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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hippychick - I have spent my lone time this weekend watching DVD's, and doing housework.. I also love reading.. all of which has taken my mind of AL for the most part.. and coming on here of course! I know what you mean though, about finding things to do.. its been tricky. Luckily though I do have my son with me most the time, who uses up a lot of my time.. I plan on going to some of my fave places in the city next time I have some time off - going to some museum's, or just walking around, taking in the sights.. all will be so much more fulfilling than just getting drunk at home.. Well done for not drinking at the Blah-B-Q!! you did well.. I don't know if I could cope being in a situation where other people are drinking and I'm not.. I will have to come on here and get some tips if that time arises!!
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



      Newbies Nest

      Hi All,

      Good to read your excellent conversations. My husband drinks too and I am now surprised to find he doesn't drink as much as I thought. Just a couple of small stubbies / bottles of beer a night. However, when we go to a party he does like to knock them back.

      I haven't yet been in the party situation yet so I can't comment. I would like to pass on another story though that is not AL related.

      A now ex-friend of mine was diagnosed as being gluten intolerant. (I don't know if this is true as she is an attention seeker and has been known to make up medical conditions.) Anyway, upon receiving this diagnosis, she decided NO-ONE in her house could eat anything with gluten in it. She threw away all the bread, etc. It was Easter when she found out and she told her family that they were not allowed chocolate. She threw away her daughter's Easter Eggs from her grandparents.

      At the time I said to her that this was unreasonable. Just because she had a problem with gluten, she didn't have to inflict this on everyone else.

      Perhaps we need to think the same way when our partners drink. Whether they drink to excess or not, it's their choice and if they do have a problem they need to wake upto it themselves just as we have done.

      This is not meant to be insulting to anyone - just thought provoking.



        Newbies Nest

        Good morning all in the nest!

        Sunshine, it sounds like Mr W got spoilt for his bday. Well done:goodjob: I hope you drowned those cold germs in the hot tub..

        LCC, yes I agree, thank God for the nest. Day 4 now for me and there is no way I'd be here if it wasn't for all you right here. Thank you so much xxxxxx

        Lav, when your Avatar blinked at me this morn I thought I was going crazy, but no! It's what he does hee hee..

        KBrown, I Imagine you could spend many many fascinating and sober hours in Sydney..good plan of action

        Spam, you are right about choices. That's where freedom lives; making the right ones.

        Leave in Silence, hope you are ok out there? Let us know:h

        Mama Bear, happy Sunday sweetie.


          Newbies Nest

          Hello tweetie birds.......
          Hi Sophie....kisses to you....Now I want to come Ireland!!!!
          You all are absolutley right......I need to worry about myself and I cannot control my husband's behavior....i just get angry because I think he is being insensitive......he handed me his ice cold bourbon last night and asked toahng on to for a minute so he could grab his keys......that's like ahnding a needle to aheion addict to me.
          But as every day goes by I feel stronger and when I wake up hang over free I know major changes are happening in my life.....
          oh yeah...when I am bored I read, watch movies, do laundry and I LOVE TO NAP!!!!

          Happy Sunday to all
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Newbies Nest

            By the way Spam...
            what kind of FB thread are you starting?
            Can I jump in?
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              Newbies Nest

              Napping / Nanna Naps / 40 winks.

              Call them what you will but they are a MUST.

              I sometimes go back to bed after the school run. Luckily my hubby says "well you must have needed the sleep then."


                Newbies Nest

                mama bear;809712 wrote: By the way Spam...
                what kind of FB thread are you starting?
                Can I jump in?

                You are most welcome. Have a look in the general discussions page.



                  Newbies Nest

                  oh...i thought you meant you were starting something on FB!!!!
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters,

                    Blinky Lav here checking in

                    Sophie, congrats on your 4 AF days, it's a great feeling, isn't it? Glad the Nest has provided a comfy spot for you!

                    Spam, I avoided social situations for months when I quit until I felt strong enough to cope - nothing wrong with that! Sounds like your friend freaked out & went a bit overboard with her gluten allergy Dx. Hopefully in time she will learn to relax & not punish those around her because of her problems. I asked my husband to keep his beer in the garage fridge - not so much because it was a temptation (I rarely drank beer) but because I needed the room in the kitchen fridge for food. He & others bring a beer in the house from time to time, it doesn't bother me.

                    Kbrown & HC, greetings! Last year at this time while I was crazily looking for ways to fill my drinking time I ended up hanging wall paper in my dining room, grouted the tile on the kitchen wall which had been waiting for years for grout, bought & finished a coffee table & 2 end tables for my living room, planted tons of seeds for plants that ended up in my garden later on in the warm months, etc. etc. etc.
                    I just kept myself super duper busy so I wouldn't sit & feel sorry for myself Just do whatever you have to do to keep yourselves safe!!!

                    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Sunday!
                    Chook, please check in!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thanks Lav, yup it feels fantastic to be winning Hope you are having a lovely relaxing sunday.

                      Mama Bear, I read about your night out. Well done! Thats amazing. :wave: I am properly impressed. You must be chuffed with yourself. I get the impression that your hubby doesn't really appreciate how hard this is for you, not cos he's a baddy; he sounds lovely. .But maybe he cant get his head around it or else you need to explain it better to him.. I don't know. Good thing is, that we are all here and we get it. And yes, over you come to Ireland and I will have a mug of steaming hot choc ready for you xxx


                        Newbies Nest

                        My hubby is lovely...
                        what the heck does "chuffed" mean?:H
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          Newbies Nest

                          It means really really pleased and happy to be pleased, and I will have a hot choc ready for your darling lovely hubby too, who will be really chuffed that you know someone who makes such great hot chocs:H xx


                            Newbies Nest

                            Chuffed is now an official part of my American vocabulary!
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Have just eaten a load of M&Ms. Honestly i'm sugar crazy yikes..think i'll start a thread looking for help on this


                                Newbies Nest

                                I just wanted to share with The Nest that I climbed the extremely high mountain of staying sober my first weekend in several years, and made the summit! Today I'm thoroughly enjoying the's beautiful.

