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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    6 Days and Counting!

    Hello Nesties-

    Today was another long day at the office. I have really been appreciating what's been said about the habit/pshchological addiction deal. I have been on Campral for a week so it should have kicked in along with another couple things and the cravings truly are subsiding.

    Now, where does that leave me? I feel sort of empty and purposeless. I had my purpose which was to get a buzz until I passed out. Now, I'm sort of sitting around and nothing seems as funny or interesting sober, at least yet.

    Just being honest about how I'm feeling. Things have been nice at work not constantly paranoid about smelling like booze, etc. And, I did buy the My Way Out book, I'm starting to read it. How does everyone who's tried feel about the hypnotherapy CDs????

    Hope everyone has a great night!

    MG29 :thanks:
    I ain't afraid of no ghost....


      Newbies Nest

      Hey Hippy,

      Maybe we should start a "Facebook - Good or Bad" Thread.

      Spam xx


        Newbies Nest

        Just visiting to say - this is a lovely thread. A pleasure to read. Thank you all for your generosity.


          Newbies Nest

          Hi everyone – just checking in from the land of Oz. I love reading your posts but I can’t possibly reply to each one – partly laziness, but also because the advice you all give each other is spot on – I’ve nothing really insightful to add just now other than my general encouragement to beating the cravings, focusing on the positives of being sober (which aren’t always obvious, especially on crappy days), and enjoying the self-knowledge we are all finding on this journey.

          I’ve been trying to work out what is going on with me and sugar – if any of you have sugar cravings, there is an interesting thread on the holistic healing forum. I, like others it seems, don’t crave sugar when I’m drinking, but now I’m AF (3+weeks) I’m really fighting the urge to eat ANYTHING sweet. I read somewhere that may be alcohol cravings are masked cravings for sugar – so now do I have to go sugar free too?? Seems so hard – harder than not drinking! I’ve looked at the ‘whole approach’ website dealing with candida overload – not that I thought I had yeast issues, but it all seems to fit in with this sugar thing – has anyone had the same experience? Do I need to change my diet to exclude, not just sugar but dairy, wheat, fruit etc as advised? I love food – but really, how does one live on chickpeas, celery and ‘nut spread’?!…..JT
          "there's a crack, there's a crack in everything...that's how the light gets in" Leonard Cohen


            Newbies Nest

            Back again.

            Marriedgirl, I understand exactly how you feel when you say you feel empty and purposeless as there is no buzz anymore. That is how I feel. I really wish I could just moderate to get that buzz from one or two but I cant. I wonder if this life I am living now is better or worse than drinking. Logically I can see that living without the hangover, guilt, shame etc is great however I am feel I am bored and boring.

            Hi Jane - nice to see you. I feel the desire for sugar for me is just my mind wanting some thing to replace AL. It's like a child sulking because it cant have what it truly wants so I'll eat comfort food instead. A link to Candida though makes sense. Especially as wine and beer have alot of yeast in it and sugar feeds yeast. Go to a naturopath and see what they say.

            Spam - good idea on the FB thread. It's similar to this place. It is a public forum. I often have to delete what I have written here as I feel sometimes it might be taken the wrong way. I would hate to think that something I have said has upset someone. I have a weird (aussie) sense of humour that unless you can see my face and see me smiling, it could upset people. I'm glad Kbrown has got rid of some of her "friends". When you are feeling fragile that is the last thing you need to see.

            Anyway I have put off getting ready for my Blah-B-Q long enough so got to find my happy face somewhere and get going.

            Have a safe, sober Saturday night..... so different to seven weekends ago!!!
            I finally got it!
            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


              Newbies Nest

              Land of OZ. I find this confusing since I lived in Kansas for years and of course the Wizard of OZ movie was placed in Kansas, USA. So many songs etc. connected with Kansas, USA being the land of OZ.
              We said we were from the land of Oz.
              Why do Australians refer to themselves as coming from the land of OZ. Is it a shortened version of Aussies? Just a friendly question.


                Newbies Nest

                I think its because 'Aus-tralia' - the 'Aus' part almost sounds like 'Oz'.. though last new year's, they called Sydney the 'Emerald City'!!! but I think that came after calling Australia 'Oz' for so many years..
                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Jane and Hippy,

                  I hope I'm not hi-jacking this thread.

                  I saw a counseller a while ago and she warned me about the sugar cravings. Luckily, they don't happen to me. I just don't have a sweet tooth. Chocolate makes me feel awful. (How funny sweet things make me feel bad, so I give them up. AL does the same but takes a lot more work.)

                  However, I do have a big thing about Coke Zero. Maybe this gives me the hit I need.

                  Hippy, you say you feel boring now. Are you looking for ways to fill the AL filled evenings? I have got onto and start tracing my family. I had gone back a couple of generations and began to find people linked to my family tree. I am now in touch with my "second cousin once removed". Not sure how he worked this out but my grandmother is his great great Aunt. He's traced back to the 1700's. And that's just my mum's side. I still need to look at my dad's and my husband's side. It may not be your thing but there are things you can do to fill the time.

                  And I certainly don't find you boring. I love reading your posts. You are always bright and offer excellent encouragment.

                  Off to start the FB thread....

                  Hope everyone else is having a good weekend.

                  Spam xx


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters!

                    Happy Saturday! Hope everyone gets a chance to relax, have some fun this weekend, etc.
                    I just want to reassure everyone that you are all important contributors to the Nest. Everything everyone has to say is welcome. Learning from each other's experiences is what it's all about

                    I worried about being boring, being different in the beginning too! I stayed close to home where I felt safe, avoided any & all situations where AL was present! I felt protecting my quit was the most important thing - it was!!!
                    But, as time goes by your confidence level will increase & you will feel more like your old self - but sober!! It really does take a while to begin to know yourself again as a sober person.

                    HC - I hope your Blah-B-Q was tolerable

                    MG, I highly recommend the Hypontherapy CDs. They really helped me learn to relax without AL. The original 4 CD set includes the Clearing CD which helps remove all the garbage in your head......I still use it from time to time when I feel 'stuff' is beginning to clutter my thoughts. The Hypnotic CD helps you learn to fall asleep 'naturally' while reinforcing all the new things you are learning to stay sober. The CDs are a wise investment in my humble opinion.

                    Spam, Tawny frog, Saving Grace, Kbrown - greetings to all of you

                    Jane Thompson - I never craved sugar either while I was drinking although I never turned down a little good quality chocolate! I am currently experimenting with L-Glutamine to see if it really helps reduce sugar cravings. The jury is still out for me on that question. I didn't experience sugar cravings too much when I quit drinking but I sure did once I quit smoking two months later - Yikes!!!

                    Not sure yet what I'm doing today but I'm sure I'll find something
                    Have a great day - I'll be back later.

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      drank last night.....damn it...
                      I agree....I cannot moderate....
                      I feel like Fido's ass this morning, but I am up and at it...
                      today's booze this weekend and get my head in the right place......MWO is not a miracle cure if my brain is not engaged......
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey Mum-Lav!
                        There's stuff going on that I need to defend self from.......?
                        Luv You Lav
                        One day soon I will return
                        Send e ur Luv and ur Lavinitude PLEASE!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Lav,soon I will not be able to come here!
                          Willl u please tell all others cincerned that I am okay,but am protecting self in means that must!
                          Thanks Chook


                            Newbies Nest

                            Chook - sending positive thoughts your way.
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              Newbies Nest

                              I'm sending you strength & love, sincerely hope you are OK.
                              PM or email me - I'm here for you.
                              You loving Nest Mum,
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi everyone,
                                Well I was well into day three and feeling great when the most subtle of wine occassions arose. I didn't know how to get out of it!?? It could have been fine but then i went home and just knew I would drink more and that's what I did.
                                I'm with you Mama Bear...a new day and new resolve!

