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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Brise, you really must get rid of it now. Give to another person, pour it out, but get rid of it. Your day 12 is just hours away.
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      Newbies Nest

      You're right Samstone. It is only hours away.


        Newbies Nest

        Brise, perhaps you should explain it to him - again, and slowly, if necessary - no booze in the house for the time being. Surely he will understand how important this is to you, and on so many levels.
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Newbies Nest

          bris you can do this....give it away whatever it takes...I found a bottle in the house and just pitched it. Pained me greatly to do that but it was something I had to do for me....You are worth it!!!!

          Newbie's Nest

          Tool Box
          AF 9.1.2013


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Bri:

            I dont want to be nosey but......Pour it out!...It will show that you have POWER of it!

            and tomorrow you get that big #12!

            Go for it!


              Newbies Nest

              Jane, son of a dirch, you are flooded! Im so sorry!!! Gosh thats gonna be work! WhT the heck happened?

              Marylou, I am traveling at the moment but wanted to make sure you got your hat in the nest, too!
              I have been so impressed with your progress! Taking a hand when needed and lending one when someone else did. you have been amazing!

              Gracie, what a beautiful is JUST like being in a cave. We share the best way to get out!!

              DD stick close, you can do this....I've seen you! Take the choice of AL off the table! It 's just NOT an option any more. Just like a peanut allergy, one IS enough to kill us. Do whatever it takes to make it thru this day.

              Feeling almost human again (man-flu). :H.

              Waking up tomorrow with another AF day to post is so worth it. Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                So?I didn't pour it out, BUT, it's sitting in my partners truck. I can't get to it and he is going to give it away to someone. Thankfully, the truck is parked nowhere near here and I don't have the keys. It no longer bothers me as much as it did when I was sitting within the same vicinity as it.
                That was a scary moment! I thought I was going to crack?but, to be quite honest, and I'm not lying here, in the pit of my stomach I knew I wasn't going to drink it. I just got upset that it was so close to me?and that voice got that much stronger.
                But I persevered. So onto day 12 for me. And I did tell him not to bring any AL near me for this first little while! I think he got it. :P
                Thanks everyone. Have a lovely sober evening - I am tacking a new recipe.

                :h :h :h :h :h


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi, Everyone:

                  Byrdie - good to see you feeling better. I remember feeling like that and convincing myself that a shot of whiskey would be GOOD for me - help me "fight" whatever it was. FFS - what a bunch of BS the old AL mind can conjure. Now, my favorite is chicken soup, the spicier the better.

                  Gracie - the cave analogy was perfect. In fact, you can see the light sometimes, and then make a wrong turn and whamo - you're in the dark again. It is indeed comforting to follow the lead of those who are in the light to know we're not stuck there forever. Thanks for sharing that.

                  BRI! THROW THE WINE OUT! I believe it is Byrdie who talks about those stray bottles sprouting heads at the oddest times and talking you into opening them up. Maybe if you seriously ask your husband to pour it out he will understand your seriousness of purpose. If all else fails, get yourself out of the house to a non-al place (coffee shop? library? movie?) But really - get the AL out.

                  Jane - So sorry about the flood (and the rest of your day). Wouldn't it have been so much worse if you had to deal with that all with a huge hangover or being drunk? Thank goodness you can deal with a clear head.

                  DD - I am so sorry for all of the pain you are going through. I think Ava had some great advice - NO MATTER WHAT is the line you have to say to yourself and believe. For one thing, I know you hate your job, and you won't be in any condition to look for, apply for and get another job if you are actively drinking in a way that hurts you so much mentally and physically. Post away any of your feelings - that's what this site is for. If this were all a bed of roses we wouldn't need each other for support. It is not a matter of will power - it is a matter of making a plan, sticking to it, and using whatever support you need to get through.

                  3J - Thanks for stopping by. I quote you all the time - "if only one, why not none." Moderation was my original goal but I now realize that in addition to being unable to moderate, I actually have many hundreds of reasons to never drink again anyway. I will be at 1/2 a year on the eve of your year anniversary - we'll celebrate then.

                  Hope everyone had a great Saturday. I'm enjoying the awful drought weather as much as I can by getting out and hiking. (It is hard to complain about 70 degrees and sunny in February, but it is actually scary how little water and snow we have gotten in CA - this year in particular, but actually over the last four years). I am going to a party with my DH tonight, but I will not drink. I'll be the designated driver and enjoy the great food I know will be there.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Pav, I was the DD tonight, something unheard of 3 years ago. I wasnt driving at all on the weekends there at the end since I started drinking in the mornings. Amazing the difference that cn tKe in a person's life. Starving this demon is the only way to conquer it. I can honestly get thru the day now and not think about AL, it is amazing freedom! Stay the course and you will find MindPeace. Giving in only makes it worse, it reinforces the habit and makes it harder to quit next time. It is 1000 times easier to maintain your quit than to start over. I promise you, a little discomfort wont kill you, but continuing to drink will. Stay strong everyone! It IS worth it!! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      MAE, I just wanted to say hi. Jane what a mess that flooding looks like. It is amazing how much damage water can cause! Pav, it sounds like you had a nice break with your son. It seems we are both enjoying the warm dry weather even though I do feel bad and wish it would rain. 3J your personal post was one of the first I read when I was lurking in November. You really hooked me because you write so eloquently as well as simply and I just believed everything you said. I hope you post at the NN every once in awhile to inspire us all! And of course I always want to thank Lav, Bryd, Dream, avail and anyone else I am missing for their always insightful input.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Jane, sorry about the flood, brings back old memories
                        I hope you were able to rescue the important stuff!

                        Drinking AL is always a choice & I have chosen not to drink it for nearly 5 years now. I honestly have not regretted my decision, not for a second.
                        Today I was happy to host a family birthday celebration for my granddaughter who turns 3 on Wednesday. It was such a pleasure & I am grateful to be fully present for these special events

                        Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Oh Jane! I am so sorry about your pooch! It seems like you have had a rough time lately. Any one of these things is difficult but when they happen all at once it can be overwhelming. Good for you for staying strong and not turning to wine as a way out. You and I both know that is not the way to handle any of these stresses. That knowledge doesn't make any of it easier but you can be proud that you are doing the right thing. I think watching our little fur faces being sick and failing is one of the hardest things we have to do! Stay strong and I am thinking about you! Bastet


                            Newbies Nest

                            Morning all,
                            6.32 am here. Thank you all for so much support, really do appreciate it.
                            Jane, my heart goes out to you about your dog who is so unwell, also the flooding, I really can empathise. DD
                            New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


                              Newbies Nest

                              MAE Nesters

                              Lovely day here! And unhungover!


                              Oh Jane, what an awful time for you. It's a difficult decision to make, but you know that you have to think of your dog first. Compared to that, dealing with the flooding is almost nothing. Thinking of you :l

                              DD, what are your plans for today? I hope you'll be able to get some me-time in!

                              Brise, glad things worked out well. :yay: on Day 12!

                              Byrdie, you're starting to sound like your old self again - lots of healthy thoughts on their way to you.

                              Did I tell you that I've stopped smoking? Well, it lasted all of five days :blush: :blush:. Day 1 here :argh:

                              Have a lovely AF Sunday, Nesters! I'm off to do some serious gardening!
                              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Trusting Believer;1629518 wrote: Hi Sarah - please let me know about the L-Gut - this is hard and can use any support - hope we can work on this together xx TB
                                TB- Today was my 3rd day on it. It seems to be working for me quite well!!! Lead366 might be better to answer you as I'm NOT AF 'YET" as I'm tapering down..due to health issues, but I can tell you how it's worked for me during 'tapering'.

                                I should probably get into this more on the L-Glut thread instead of here, but it truly does subside 'cravings'. It sortof makes you feel 'full' hence taking it in between meals...and that's the ticket right there. If you eat like you are advised in the Toolbox, and take this in-between meals, you're cravings for alcohol or 'sweets' will diminish almost completely. I say 'almost' with a grain of salt, b/c if you are determined to drink... you will anyway. BUT, you will most likely feel nauseated. I DID. But BOY has it helped me taper!!! If it did that, then I'm fairly confident it will help me when I set my first AF free day (which will be soon thanks to this stuff). As for the anxiety..well I read GABA is good for that. I will make a post here in a bit after a bit more reading of the NN before I tell you about some of that, but for the particular answer to your question...YES try the L-Glut! I am a true believer.


