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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Needtogetbetter;1630796 wrote: I'm sorry, but that cracked me up because I just tried one of those horrible little bugers last week for the first time. Holy yuck! I hope you're feeling better, and have better luck with frozen foods in the future. And sober--that's good stuff!

    ETA, I just noticed you're in Germany. Dr. Oetkers frozen pizza is the bomb--yum!
    Yum, Dr. Oetkers is good stuff! For some reason I bought the stupid burgers at the grocery store while I was desperately trying to stay far away from the AL section. I have a hard time grocery shopping alone. Even so I feel sick now... at least I'm not drunk! My husband and I have an agreement to have a sugar free/alcohol free month of March so I'm looking forward to this change in the routine and hopefully this will help reduce the cravings. And hubs is being supportive by not drinking AL as well. Anyhoo, I'm rambling!

    So grateful to be here in the Nest with all of you today. Much love and strength to you. :l
    Would you like you, if you met you?


      Newbies Nest

      Good idea about changing the routine. Maybe I should record my show and workout at this time. Though the back is too sore to do so today. And Miene Sonnenshein, I'm also lucky to have not injured anyone else. The only thing I can say I'm remotely proud of in all this, is I never drove with more than 1 or so in my belly. But I have many reminders. A scar on my knee, my shaky hands in the morning, and pictures of a trip to Amsterdam I booked when I was clearly under the influence (only discovered when the tik was in my inbox next morning). Ugh.
      Hugs to all!
      ETA: changing routine right now. Recording my stupid show, and I'm going to print up some snaps from my surprise! vacation years ago and make a nice little collage to keep near my AL rations so I can think of the lies I had to tell my husband to explain it every time I dip in.


        Newbies Nest

        Mein, I'm sorry but your frozen hamburger story brought flashbacks to me, too. We have a chain of hamburger joints called White Castles. They are like sliders, the mini hamburgers and I saw them in the frozen foods so I picked some up. They tasted like flip flops (rubber, no taste)! I chalked it up to the process of being frozen so we were on the road one weekend and we stopped for some fresh ones...they were equally bad! Now my hubs only asks for one when he is constipated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:H

        I know...TMI. Sorry (not really). Hope YOU are feeling ok!! xo, B
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Needtogetbetter;1630867 wrote: Good idea about changing the routine. Maybe I should record my show and workout at this time. Though the back is too sore to do so today. And Miene Sonnenshein, I'm also lucky to have not injured anyone else. The only thing I can say I'm remotely proud of in all this, is I never drove with more than 1 or so in my belly. But I have many reminders. A scar on my knee, my shaky hands in the morning, and pictures of a trip to Amsterdam I booked when I was clearly under the influence (only discovered when the tik was in my inbox next morning). Ugh.
          Hugs to all!
          ETA: changing routine right now. Recording my stupid show, and I'm going to print up some snaps from my surprise! vacation years ago and make a nice little collage to keep near my AL rations so I can think of the lies I had to tell my husband to explain it every time I dip in.
          Yes---change the routine---such a simple thing to do---and that way you also are not rules by a tv schedule. GREAT IDEA...even if you dont workout---just get out of the house and fake it...go cheer up a neighbor or something...worked for me...your moods will improve very quickly:welcome:


            Newbies Nest

            Byrdlady;1630868 wrote: Mein, I'm sorry but your frozen hamburger story brought flashbacks to me, too. We have a chain of hamburger joints called White Castles. They are like sliders, the mini hamburgers and I saw them in the frozen foods so I picked some up. They tasted like flip flops (rubber, no taste)! I chalked it up to the process of being frozen so we were on the road one weekend and we stopped for some fresh ones...they were equally bad! Now my hubs only asks for one when he is constipated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:H

            I know...TMI. Sorry (not really). Hope YOU are feeling ok!! xo, B
            Haha Byrdie, I can totally understand and relate. My stomach will feel better tomorrow. I'm sober and just about to go to bed, so I feel fantastic. :l
            Would you like you, if you met you?


              Newbies Nest

              Ah yes, the mystery bruises! I can totally relate to those Needtogetbetter.

              My witching hour is coming up too--if I can make it through tonight it will be my fiirst AF day in a long time. One of the senior members suggested I come in here during this time.
              Just made a big pot of decaf and am going to go for a walk (possibly with the dogs) before I start dinner. No wine in the house.. I keep thinking I just want to wake up without a headache tomorrow!
              I am pretty functional so I seem to push through my days no matter what but that first hour...ugh. I want to feel clear headed in the AM.

              Hang in there!


                Newbies Nest

                crockettaa;1630881 wrote: Ah yes, the mystery bruises! I can totally relate to those Needtogetbetter.

                My witching hour is coming up too--if I can make it through tonight it will be my fiirst AF day in a long time. One of the senior members suggested I come in here during this time.
                Just made a big pot of decaf and am going to go for a walk (possibly with the dogs) before I start dinner. No wine in the house.. I keep thinking I just want to wake up without a headache tomorrow!
                I am pretty functional so I seem to push through my days no matter what but that first hour...ugh. I want to feel clear headed in the AM.

                Hang in there!
                Best of luck on your witching hour! I got through mine with a fake out of plain tonic water and citrus. Congrats on AL free day thus far. I find dog walking to be a very good distraction, I always have. I'm fairly proud of my efforts today. I've been awake for 8 hours, and have had 4 drinks. Since mid afternoon is worst for me, That's fairly decent.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thank you for your good wishes! I wish I were in "a very warm place"--the hated Polar Vortex is descending upon us again! But at least it is light out longer so I can still get out there in my snow pants.

                  Good job on the cutting back. I started that over the weekend. Might try the tonic and citrus fake out if it ever gets warm here again!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Blasted polar vortex again, huh crockettaa? :H
                    It is definitely feeling colder outside tonight!

                    MS, I picked up a copy of Dr. Oetker's book 'German Baking Today' while waiting for a flight out of Frankfurt 15 years ago. I was so impressed with all the delicious baked goods I had stuffed in my face all week & wanted to replicate them at home Stay away from those frozen, processed nasty burgers! Bake a good cake!!

                    The nest was busy today - very nice to see
                    Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      jane27;1630973 wrote: Lav, I read 'be a good cake' instead of 'bake a good cake,' (As in, 'be a good girl....') . Good thing I picked up some L-glutamine today.

                      Jane, you are kicking major arse with your 49 days! Wow! So proud of you!
                      I was just reading your posts in the "You know you're an Alkie when" ....I can identify with all of them! Vodka in my water bottles....gulping it in my closet. I would take 7 gulps. I dont know why 7. It seemed rational at the time. Everything seemed rational at the time. What a hell hole we were in! Keep up the great work! B
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Rahul, great job on 3 days! I think that's a hard one. We have a guy friend our age (50's)--every year he takes a few months off from alcohol. I remember sitting with him at the beach one time, we were all drinking beers out of a cooler (he wasn't) and I asked him how did he do it? His response:
                        The first week is the hardest. So that's going to be my mantra this week.
                        Made it through day 1.
                        Jane I sure hope your doggie is doing better....I will check in again with all of you tomorrow. Feeling a little jittery so we'll see how the sleep goes tonight.


                          Newbies Nest

                          jane27;1630808 wrote: Petrel,

                          I'm with you. 57 days is my record. I'm at 49. There isn't a single number I'll feel comfortable with because I'm committed to being greedy about this. lol
                          Thanks Jane. You're doing very well. I can be very stubborn when I want to be, so I'm quietly confident about 90 days.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Nesters,

                            Made it through dad's 92nd bday party with 7 others at his favorite oyster bar. My first outing to anywhere al is served since starting on this journey 34 days ago. Everyone else was having al drink. I did just fine with a San Pellegrino with lemon. I had no desire to drink and even stayed away from the fried bar food (grilled mahi, steamed broccoli and two very delicious bites of hubs brownie inc cream sundae. No hangover for me tomorrow.

                            Wow...the nest was a busy place today. That's great to see. Welcome to all the newcomers - I love MWO and I love all the wonderful people here even more. The collective wisdom here, from the senior members to the member members (guess we're junior members?) to those posting for the first time brings comfort, hope, insights and the kick in the ass we need to beat this!

                            My apologies for not calling out everyone by name, but thank you all for your posts. Another AF day done.

                            Have a great night/day all.
                            Mary Lou

                            A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                              Newbies Nest

                              MAE, All:

                              OMG, Byrdie - I got horrible food poisoning in Wisconsin one visit - now I wonder if it was the White Castles. I have to say my weakness is savory treats more than sweet ones - a good cheeseburger is high on the list. But NOT a frozen one. Mein, much better than a gin and tonic at this point, however. Whatever it takes...

                              Jane - Your big days are amazing. I love your humor, too. And the Beagle in your picture is adorable (if that is what I am seeing). Hope all is going ok with your pups. My motto would certainly be the same - if one is good, I'll take three. Not much for moderation. Wish that was a tip off years ago...

                              Need - do you have a tapering plan and an idea of Day 1? If so, write it down and stay with the plan. As you know, alcohol has been known to take over once the first sip is down the gullet. Tapering is very hard to do for us - if it doesn't work, is there a Plan B? Just asking. I DO hope it works for you, and I'm glad to see you posting here to get through.

                              Crocketta - Great job deciding to change things up. I remember K9 talking about changing the furniture around so that the environment itself was different as well. Whatever it takes.

                              Way to go, Petrel. Stay strong and determined. I have found that it does get easier. And I credit my being stubborn for my ability to stay alcohol free. I told myself, my therapist, folks here, and my husband that I don't drink - I'm too stubborn to have to tell you all that I didn't succeed. Use it for good...

                              Lav - Cooking good food is a great idea. Might as well spend calories on something delicious!

                              Everyone else - have great nights!



                                Newbies Nest

                                Day 4 starting. As I move ahead with confidence and genuine resolve to quit. I have been analysing situations where I used to "enjoy" alcohol and not those situations. Ex night out with those buddies was not to meet them but just to drink. Earlier I was dreading how I will go out with them without AL. But then the real reason I dread is I don't enjoy their company .... It was always AL.

                                So I better find situations which I genuinely Enjoy.

                                Have trouble sleeping early and waking up early but feeling good with what ever sleep I am getting.

                                Have a nice sober day guys.
                                Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                                Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                                Rebooting ... done ...
                                Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...

