turkey).
                    The sleep meds - well, that depends. Is there any reason why you don't want to continue them? Do you feel groggy in the mornings, hung over during the day? If that's the case then see what happens when you stop them. If you find you can't sleep you can always restart them. I've had sleep problems for nearly 20 years, unfortunately quitting AL made little to no difference for me.

                    Byrdie, I can only imagine how much you gut improved going AF
                    No wonder you want to remain happy, healthy & AF!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thanks Lav, it was kind of interesting when you asked if I was having issues with the sleep meds because I'm not. It is just this general feeling that I should be getting rid of all the unnatural substances. These were prescribed by my MD along with AD so medically it is all in the open, actually he didn't know about the drinking so I guess I am in better shape now. I will work on the sugar thing. It's just such an easy way to feel like I have rewarded myself also after ice I don't really want wine. I hope the snow holds off for you all. We are finally having some much needed rain and snow in the mountains.


                        Newbies Nest


                        Oh Pop i totally agree with the roll call, i looked at MWO'ers numbers and thought it will take me forever to get to those numbers, if ever, and now its happening to US. I am pretty well smiling today and messaging the kids to tell them and if i had a mountain nearby i would shout it out. My eldest daughter who thought i could not possibly give up al said to me "mum even with the stress of Maddison's illness you did not drink, i am so proud of you". She is realising that i am determined to be af and it means the total world to me that they are proud. Keep knitting that scarf it needs to reach me in a couple of months!

                        London what a great post, I have the power now over al and sometimes it is not easy still but i am stronger to say no to those feelings that come and go. Not cravings per se but just a thought i would like a nice wine to sip and enjoy. Spoken like a "normal" drinker but i am not a normal drinker and i never will be and in the next 20 years plus, i cannot have what i think i would enjoy. its life, pure and simple and my body, soul and heart knows this. Keep up the great work.

                        Sarah i smoke also and i am not giving them up atm. In time yes i will and i am planning on this year as they are so expensive. I have a healthy liver and i will give myself healthy lungs too, that is my plan. Just do what you are comfortable with, as was said, we try to do everything at once and then we cave in as our expectations are too high on ourselves.

                        Jane if you dont feel comfortable lending him your car say No. I gave into my kids so many times drunk it makes me shudder but now i am totally sober they are stunned when i say NO and i mean it. I am a homebody too and love my four walls and it is such a chore to go out but if i dont want to i dont and if i have to then i do. As i say to my children, i work all week, in a hospital, i am socialising all week, talking, interacting with people and weekends are my time to do as i want. i used to have to pop a xanax before i went out but now i just walk out the door and face the world. That feels so good, take the al away and most of my anxiety has gone though with my sick dog i did have to take a xanax but just the one.

                        Have a great MAE all, im off to do some housework before the brutal heat starts, winter is looking enticing to me at the moment.
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Newbies Nest

                          Venturing out tonight to a dance..totally out of my comfort zone but have been wanting to go so here we is a no booze place and I have my water bottle packed. I can do this!!!

                          Newbie's Nest

                          Tool Box
                          AF 9.1.2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Available: Prize Patrol is on overtime!

                            Words just aren't e-mailable
                            To express our love for Available!
                            70 days have come and passed
                            And she has found HER QUIT at last!
                            For those who know and love this hen,
                            May her long LONG posts, never end!! :H:H:H

                            NoSugar was my editor on that diddy! We are so proud of you too!!

                            Go Dots!! Going to a dance! Look at you, that is amazing (I wouldn't have done that back in the NO rhythm....altho I can rhyme!!)
                            XO, Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Evening everyone, just a quick check in to say day 4 was a success :-) a long day at work followed by some good food and a movie with my flatmate.
                              One more day in work, then a day off, looking forward to not spending the whole day off recovering in bed. Will use the time to see my parents who I dont see much of.
                              Hope everyone had an excellent af friday!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Oh Byrd what a lovely poem, i just read it to Mia my daughter and she just laughed and said you all know me too well.

                                Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for making this journey kind of enjoyable, it is more than enjoyable now but at the beginning as we know it is hard work and determination, not giving in to the cravings, the anger (why me), the pity party, the withdrawals, the headaches, the no sleep and especially the thinking i can be a moderate drinker after awhile.

                                Now that sounds not very enticing to the newbies on the nest but they all pass if you give it time and the most important thing is to be honest with yourself and everyone else and keep posting and posting and posting.

                                Thanks NS you are a gem as is Lav. All very wise birds who we should all listen too.

                                PS Maddison may be home today and what a celebration of my 70 days if this happened.
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

