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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I read somewhere on here that 1 or 2 days is easy, but getting to3 and 4 is a bitch......I listened to the hypnosis CD this morning and it's great.......gonna stick to this......WE are in charge not The Beast.....
    hang tough Ishy......I am right there with you!
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      Newbies Nest

      Hello everyone!

      MG29 - "Now, where does that leave me? I feel sort of empty and purposeless. I had my purpose which was to get a buzz until I passed out. Now, I'm sort of sitting around and nothing seems as funny or interesting sober, at least yet."

      MG, I've been there. As a matter of fact I was about to just give up -- I found MWO right when my frustration was at its peak. I was stuck on the idea that "had to know" what was going to replace al in my life before I could even think about stopping. I searched and searched, and thought and thought about the answer to what seemed such a simple question. I wasted a lot of time, but I learned from it too. I kind of decided to make my purpose an exploration of how good I could make my life without al at the center of it. I just decided to try to answer the question for myself, instead of waiting for someone else to give me an answer to a question that only I could answer for myself. And, like Lav says, with time you'll be more confident and able to enjoy more things without al grinding in the back of your mind.

      JT - "I, like others it seems, don?t crave sugar when I?m drinking, but now I?m AF (3+weeks) I?m really fighting the urge to eat ANYTHING sweet."

      I'm no expert, but isn't al a simple carb that just converts directly to sugar in the digestive system? So take away the al and the sugar crave is still there? Also, eating sugar causes blood sugar levels to spike and drop dramatically - when they drop you just want more sugar to get the metabolism back up there. That's why eating sweets just makes you really hungry after they wear-off. Also, hunger is signaled by low-blood sugar, so sugar cravings could be just hunger. If you feed them with sugar, then you get the spike and drop cycles going per above. I love sweets too, but try to avoid them - especially when I'm hungry.

      Ishy, MamaB, Two words -- "Learning Experience." My opinion is that you have to be very, very comfortable with being and living sober before you can think about successfully mod'ing. Blame me for talking up the mod-ing idea - I probably shouldn't even bring it up here in the nest, but I know that people do wonder about it... and when they ask I answer honestly.

      Bless you Chicken -- please stay in touch with Lav if you can.

      Take care.
      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


        Newbies Nest

        Hello everyone.

        Anyone mind if I join in the nest?

        AF July 6 2014


          Newbies Nest


          Care to share a little bit about yourself? I'm betting you will find someone here that is going through the same issues that you are dealing with. Feel free to open up - only support here - no judging.

          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


            Newbies Nest

            Had to go to 2 events last night. Went to first one with hubby and only had water. People kept asking why I wasn't drinking. Told them I didn't feel good. Left that event after 1 hour and left hubby there. Went to second event. Walked in door and hostess immediately poured me a glass of wine, didn't even ask me if I wanted one. Just assumed, it's LCC she loves to drink. I immediately went to kitchen and poured out 3/4 and filled rest with sparking water. Then began to feel just like Marriedgirl. No alcohol, boring party, boring me. Hard to be around a 20 women celebrating a birthday party and at least 20 bottles of wine around. I ate a few bites of dinner, tried to engage in conversation, but didn't have the heart or interest, for that matter. Didn't enjoy my wine spritzer, took a few sips and had a few bites of dinner. And then when I had been there exactly 1 hour, said I didn't feel well and went home. Pretty pathetic I can enjoy these women's company during the day, but put me in a party and I have to have the booze to be funny, entertaining, engaged...

            Got home and left note on front door to hubby that I didn't feel good and would sleep in extra bedroom. Why, remember I left hubby at first event and knew he would go out after to another bar. Well true to form, hubby arrives at 11pm banging on door incessantly. Let him in even though door was unlocked and left him in the kitchen crashing around and making an ass out of himself. He finally went to bed and passed out.

            Thoughts at that time. Glad I didn't stay with him at first event. I would have been just as hammered. Second, glad I couldn't finish wine spritzer and glad to be on MWO program.

            This morning woke up early to take son to basketball game. Needless to say, hubby still passed out and missed son's final game of the season. Got home late morning and was truly pleased to see how shitty my husband felt. I felt very superior and definitely on my high horse.

            Is that bad?
            A new beginning 2/16/10


              Newbies Nest

              Afternoon Nesters,

              LCC sounds like you are doing just fine girl - good for you
              You made some great choices last evening, feel proud of yourself! Shame that your husband made the choices he made, huh? Stick with your plan, the social situations will improve in time, honestly! Keep moving forward!

              Hi Christy, welcome to the Nest! Just find yourself a comfy twig & settle right in with us

              Hi Jolie, good to see you & good to see some of our snow melting today - YAY!

              Greetings Tranq - a rare afternoon appearance from you, nice!

              Mama Bear, have you made a plan for the rest of the weekend? Just because you drank last night doesn't mean you have to drink today or tomorrow! Look in the Tool box for some good ideas.

              Chook, hoping to hear from you very soon - you know how I worry about you!

              Will be back later.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Ishybit - so sorry, meant to say hello to you too!
                Jump back on board with us..........too soon to think about moderate drinking I think.
                Even after nearly 11 AF months the thought of trying to drink scares the Bejesus out of me
                I'm not even going to try........not at this point in my life!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  LCC you are my hubby is a drinker fact he's a happy hour right now...and that is a MAJOR trigger for me that I am trying to manage.......if anyone has some suggestions that would be great
                  Lav.....ran errands all day, going to movies tonight.....I feel stong...a little anxious, but ok
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hanging in for Saturday night

                    Hello gang-Saturday night- Day 7

                    Got home from work around 5, we are finally having some decent weather, Saturday night, off tomm, ummmm can we say MULTIPLE triggers??! I have to hold on thru this. I took some extra medicine, for now is it a bit of a substitute I think but I have a problem with AL, the medicine only helps the craving some so its better than drinking. The main thing for me is to stay sober no AL at all. I want to be abstinate I know moderation can't work for me. Sucks, but its true and better to just accept even with the depression that thought can bring if I linger on it. I know a lot of you are having a hard time staying sober this weekend let's DO IT!!! Let's make it happen! I'm going to push through these cravings. I am trying to be a new and better me the one I always wanted to be and I can't undo 13 years of everyday use of drugs and for all the last years AL without some hard stuff to trudge thru but I want so badly to get to the other side where I'm not thinking about AL all the freaking time.

                    Stay strong everyone. Let's make it through if we're struggling figure out what you can do to push through it. We all still have a lot of strength inside think of what it takes to keep the drinking day in and day out going. WE CAN DO THIS!!! :cheering:
                    I ain't afraid of no ghost....


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi everyone and hope saturday eve/sunday morn is going well for you all.

                      Married Girl, i hope the book is going well for you. Keep up the good fight!

                      Spam, I love your womble avatar

                      Jane, I have been in chocoland for a few days now. Comforting to know i'm not alone. Must get a grip though, can't start stashing sugar all over the house..

                      LCC, well done girl, hold your head up high.

                      Ishy, hope you are doing well. Keep looking forward:h

                      Mama Bear, hope you had a great time at the movies. I love going to the cinema. Always makes me feel like a kid and when I was a kid I didnt need alc to have a gd time Good to know the hypnosis cd is going well for you. You do sound like you're being very hard on yourself though and I don't approve. Baby steps and all that. Its not a race sugar:l

                      I was really uptight today but went for a long walk and it eased. Just needed a bit of time to myself where I didnt have to pretend to be relaxed. I found it much easier this eve than yesterday not to drink so must remember that the next time the going gets tough..
                      Its snowing here..thought we had seen the last of it but here we go again..

                      Good night nestlings


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey Married Girl, I love love love that fighting spirit


                          Newbies Nest

                          Evening, birdlings!

                          How was/is your Saturday?

                          It's Mr. Wonderful's b-day today, so I was cooking and baking, PLUS my new couch arrived today... so now the FUN part of doing the room can begin... the accessories! Yay! I couldn't really get much else because this is the BIGGEST freakin couch you've ever seen :eeks: and I didn't know which way it would actually fit in the room. Everyone in this family is over 6'4 - except me.. I get lost in that couch :H

                          I do feel like crap, though... them boyz in the family have passed on their rotten cold to me. So, I think I'll jump into the tub for a while and turn on the jets.. see if I can't get back to feeling human again

                          Hope you are all having a wonderful, sober Saturday night. Tweet at ya in the am
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks fellow nesters for the encouraging words.

                            Mama- As far as help with the hubby and the triggers he pulls, I'm just trying to think about myself right now and so should you. Can only handle one person at a time and it's going to be me. Did tell him was doing the program and he said he would try Sun-Thurs. Well then came Friday night, and you all know what happened. He just told me, so hungover from last night, going to have a few drinks to help out. At least he admitted it.

                            As for me, I'm going to go to basketball party for son and not drink. Can't control what hubby does.

                            We all have to focus on ourselves that's all we can ask for right now.

                            Hope everyone has a nice AF evening and wakes up bright and cheery in the morning.

                            Thank God for the nest!!
                            A new beginning 2/16/10


                              Newbies Nest

                              Evening Nesters,

                              Getting late for me!

                              MG, stay strong, you're doing great!

                              Sunni, hope you wake up feeling better tomorrow Hope Mr Wonderful enjoyed his B-day!

                              LCC, you day went well for you - I'm glad!

                              Saying good night to all Nesters & wishing you a safe & cozy night - the night light will be on

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning all.

                                Survived the Blah-B-Q. Met some new people who were really nice. So had a relatively good time and luckily had the escape of having to get home for my son after he had been to the movies. H/b got drunk, loud and obnoxious but just tried to ignore it. I considered having a champagne but actually didnt WANT one!

                                Spam - you are so right saying I need to fill in my time. That is one of the major reasons I drank. I was bored. Couldnt think of anything to do so got pissed and forgot I was bored. Now take away the al and am still bored. Someone said to me when I first started if you only change what's in your glass you will struggle. I really have to search hard to find something to do. Ancestory searching is fun, I have sort of done abit. Might explore that again. Anyone got any other suggestions??
                                Lav - I havent known the sober me since I was 15. Feel like I am a blank canvas and can paint anything I want on the new me.
                                MG - you are sounding really strong. Well done. I use the CD's whenever I can get an hour to myself. I love them. I love the way I feel when I come out of it, I just lay there enjoying the physical feeling.
                                Mama, Ishy - just keep on coming back to see us. You will get there eventually.
                                Chicken - glad you popped in. Hope you are doing OK. Sounding abit cryptic but sending you love. x
                                Christy - welcome. Pop in when you can. We love to have lots of people join us.
                                LCC - well done on the partys. I can relate to the superior feeling seeing your h/b with a hangover.... You said something really worth repeating to remind me and everyone else who needs to hear it.. "You cant control what he does" - that is so true. You cant control anyone else apart from yourself.
                                Jolie, Tranq, Sophie, Sunshine, Jane and anyone else who pops in - Hi.
                                Hope you enjoy your Sunday and wake up Monday morning hangover and guilt free.
                                Love Hippy. x
                                I finally got it!
                                "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah

