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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi all, recently one of my friends reminded me how important is to be positive. If you positive, positive things will come to you ❤️
    AF since 10/20/2013
    Smoke free since 09/24/2007
    Meat free since 09/20/2008
    With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


      Newbies Nest

      I agree Myluck---Totally:

      Greetings to the rest of you in the nest...

      Im just wrapping up day four after numerous short stumbles since my massive decision Sept 30th. Feeling much better and the bitterness and crappy sleeps I took in stride as mere big deal...I kinda laughed and smirked my way through it.

      Much better at this point and even urge surfed my way through going out for a large steak and potato feast ---but instead will make organic well balanced meal.

      Just observe the urge...let it in...even welcome it...and it goes a minute or two.

      It worked!



        Newbies Nest

        WTG lead366!!!

        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          Newbies Nest

          Byrdlady;1624396 wrote: Morning, Nesters!
          Yucky day down south. Raining sideways and cold. I have a hot date with the grocery store. Jealous?
          Sarah, why do you think quitting cold turkey will cause a flair? I didnt find that to be the case. I wasnt able to taper, I found that to be a lot like moderation and I flunked out of school on that one. I found that cold turkey was the only way I could stop the cycle. Just do it, you might surprise yourself. Besides, I know how to deal with flairs pretty much it is part of our lives, right? Dont listen to any voice that keeps this addiction alive....that is Addiction Head ( Dick Head) talking. I know everyone is different, but in this regard, we are more alike than different. I drank about a bottle and a half ( 1 liter) a day on weekdays and much nore than that on weekends and I had some discomfort, and flulike symptoms, but they were manageable. That is what I have observed in my 4 years here, too. The stories we hear about withdrawl are much worse than the reality of it. There are some exceptions of course, but for most of us....the fear of it is worse than the reality of it. That's my 2 cents. :H

          Dots, you are amazing. In so many ways it is like waking up from a coma, isnt it? I am so happy for your new shiny life! Put your right foot in, take your left foot out...then shake it all about! Ok, that's hokey pokey.

          Londoner, congrats on the new version of you!! Lv.2 is alive and well! Your new software is fully supported here! Great job!

          Have a great day evabody! XXOO, B
          Thank you for the response. My gastro actually told me to stop smoking or ANY OTHER addictive behavior immediately (cold turkey) with my form of Chrons (I'm moderate to severe) it most likely would cause a flare up. My hubby quit smoking a year or so ago and he has ulcerative colitis and he immediately had a flare up. Doesn't mean my doc said to not do it... LOL. But I am just now trying a new med with my Crohns that seems to be helping in conjunction with my anti-cancer med and I just don't want to jeapordize that process until I'm very stable on this new drug.

          Honestly, it's really not an excuse I'm telling myself...I've already had less to drink AND smoke tonight than I did last night. Maybe I should tell him exactly what I'm trying to do, but I'm embarrassed to tell him. (he knows I smoke, but not the excessive drinking).


            Newbies Nest

            MAE nesters,

            Pav do you need to get technical, now really if you lived in Aus it would be 70 days so at least i remembered which sometimes is a miracle. I am sure the brain cells are not regenerating quickly although maybe when i was pissed i knew so much more than i really did and covered it with Bullsh*t.
            Such a great post by Skull and so true.

            Lav please send a flurrie even as we are having quite bad bushfires now, if only the wind would drop.

            Mary, funny girl, i can so relate to the bruising and the so not remembering. I think it was NS that used to shave her legs when drunk and looked like something out of a horror movie when finished, i still laugh at that one. I was so not that silly! Mine was more give the dogs a haircut and skin cut thrown in for free, sigh.

            Good on you Lead, having the right mindset makes this journey easier. Nothing is really ever easy in life but we can make it more comfortable.

            Maddison finally came home $1200 later but it was so good to see her and she was like a 2 year old, wanting to kiss me all over. She is a different girl to last week. She is still on her morphine patches and has antibiotics and a low fat diet but she loves chicken though not sure about the rice bit. She has osteoarthritis so need to get supplements for that and dental disease which is $$$$$ but we can deal with that after this vets bill. My mother asked if my shitzu was happy to see her and i was like "well she smelt her butt so maybe". gees!

            I went out for lunch today and had my lemon lime and bitters and he was having a glass of red. I asked if it tasted okay and he said "have a sip if you want", i automatically responded with "no thanks, too dangerous", he just laughed. I have not told him the full story but i think he understands that al and i dont have a great relationship. Even the people sipping on their drinks did not make me want or crave al and such a great feeling that is to come this far and now it does not worry me at all. I did think, mm a sip but Ava where will that lead? Well i gave myself that answer and moved on with a lovely lunch.

            Work tomorrow so nesters get a reprieve from a long post. Take care all and be strong, the days all roll along and each day is a day to be proud of af.

            Pop and Pav happy 70th again!
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Newbies Nest

              roxane;1624436 wrote: Evening all, (I sound like a copper)

              Day three done even though its 7.30pm my witching hours are over.

              Sarah, have you come to a decision yet? Or leaning towards one? Post and let us know how you're doing, no pressure, I'm just nosey.
              :thanks: I'm actually still reading thru the Toolbox (there are like a gazillion pages lol) but I'm trying hard to cut down right now and this Monday I would like to get to at least no more than 4 drinks ( just to help subside the shakes) and once those subside I *might* be able to go to 1 drink or so...I just need to see how my body reacts. That being said, I have LOTS more to read in order to develop my 'true' plan and it's becoming more apparent that I need to suck it up and tell my doctor so he can help me devise this plan with my disease....which sucks for me big time...cause I really wanted to do this without a doctor.


                Newbies Nest

                sarah, its good to get your head around it and read the toolbox and take what you think may fit you. i wrote them down. others copy paste. theres so much in there you can get lost. take this on as a project if you like, dont be random.

                dont be nervous. there are scare stories about withdrawals out there. they scared me for sure that i believed i would get them badly. i havent. the flare ups seem to be your main concern so i think youre right about maybe talking to your consultant.

                ava i so happy maddy's back! please give her an ear rub from me. i bet you stuck your nose in her neck to get her smell..... just me? :H
                if shes not sure about rice maybe add a touch of something tasty and mixed in. do you get sweet potato out there? just enough to put a flavour through.

                do you think that date will lead anywhere?

                things ive done drunk is cut my own hair.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Aaahh Roxanne, Dixon of Dock Green, nostalgia strikes!

                  Sarah, I can understand not wanting to involve a Doctor I certainly would not have and fortunately for me have not had to.

                  Yesterday was a difficult day with all sorts of shit flying around. I have a long standing tendency to think that if people tell me their problems it is because I am expected to resolve them on their behalf, and to be fair to myself that has largely been the case over the years and certainly on my part was a measure to avoid friction and upsets.

                  So as always when confronted with the difficulties and problems of others I went into the mode of I can never do anything for myself because something else always gets in the way, it has become a programme.

                  The thought of not being able to come on here in the morning and post in the roll call thread was enough to keep me from buying wine, that coupled with going for a drive and going to bed really early kept me sober.

                  The more the days, no surprise there, the less inclined to go back to the beginning, 1 or 2 days or even 3 I might have just gone with the impulse. I daresay there are other points with much greater numbers of days where the addictive voice steps in and says why not, that happened for me after 8 months for goodness sakes!

                  The 8 months was from the end of 2009 and into 2010, I remember reading many times the member here doggygirl telling how she had stopped for a long time and then thought it would be ok again, she said it took maybe a couple of years to be able to stop again, and she was right, I shan't forget that this time.

                  In some respects the more we have stumbled the more valuable the AF way of life.

                  AF - 26th January 2014, SF - 10th February 2014


                    Newbies Nest

                    Sarah42;1623875 wrote: I drink about 5 light beers and 3-4 glasses of wine a night over a 9-10 hr span...which is horrible. My parents would kill me lol.
                    Hey Sarah----Research all you can...what is ahead of you is no bed of roses----but? will feel alot better in a very short period. For me?.....I did a drastic diet change and had all kinds of biomedical supplements which really eases discomfort and takes away craves.

                    Heres a link

                    Alcoholism Treatment Program, Alcoholism Addition Treatment

                    Oh...Dont worry about your parents, friends or anyone else. WORRY ABOUT YOU!

                    I used to have regrets, shame, guilt etc.....Its bullshit and a waste of time.

                    You are started this and you are here ---rightttt????? Good enough.....and you will progress through the point where you actually enjoy it. Its not so bad really---its only uncomfortable for a week or so......and then you have to stack up the bricks and make your plan to stay sober.


                      Newbies Nest

                      maji, my sister is like that, other peoples problem solver, but, it was her who took it on. people didnt expect her to solve their woes, just to listen to them vent. unless they actually asked her to help. its a hard one because it sounds like theyve come to expect it from you.

                      that is why i havent told her about stopping. she would no doubt start up a pdf file, and check lists. her support would be great, cheering from the sidelines but i cant risk it.

                      lead, you are right, coming here is a great first step. it is helping me no end.


                        Newbies Nest

                        roxane;1624641 wrote: sarah, its good to get your head around it and read the toolbox and take what you think may fit you. i wrote them down. others copy paste. theres so much in there you can get lost. take this on as a project if you like, dont be random.

                        dont be nervous. there are scare stories about withdrawals out there. they scared me for sure that i believed i would get them badly. i havent. the flare ups seem to be your main concern so i think youre right about maybe talking to your consultant.

                        ava i so happy maddy's back! please give her an ear rub from me. i bet you stuck your nose in her neck to get her smell..... just me? :H
                        if shes not sure about rice maybe add a touch of something tasty and mixed in. do you get sweet potato out there? just enough to put a flavour through.

                        do you think that date will lead anywhere?

                        things ive done drunk is cut my own hair.
                        yes ma'am the flare ups are a HUGE concern. They encompass so much abdominal pain (much like child birth contractions) that they put you on narcotics such as hyrdocodone. As strange as it sounds with my addiction, I hate being on narcotics of any type. So much so, even doubled over in pain, i still only take 1/2 a dose that is prescribed and only if I just can't feel I can make it thru without it. Weird right? I think maybe somewhere in my mind I thought alcohol (light beer and a little wine) was better than narcotics. IDK....but I am hopeful this new drug I am on is going to get my Chrons under seems to be working so far...but the habit of alcohol, at least I think, was probably a big part of self-medicating the pain. Just a part, but a significant part. So I think if I'm pain free, and get past the 'habit' of alcohol...I'll feel much better...still going thru the Toolbox though. Can't believe how huge that thread is!


                          Newbies Nest

                          lead366;1624651 wrote: Hey Sarah----Research all you can...what is ahead of you is no bed of roses----but? will feel alot better in a very short period. For me?.....I did a drastic diet change and had all kinds of biomedical supplements which really eases discomfort and takes away craves.

                          Heres a link

                          Alcoholism Treatment Program, Alcoholism Addition Treatment

                          Oh...Dont worry about your parents, friends or anyone else. WORRY ABOUT YOU!

                          I used to have regrets, shame, guilt etc.....Its bullshit and a waste of time.

                          You are started this and you are here ---rightttt????? Good enough.....and you will progress through the point where you actually enjoy it. Its not so bad really---its only uncomfortable for a week or so......and then you have to stack up the bricks and make your plan to stay sober.
                          thank you! Can u tell me which meds u took that helped so I can research those and there possible reaction to what I take? Just curious as to what helped u so I can research. Thanks for the link...I will check that out as well.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Sarah42;1624723 wrote: yes ma'am the flare ups are a HUGE concern. They encompass so much abdominal pain (much like child birth contractions) that they put you on narcotics such as hyrdocodone. As strange as it sounds with my addiction, I hate being on narcotics of any type. So much so, even doubled over in pain, i still only take 1/2 a dose that is prescribed and only if I just can't feel I can make it thru without it. Weird right? I think maybe somewhere in my mind I thought alcohol (light beer and a little wine) was better than narcotics. IDK....but I am hopeful this new drug I am on is going to get my Chrons under seems to be working so far...but the habit of alcohol, at least I think, was probably a big part of self-medicating the pain. Just a part, but a significant part. So I think if I'm pain free, and get past the 'habit' of alcohol...I'll feel much better...still going thru the Toolbox though. Can't believe how huge that thread is!
                            funnily enough, its quite common. shows how illogical a drinkers brain can be.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Doodle Alley

                              Skull and Pavati, Thanks for sharing Stephen McCranie's "Doodle Alley", it's great stuff, especially since my daughter is a struggling and discouraged illustrator. But his messages are relevant to ours and many other peoples struggles in life.
                              I especially like this quote..
                              The problem with a dream job is not the dream part, anyone can do that- it's the job part.
                              Go as far as you can see.
                              When you get there, you'll see further.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Pav and Poppy - CONGRATULAIONS to you both on day 70! I must be one of the luckiest people in the world to have you two as inspirations. (And everyone here at MWO.)

                                Have a fabulous AF Sunday (or Monday depending where you are.)

                                Love, hugs and support,
                                Mary Lou
                                Mary Lou

                                A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill

