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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    MAE Nesters

    Talk later! Have a lovely AF Valentine's Day!
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Newbies Nest

      MAE Nesters!

      Talk later, but have a lovely AF Valentine's Day!
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Newbies Nest

        :heart: Happy Valentine's Day!!! :heart:
        May your hearts be filled with love today and everyday!! :h


          Newbies Nest

          Pavati;1626779 wrote: Ava, my SHPFFFDU! You DO have a way with words.

          I'm going to re-post this from NA that someone sent me, because it seems like today we're celebrating the fact that we're all different, yet fighting the same fight - not so different after all.

          "But you don't understand!" we spluttered, trying to cover up. "I'm different! I've really got it rough!" We used these lines over and over in our active addiction, either trying to escape the consequences of our actions or avoid following the rules that applied to everyone else. We may have cried them at our first meeting. Perhaps we've even caught ourselves whining them recently.

          So many of us feel different or unique. As addicts, we can use almost anything to alienate ourselves. But there's no excuse for missing out on recovery, nothing that can make us ineligible for the program- not a life-threatening illness, not poverty, not anything. There are thousands of addicts who have found recovery despite the real hardships they've faced. Through working the program, their spiritual awareness has grown, in spite of-or perhaps in response to those hardships.

          Our individual circumstances and differences are irrelevant when it comes to recovery. By letting go of our uniqueness and surrendering to this simple way of life, we're bound to find that we feel a part of something. And feeling a part of something gives us the strength to walk through life, hardships and all.

          Just for Today: I will let go of my uniqueness and embrace the principles of recovery I have in common with so many others. My hardships do not exclude me from recovery; rather, they draw me into it."

          After a very LONG day at work, I don't really have more commentary in me (no comment, Ava). Hope you all settle in to your Nest corners with some strong butt velcro, and start laying your plans for the weekend.

          (Welcome back, Gracie!)

          I almost giggled at this cause it;s SO TRUE! Thanks for this post Pav!!!


            Newbies Nest

            Day 3 - feeling tired but very grateful for the following things:
            (1) The gorgeous DKNY watch my BF gave me this morning (I gave him a chocolate heart - oops!)
            (2) The valentine's heart my daughter made me saying she loves me so much and I am very kind and funny
            (3) The fact I didn't have to ask my BF if we had sex last night as I actually remembered (and yes, we did!! )
            (4) I didn't have to pack headache tablets for our Valentine's hotel break, knowing I would drink too much at dinner tonight. It just isn't going to happen.
            I am lucky that on the rare occasion that the BF drinks, he drinks 1 or 2 beers which I have absolutely no envy for.
            We were talking yesterday though about how I'll manage with other people and I'd like your thoughts - I have a weekly lunch date with 2 friends from work. (I faked a work meeting to skip this week's). It is all about the wine, and always has been. They are genuine friends but not people I want to announce to that I am trying to stop AL forever. What do I do? Stop going? And if so, what reason do I give? The day changes so I can't even make up a weekly commitment.
            Also - Lost Soul - meant to ask yesterday, how was your first AA meeting?


              Newbies Nest

              I'm not sure if I'm in the right place. But I'm not sure of much of anything these days. I am sure of this...I must stop drinking or I am going to die and I am scared as hell. I'm a newbie and I'm feeling really anxious and panicky. I have been sober for a measly 24. But for an alky like me that's major. Thanks


                Newbies Nest

                Twenty four hours since I drank.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Stupot;1626835 wrote: Day 3 - feeling tired but very grateful for the following things:
                  (1) The gorgeous DKNY watch my BF gave me this morning (I gave him a chocolate heart - oops!)
                  (2) The valentine's heart my daughter made me saying she loves me so much and I am very kind and funny
                  (3) The fact I didn't have to ask my BF if we had sex last night as I actually remembered (and yes, we did!! )
                  (4) I didn't have to pack headache tablets for our Valentine's hotel break, knowing I would drink too much at dinner tonight. It just isn't going to happen.
                  I am lucky that on the rare occasion that the BF drinks, he drinks 1 or 2 beers which I have absolutely no envy for.
                  We were talking yesterday though about how I'll manage with other people and I'd like your thoughts - I have a weekly lunch date with 2 friends from work. (I faked a work meeting to skip this week's). It is all about the wine, and always has been. They are genuine friends but not people I want to announce to that I am trying to stop AL forever. What do I do? Stop going? And if so, what reason do I give? The day changes so I can't even make up a weekly commitment.
                  Also - Lost Soul - meant to ask yesterday, how was your first AA meeting?
                  Just say you are dieting. Get a salad and enjoy your friends.?? IDK...still trying myself...just a thought


                    Newbies Nest

                    MemoryShot;1626838 wrote: I'm not sure if I'm in the right place. But I'm not sure of much of anything these days. I am sure of this...I must stop drinking or I am going to die and I am scared as hell. I'm a newbie and I'm feeling really anxious and panicky. I have been sober for a measly 24. But for an alky like me that's major. Thanks
                    welcome Memory! this is a great place to start!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Memory yes you are in the right place. Any time sober is an achievement, be it 1 day or 1000. Keep posting on here and be active with posting. I found being honest and accountable are the major part of achieving sobriety.

                      Anxious and panicky are part of the withdrawal symptoms. If in doubt go to hospital. My anxiety was through the roof when drinking and for a couple of days after when i gave up and now it has basically gone. It gets better after a few days believe me. Try and sleep when you are tired and eat. Eating makes you full and detracts from the wanting a drink. The cravings will only last for 15 mins max, dont give into them.

                      there is lots of great advice on here. My advice is to keep posting, i did not get called "lunatic Linda" in the first few weeks for nothing. This is my AA and due to support from here and sheer grit and determination i am now on 75 days. I used to drink 1-2 bottles a night, 7 nights a week, 52 weeks a year.

                      Good luck memory and you are right drinking will eventually kill you. My brother died from alcoholism and i wont let that happen to me.
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Newbies Nest

                        its NOT measly mem, at all.
                        its fantastic!

                        hi stupot
                        you can make excuses now, but next week? and the next? try not to get your knickers in a twist about it :l
                        you could say that youre on antibiotics this week, then next week, say you feel like not drinking. its the truth!
                        if they go on at you as to why, say you feel better for it and change the subject. you dont need to go into any details.
                        it would show you what they are thinking about their own drinking really.


                          Newbies Nest

                          MAE All,

                          Stu, I got ringworm from my dog a few years back. Ringworm is a skin rash, not a real worm. :H:H

                          Anyway, the Rx was a med very tough on the liver, so no drinking while on it. It's a 30-day treatment. That would give you a month of reasons then you could say you actually quit!

                          Full disclosure - drinking was more important to me at the time versus a small rash so I didn't go the Rx route. I was doing enuf damage to my liver on my own.

                          Thank goodness those days are gone forever!

                          Good luck - just skip it again if it means saving your quit.

                          Have a great AF day.
                          Mary Lou

                          A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Stupot, I experienced the exact same thing and am still encountering it. It feels awkward but I have just been saying No thanks, I need to lose the 30 lbs I've gained. Wine has not been good to my back side." It feels weird but I know that change takes time. Every day I feel a little less like I'm being deprived and punished going without AL. Only on day 11 hoping it gets even easier as time goes on. I will say as each day goes on I am getting more protective of my quit. Like this is mine and I've worked hard for this and this situation is not going to mess up "my thing". Seasoned quitters, is this normal? LOL

                            Memory, Congratulations on your first day That first step is the scariest. There are a lot of us new "quitters" here, welcome. You'll find a lot of support and wisdom here. Much peace and strength to you.


                              Newbies Nest

                              About an hour ago I just hit a huge craving. I tried to think about where it was coming from and all I could think of in my mind was "habit". It's Friday afternoon, I'm home alone, I need to pack for the weekend, I need to clean up the house a bit... these are all occasions and tasks that I would do with a glass (or bottle) of wine on hand. So more than anything I realized that I was experiencing the craving out of habit. Instead, I took a few deep yoga breaths, went into my emergency sugar stash in the pantry and ate two huge soft baked cookies and a large glass of diet Coke. About 15 minutes later the craving had passed and I'm a sober girl this afternoon. As much as I want to lose weight, I'm so happy I had the cookies on hand to work through the AL cravings. Just a testimony to everyone that says "EAT" when a craving hits, it really works!!! Now I think I deserve a pedicure before I start my house work.
                              Would you like you, if you met you?


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters & Happy Valentine's day

                                Sunny here after a huge snowstorm yesterday. I will spend today doing the clean up unfortunately.

                                MS, remember a craving doesn't usually ast for more than 15 minutes or so. Distract yourself with food, take a walk, do anything but drink - it will pass You did a good job!

                                Hello & welcome Memory, you have found a good place!
                                Congrats on your decision to take back control of your life, you'll never be sorry
                                Great job getting thru day 1!!!

                                Hello to everyone & I wish for a great AF Friday for all!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

