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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello everyone.
    Day 5 in the bag here, settled in at home with plenty of snacks and juice I was invited to a party tonight, and I did consider going and not drinking, but I thought there was little point in going into that situation this soon into my quit. So I called in sick to the host haha. Never done that before!
    Day off tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to not spending the whole day hung over in bed, First day off where I feel like I can do something productive in an age.
    Hope everyone is doing well, and good going Roxy, keep it up!


      Newbies Nest

      Good to hear mind.
      Anything planned for your day off?


        Newbies Nest


        thank you all so much for the congrats, it makes it all worthwhile to be praised for this journey we are on and gives me more strength and determination to keep going and not let anyone down especially myself.

        Sarah i was going to make the same comment that Byrd as made about why you cant just stop. We are all different in our quits but i ran out of excuses to give up drinking eventually and boy did i have a list a mile long and i used every single one of them. I probably had a few more up my sleeve but in the end i had to decide that ultimate decision that i had to give up, cold turkey, no moderating, no ever having a drop of al again and i am proud to say i did it and i dont ever regret it. I regret not giving up beforehand.

        HP/TJ what a lovely post and i will miss you HP but look forward to getting to no TJ and continue this journey. We will all continue the support and welcome the posts. Thanks for the congrats, it feels great to be alive and Maddison well hoping today is the day of her return but she is still in a bit of pain so they are keeping her in.

        Lav i will have some of that snow please, it was 30 overnight here and 33 at 8.30am and not a cloud in the sky. Blah is all i will say. thank you for your words of wisdom, i am up to 71 days due to your caring and all the MWOers here. You really do know what you are talking about lol.

        Mary thank you lovely for the pedi-mani, much needed as funds are quite low atm but Maddy is so worth it. Hoping she is home today, i miss my chubba guts. You are doing so well and dont the days get easier, once those cravings are gone then BOOM life is good, one less thing to focus on but we always need to be on our toes.

        Honey, well done on your days, is it 40 today, well would be over in Aus so a big hug and congratulations on your achievement. When i first stopped drinking i watched Dexter from season 1 onwards, helped me through many a sleepless night but now i am Dextered out and up to season 5 i think, he is such a cutey for a murderer! I am now into Doc Martin, Revenge, Haven and Once Upon a Time. So good to remember every single word they say and not have to re-watch the show the next day or the next or the next. Glad your fb friends were so supportive, i posted when i had 60 days but did not say what. Most of my fb friends know me as a piss head, well my kids friends that they grew up with and they still make comments about my drinking. I will post when i am 100 days and see what they say. Great work.

        Mind i had to laugh when you said you were sick and could not go. Bet before you would have been biting at the bit to get to a party and drink. Very proud of you for realising it was too early in your quit as we all know we have to protect it with our life. I am a lone drinker so i didnt have that problem. It feels great to wake up without a hangover, to me it is normal now and i am grateful everyday for that feeling. it gets better and better Mind and you are nearly day 7, yeah for you!

        Rox stop stalking people ha ha. Still proud of you girl!
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Newbies Nest

          I play the drums, so I've got a band practice in the early afternoon that I've just arranged (not normal fit for it until at least 5pm haha) Then maybe see some family or just chill out and watch a movie or play some video games. So nothing spectacular, but still something to look forward to
          What's your plan?


            Newbies Nest

            crosspost available - Yeah I felt like I was phoning in sick to work or something haha. Still, a little white lie never hurt anyone


              Newbies Nest

              MAE all,
              Byrdie I feel like I have been living in the black and white part of the wizard of oz and have now awakened to the color part....So many things I can do now that I am not trying to figure out my drinking schedule...I cant believe how much time I devoted to that..sigh...but this is so freeing and I am going to explore things and do things and live life instead of sitting on the couch drinking...what fun what wasn't...I am very thankful to everyone here who wrote to me and posted during my first attempts, this time, to quit....most supportive site I have ever been a part of...

              Newbie's Nest

              Tool Box
              AF 9.1.2013


                Newbies Nest

                Too funny Mind, naughty girl, but any excuse is a good one to not drink.

                Dot wasnt it exhausting this drinking schedule we lived our life around. I certainly dont miss that at all. I'm still in the sepia stage but no hurry to get to the colour, one day at a time but if the colour is so good then i might hurry myself up. So glad you are sounding strong and positive and motivated to try new things. How did hubs like dancing and his vego lifestyle now?
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Newbies Nest

                  available. hubby is doing pretty darn good....he still eats some meat/chicken when we go out to eat but at home he has stopped complaining...and we met at a dance class way back when and he is a good dancer..we both forgot so many of the steps we used to know but with a few group lessons it will come back to us...I hope..

                  Newbie's Nest

                  Tool Box
                  AF 9.1.2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Lol love it Dot, he has finally realised. Oh that is so sweet that you are taking something up where you actually met. Rekindling the love and him behaving to boot, cant ask for more than that in life. I have two left feet, even have to look where i am walking in case i fall over. You can do anything you set for yourself now and thats a great feeling isnt it.
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Newbies Nest

                      POPPY a big congrats on your 70 days, i meant to say that before but damn the memory is starting to fail at 70, oh thats right its 70 days not 70 years old. You and Pav being with me on this journey has kept me motivated and on track. I am proud of you and Pav on this day and if you are like me the smile will be permanently fixed in place for the day and days to follow. We now know it becomes easier with time and to all the newbies its totally doable and look at all the big numbers now on the board.

                      Big hugs Pop and Pav and onwards we will go "hi ho, hi ho, hi ho".
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Newbies Nest

                        Ya hay have come on late as just back from an af night out, I drove and had a great time totally and utterly S-O-B-E-R !!!! and read your lovely message Avail !!! thank you so much so very proud of you Pav and me, we did it guys !!. My time zones are diffarant to you guys I think so it 11.48 pm here so I am 12 minutes of my 70 days af !!! who would have thought this time 10 weeks ago I would have gained the freedom from the demon and living my life happy and free !!!. If i can do it after so many fails and so many excuses and broken promises to myself and others for the past to many years anybody can. Go all you newbies its journey I would suggest you all conitue on as the destination truly is the promised land. So mega mega mega proud of my quit buddies Avail and Pav you have been such an inspiration to me and hope you will be fore a long time to come !! go guys go !!! this af lark rocks !!!!!!
                        AF Since 2nd December 2013

                        Being af is not your punishment ! its your salvation !!:goodjob:

                        Diet Start

                        25th Feb 2014 10st 6lbs 3rd March 10st 1.5lbs


                          Newbies Nest

                          Actually - it is 5:15 on my day 69, and I'm still in Ava's day 70, although she's in her own day 71 and mine and Poppy's day 70. Poppy is 12 minutes from her day 70. By the time it is my own day 70 it will be Ava's day 72 although she is only one quit day ahead.

                          All I can say is who's on first?


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Glad to see so many checking in with positive posts
                            Congrats to everyone making progress!!!!

                            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest! Still very cold here, just had flurries off & on all day available. Maybe I can send you some snow tomorrow

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              I wanted to share what Skull wrote in the sober February thread on the occasion of his 100th day sober. The comic is great:

                              This would seem overwhelming to me but it really is a matter of baby steps. One foot in front of the other. I found this cool comic strip that reminds me of the journey well- I like to re-read it when I need reminding of this. The "artistic mastery" could be seen as our end goal of not being slave to alcohol- read it with that perspective... Brick by Brick | Doodle Alley


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi All - I just banged my knee on the coffee table and my first thought was, "I'll remember where that bruise came from in the morning!" How refreshing.

                                Mary Lou

                                A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill

