I don?t know what happened
I don?t know what happened. I was right on. Right on the right track. 120 days ? didn?t even think it was possible. I did it. No struggles just the first few weeks. Everything felt so good. All of a sudden out of nowhere, well maybe not out of nowhere, I did ?break up? with a friend, being single again on Valentines? contributed to the feeling Regardless, I just walked into the liquor store and bought 2 bottles of small Jack (200 ml), came home, finished them and remembering WANTING MORE although I was already f**ckd up.
Then regretted it all through the next day. I was lying on the couch on Friday the whole f**cking day. Only times I got my ass off the couch was to poop, pee or order a pizza delivery. Then repeatedly promised myself it was a one time fluke and will not happen again. Also decided to not loose count of 120 and see this as a onetime thing. No way did I want to start Day 1 all over again.
So Friday sucked but I had a hair appointment for Saturday. Lying on the couch I was very firm with NO MORE AL 4 me. I woke up happy. Still not fully me since I knew the AL was still in my stream but happy enough to know this was a onetime thing and I can forgive myself and go on with my life. I went to the hair dresser, then continued with the regular grocery shopping stuff. Had no thoughts of AL. None. Whatsoever.
2 stops before my actual bus stop. I get off the bus and naturally enough walk into the liquor store again. I must confess, it may sound unreal but I had no plans of doing so. In fact, I strongly believe my former day promises were true and honest. I had no cravings. I just walked into the store and bought
?my usual?. Sorry if this may sound un planned but it really was. I just did it.
So. I am now at home thinking I am in full control, thinking I got this. I just cut myself some slack. I Know how to control the substance. I?m good. Not great just good. Hey there?s always tomorrow. Right?