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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    lead366;1629167 wrote: Hey Folks Another wake up with no hangover--Love it!

    Each morning I ask myself.."what?...small thing will you do today to enhance your recovery?"

    Well.....Im gonna do four little things and enjoy every minute of the day.

    I totally agree that we must INVEST in our recovery...its starting to become fun...Why?....CUZ.....Im no longer missing AL but rather looking forward to being clean and green.
    Lead, that is a really good question.
    Some years ago I read something that stuck with me, in any relationship, either you are contributing to it or contaminating it. I argued with this logic for a long time, but have always stepped back and said, ' You know, it's true'. The same is true with our QUITS. There is no middle ground here either. Thanks for reminding me of that!
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Welcome treklady. You have found a wonderful site with great folks who will support your desire to quit. Look at the tool box for lots of ideas (link to toolbox is below my signature) on the how to of this and make a plan so when you want to turn to drinking u have a plan to divert that thought. Posst here and read, read read.
      This site and the folks here have helped me ready 5 months and if I an do this you can too!!

      Newbie's Nest

      Tool Box
      AF 9.1.2013


        Newbies Nest

        treklady21;1629232 wrote: Hi All, I'm brand new here and not sure where to post? In a new Thread? or replies, not sure what is appropriate but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

        I'm a mom, 45, binge drinker for ever but its gotten so much worse in the last couple years. And my kids, 10 & 14 have seen too much and understand. I know I need to do this for them, I got that, so why can't I just stop???? Its like some other person takes over and I'm on the verge of losing everything important to me, family, friends, my husband (2nd marriage) and children's respect. Yesterday has to be the last day I ever drink, but I have no idea how to make that happen with any certainty. My husband is at the end of his tolerance and is so mad at my continued bad choices he doesn't have much faith when I say I'm going to stop. I'm way past the "help me" stage, he needs to see me make an effort to help myself and fix the relationship I've been slowly breaking down. I have no idea why I do what I do. Why do I take that first drink when I know i can't stop. I keep telling myself 'this time will be different' and fail and fail and fail.

        I need help before I hurt my children, emotionally, any further, or hurt myself accidentally when I do strange stupid things I don't remember. Yep, its bad.
        Hi Trek. You sound as desperate as I felt just a few weeks ago. Today is Day 17 for me, and already my future feels bright. I feel, for the first time, that I am in control. Stick around. This site and the people on it are amazing!
        You had the power all along, my dear.


          Newbies Nest

          Treky, you have landed in a great spot if you are ready to kick this demon to the curb. See the link in my signature line for the Tool box, there are 1000s of tips and tricks to help you get started. Get all the AL out of your house and vow to buy no more! Surround yourself with things you love to do and eat! Eating is your silver bullet to crush cravings! We are so used to drinking our calories that eating is a whole new concept! Keep yourself hydrated, too. I know it is a whole new mindset, but you can do it! We have lots of success here! Read back right here on this thread and you will see just about any scenario you can imagine! We are so glad you found us! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Trek and welcome. We all get to that place where we know it is destroying everything we hold dear but only we can make the choice to stop at the end of the day. I stopped because of my health and my children. I was slowly pushing them away and they were slowly backing away. They are my world so really how easy was the choice? It was easy to say but so much harder to do. One day at a time, each day say to yourself "i will not drink", hour by hour if necessary. It is achieveable and it is hard work but at the end of the day it is sooo worth it. 80+ days for me, not an easy trip but the best journey i have ever started. Stay on here and post, post post, there is always someone to talk to tell how you feel. Prove to hubs that you can do this, it may take awhile for him to believe you but be strong and your children need a mum. Mine are very happy and proud to have me back and sober.


            Byrd i hope you are feeling better in Snotsville!
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Newbies Nest

              Thank you and Brydlady so very much for support. Crazy we have to turn to strangers, but isn't that also a testament to humanity and our internal good nature. I checked out that tool box and already have some great things coming together. I have to succeed this time and today its become very clear to me that I need a real plan. Don't know why this didn't occur to be before as seeing i do project management at work....feeling really dumb, but hopeful.

              Today is the end of day one. Everyones support is going to make a big difference.

              Thanks soooo much!


                Newbies Nest

                To all the others that responded, THANK YOU too for your very encouraging words. I'm still trying to figure out how to really get to and see things on here..I'm not familiar with Forum structure, so forgive any unintentional bad edquitte :new:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Hello & welcome treklady, glad you decided to join us
                  A good working plan & a strong commitment will help you meet your goals!

                  Elvis, CONGRATS to you at almost 100 days AF, that's awesome!!!!
                  Have fun but be careful in Vegas!

                  Have a great weekend Mein!

                  Hello to everyone tonight! I hope everyone has a safe night in the nest!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    hi everyone and thanks for the kind words - today was ok as i was really busy all day on purpose - made myself go to the grocery tonight to try to fill the time - tonight is hard but i'm having my sleepytime tea and posting here and praying for sleep - the nights are so tough- i hope this gets better - but i guess it took this long to get here so there is no quick fix - hi trek - glad you are here , I'm new too so maybe we can help each other - I look up to all you that are here and willing to share - i feel sad and lonely even though my family is in the house - its weird to be so present - but good too - just so new - i am trying not to think of the long road in front of me but just this moment and today - as long i do that i feel like it might be able to manage it - i want to so bad - i just cant do it anymore - i just want it gone and out of my life but don't know how to do that - prayer helps - and this place and i guess time will help in time - that just seems very far away - i just want peace - thanks for reading and being here - I am ready to get to tomorrow and hopefully feel brighter - xx TB


                      Newbies Nest

                      Welcome treklady! I'm also fairly new here, and just devised the majority of my plan. My husband has always been very supportive..even thru the bad times. He never liked my drinking and expressed that to me on several occasions, but he understood my personality and 'knew' where I came from...and where I wanted to be. He knew NOT to press me b/c he knew it would only spark rebellion. Instead, he PROTECTED me, and let me come to the decision to try to stop on my own. Once I told him...he said he had total faith in me and would be or lose.

                      I think it's important that our significant others understand our personalities, habits... good and bad. I encourage you to maybe found out which personality types each of you are via Myers it will help you see a little bit more clearly on how communicating with each other may effect emotions, stress, etc. You may find out alot about each of you.

                      I think it's very important to have support of friends and/or family and developing a plan that works for YOU. That being said, you are in a GREAT place here!!! There is tons of info and support and copious amounts of tips in the Toolbox. So, grab a nice tea/coffee and plant yourself in this site and read, read, read!!!!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Treky just hang in there. Be strong, read and post at least once a day. It really worked for me.
                        Byrdie sorry you feel so bad. Yuckie.
                        Elvis wow 100 days. Yeah I am going to say it a day early. :wave:
                        Have a great night all.
                        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Very quick post from work! Been caring for my old folks. One of the hardest times in my life, but as I've said before: being sober and present makes a world of difference. I hope to post in more length soon. Best wishes to all, especially Little Beagle - 300 days tomorrow

                          love Steady
                          AF free since April 29, 2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Trek! I'm 45 too. I know hitting my 40's has been a huge motivation to get my life together. Like when your young you feel like you have so much time ahead, but then it catches up to you... I think about what I physically want to be in my 50's and how much longer my body can take this! It's time for a change.

                            It's hard, but we can do it! Read all you can and try different things 'til you figure out what will work for you.

                            And welcome!


                              Newbies Nest

                              So, today I received the L-Glut. So far only had 2 doses...and WOW!!! Maybe it's a 'placebo' effect, but boy do I feel different. As most know, I've been tapering down over the last week or so, but after only 2 doses, I actually spit out a mouthful of beer. I still have another dose to go for tonight. I'm not getting my hopes up yet, as whether or not it truly helps with cravings or not, it's still good on the intestines to heal so I'm okay with that, and I will stick to my plan regardless.

                              For tonight, the hubby cooked filet mignon and lobster tails with a high carb pasta as a side. Yeah buddy!!!!

                              I'll let you guys know how I do tomr with the L-Glut, etc.


                                Newbies Nest

                                MAE Nesters!

                                Steady - thinking of you.

                                Elvis, it's tomorrow here - so :woot: :woot: :woot: on 100 days!

                                Sarah, your meal sounds divine - please send any left-overs my way!! You sound positive; I can't wait for you to post Day 1!

                                Trusting, I never really understood the one day at a time principle, until I landed here. I know I won't ever drink again - but I can only do that in small steps, one day at a time. The long road will take care of itself as long as you take care of the short baby steps on that road.

                                :welcome: Trek! Make yourself at home - the Nest is a great place to be while getting your life back on track again.

                                Lead - thanks for that suggestion!!!

                                Right, coffee time!

                                Have a lovely AF Friday, Nesters!
                                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

