6 Days and Counting!
Hello Nesties-
Today was another long day at the office. I have really been appreciating what's been said about the habit/pshchological addiction deal. I have been on Campral for a week so it should have kicked in along with another couple things and the cravings truly are subsiding.
Now, where does that leave me? I feel sort of empty and purposeless. I had my purpose which was to get a buzz until I passed out. Now, I'm sort of sitting around and nothing seems as funny or interesting sober, at least yet.
Just being honest about how I'm feeling. Things have been nice at work not constantly paranoid about smelling like booze, etc. And, I did buy the My Way Out book, I'm starting to read it. How does everyone who's tried feel about the hypnotherapy CDs????
Hope everyone has a great night!
MG29 :thanks: