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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Just a quick check in before a busy week.
    DTD 4 months big pat on the back and keep up the good work.
    Dottie welcome to your new addition
    Basset I was wondering the same about counting days I plan to count to a 100 and then do milestones same as some other guys. As the days go by I find I am thinking less about the numbers and just enjoying the af free life and in the future would ideally like to just live the days instead of counting them if that makes sense, although I never want to loose site of the fact that I have choosen not drink dont as i dont want to get complacement and slip.
    Welcome Sarah , post away its so much better to come on and post and get support than pick up a drink, dont ever feel bad about doing that.

    I have taken up running at the weekend and being af for 78 days now has taught me I can do anything I set my mind too and that I have to have patience and persverance then anything is possible another positive from this af journey .

    Hope you all have a good week.
    AF Since 2nd December 2013

    Being af is not your punishment ! its your salvation !!:goodjob:

    Diet Start

    25th Feb 2014 10st 6lbs 3rd March 10st 1.5lbs


      Newbies Nest

      Good Monday morning Nesters,

      Very chilly but no more snow expected until tomorrow - yay.

      Enjoying the freedom to do the things you like to do is a great benefit of being AF
      Living with no anxiety & guilt related to AL is fabulous! That's why we keep saying 'protect your quit', once you have this freedom you don't want to lose it ever again

      Have a great AF Monday everyone!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        MAE all,
        Up early to get Maddie out and fed...he is still hiding in his crate but letting us touch him and eating peanut butter off dh's fingers. He will fit in but with these types of dogs it just takes longer.
        I am not liking getting up early but hopefully this will not last forever.
        Need coffee.....

        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          Newbies Nest

          Morning, Nesters!
          I thought I was heading out of town tomorrow, but when I looked on my calendar it's today, so I'm having to turn on a dime and get at it!
          Congrats, DTD! 4 months is big around here!!
          After 3 years, I do still think about it (AL) every day. There may be some who just 'get over it' but I'm not one of them. I think it's one of those things that you must be vigilant the rest of your life a peanut allergy. Not sure why smoking would be different except that it seems to be less socially acceptable and drinking is all the rage and heavily advertised and advocated. I know that I NEED to stay connected so none of those advertising messages set up housekeeping in my head.
          I think it's important to count the days early on....because you can't manage what you can't measure...and around here, success is counted in terms of TIME...that being said, I think that after about 45 days I did lose count but counted forward to 100 to see when that was and made it a goal. It's YOUR count, so do it however you want! I see mine marked on my wall calendar (I'm on day 1125!). I am so proud of my day count, but whatever works for you and keeps it going....yeah, do THAT!! :H
          Have a great day everyone, about to hit the road! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Hi, Nest!

            I'm back after a weekend that used to include a lot of drinking, but didn't this time (a lot of ice cream and cheese to make up for it, but don't tell NoSugar). Day 78 and feeling strong. There was a moment when I felt deprived, but I ate, and focused on all of the things I was grateful for (hmm, reading Byrdie and Lav's posts can you tell where I got that strategy?), and got through with no problem.

            I am living proof that an af life is a great life. I honestly and really didn't think it was possible. I don't go to AA, but I do finally get why the first step is necessary. If I think about it, though, I don't think it is admitting powerlessness - it is admitting that I have the ultimate power - deciding NOT to drink. At first it takes a leap of faith - What if I just take the choice off the table? What if I just jump in and at least act like those long-time sober people do? What if, when I struggle, I take their advice even if I am not convinced it will help someone like me? What if I read and understand everything I can about alcohol and alcoholism? What if I don't fret about labels, what people will think, how I will survive FOREVER without alcohol? What if I just take it one day at a time, and stay sober today? I took that leap of faith, and I can tell you that I am not looking back. I'm not even going to think about moderating - because I believe what 3J wrote - if just one, why not none?

            OK, I believe my rant is over. I guess I needed to let some processing out since I haven't been able to post much while away. Hope everyone is feeling and staying strong. Butt velcro on, settling in next to these wise nest mums and ready for a good night's sleep.


              Newbies Nest

              And Dreamy! Four months! You are one of those wise ones I am following. Thanks for all of your positive inspiration.

              xo and happy Muesday.


                Newbies Nest

                MyLuck - 120 days is AMAZING! I think of this in 30 day increments, so that's a big milestone in my book.

                As for counting, I am a counter by nature, so it feels great to me. I'll be counting at least until 100, but probably more.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Pavati you are amazing as well! I love your post about how to think and to just take drinking off the table so it isn't even an option. That is pretty much how I started this and I am hoping that will become my default way of thinking.
                  I appreciate everyone's input about counting days. I have written in my calendar the days up to 100 in 5 day increments. I think I will continue to post on roll call in the morning but it doesn't seem like I have to do that to remain AF. For awhile I felt it was mandatory to state my intentions for the day but at this point it is no longer a daily struggle. I will just see how it all goes. I definitely do need to come here everyday and read and post. Plus it is fun to make new friends and see what everyone is up to!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Just dropping by to make sure everyone is tucked in for a safe & cozy night in the nest
                    I had a busy but fruitful day including a great visit with my daughter & granddaughter - fun!

                    Be well everyone!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Nesters!

                      I would like to be one of those 'drinkers' who can have 1-3 drinks over a vacation, or a couple of beers on Super Bowl day, etc and be AF the rest of the time (like my parents), but I realize I may NOT be that kind of person. I realize I may just have to quit totally.

                      So, to start my journey, here is what I've done so far (mostly tips I found at this website/forum)

                      1. Eat more- cook/get comforting foods. Staying full is important so I got lots of yogurt, bananas, snacks, etc. and going to treat myself with comforting foods. This is no time to worry about calories.
                      2. Ordered L-Glutamine. Claims to help with AL cravings, BUT it's great for repairing the lining of your colon, etc. (have Crohn's) so whether or not it works for cravings doesn't matter much to me as I know it's good for me anyway. I should receive this tomr or Wed.
                      3. Cut down. Count the amt I have every night and every night try to cut down more, until I wean off this stuff so little to no physical w/drawals or serious effects to my body.
                      4. Try to go to bed earlier to get on a normal sleeping pattern. This takes time til my biorythem gets on track. Sleep aids/force myself to bed. You can't drink when u are sleeping.
                      5. Keep reading/posting and doing research.

                      My plan:

                      1. Set a target date SOON of at least ONE day of NO AL.
                      2. Exercise to increase endorphins/seratonin, etc.
                      3. Eat, eat, eat. (I normally eat one meal a day...I need to increase that).
                      4. Get on a normal sleeping pattern u dummy.
                      5. Start a calandar to mark days where you were successful and where you weren't.
                      6. Observe cravings or 'urge surfing' as MWO calls it. They say cravings only really last about 15 minutes or so, so occupy my time with cleaning, cooking, chores...anything to keep my hands busy.
                      7. Don't think long-term, but daily.
                      8. Treat AL as your enemy, not your friend.
                      9. learn other coping skills for when you have rough days/times WITHOUT drinking AL.
                      10. Keep reading/posting daily.

                      Well, this is my start and plan so far. I'm only putting it here so I can be held accountable for any variance of this. Of course, I will need to add to this as time goes by, but that's where I am for now.

                      Thanks all for your support, caring and any opinions.



                        Newbies Nest

                        Good post Sarah, very good actually. You are on the right path! Your positive energy & attitude are infectious. One of the many reasons I read as much as I do on this site. This is one of the very few places in life where I fell like I get more than I give. Thanks for the info and don't forget to share your future research with us.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Sarah, your list looks great! The only thing I would suggest is to add in some pleasurable things to do when urge surfing. Currently it sounds like you have lot of chores listed which may not link up in your mind as a good alternative. When I made my list I tried to find some fun activities to fill in the gaps. I included funny youtube videos and playing with my cats and I also tried to have some things that got me out of the house if the need arose. There is always shopping or even just window shopping, going out for coffee, tea or ice cream or going to a movie. Because you are not giving in to the urge you can replace it with a reward and you might be more likely to see that as a valuable subsitute.


                            Newbies Nest

                            MAE Nesters!

                            Help yourself to some coffee - freshly made, as usual


                            Hyper - nice to see you here. And I see Byrdie has had to shine her backside for a you-know-what! :goodjob:

                            Sarah, your plan looks good - but don't only keep it on paper - make that "soon" soon!

                            Is it my imagination, or is the Nest quiet at the moment? Lots of people are still posting on the roll call, but not here. Ebb and flow I guess - and sometimes a fast-moving Nest can be very intimidating to an absolute newbie, no matter how all of try to make them feel welcome.

                            Bastet, Pav, Jane, Poppy and everybody else in the Nest - have a good and AF Tuesday!
                            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Bastet;1628278 wrote: Hi Sarah, your list looks great! The only thing I would suggest is to add in some pleasurable things to do when urge surfing. Currently it sounds like you have lot of chores listed which may not link up in your mind as a good alternative. When I made my list I tried to find some fun activities to fill in the gaps. I included funny youtube videos and playing with my cats and I also tried to have some things that got me out of the house if the need arose. There is always shopping or even just window shopping, going out for coffee, tea or ice cream or going to a movie. Because you are not giving in to the urge you can replace it with a reward and you might be more likely to see that as a valuable subsitute.
                              Very good point! I do LOVE cooking so that to me isn't really a chore, But you are right! I need some solice 'time'. I do love watching birdies! They are so sweet and we feed them relentlessly. So, maybe when I get back on decent sleep schedule, wake up to a nice cup of coffee and go outside to watch our birds/birdfeeders? I love nature. I love to fish as well (I live on the Gulf Coast) so maybe go throw my rod out a few times when my time allows. Letse...I do like to crochet as well, so maybe start crocheting a new blanket? I also play piano and LOVE it.. just got my piano tuned and that would keep my hands busy! THANKS for this, I will certainly add to my plan for 'fun time'. :thanks:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hypernova;1628274 wrote: Good post Sarah, very good actually. You are on the right path! Your positive energy & attitude are infectious. One of the many reasons I read as much as I do on this site. This is one of the very few places in life where I fell like I get more than I give. Thanks for the info and don't forget to share your future research with us.
                                Thanks but I hope I can walk the walk as opposed to talk the talk. That'll be the test for me.

