Like Brydie says, you can choose not to drink today

Here is another little change you can make in your thinking that might help:
You don't have to quit drinking, you get to quit!
What all of us seem to want is control and right now, this is in your control. Right this moment you have the opportunity to quit drinking and make a better life for yourself and those around you.
When you feel like you have to do do something, it feels like a burden or a chore that somehow is being forced upon you. No one likes that and naturally puts up an internal fight.
Let go of the "have-to's" and rejoice that you get to do this and you can do it today. Don't wait until the choice is no longer yours because you are in prison or the hospital or, worst-case scenario, dead.
Every once in awhile there is a post about a MWO member who dies before they choose to quit drinking. There was one yesterday. We can have some fun here and encourage one another and not be full of doom and gloom all the time but the fact is, alcohol can kill. We need to take it seriously and choose to get it out of our lives while we get to do that.