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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters!!!

    It's early in my part of the nest butt that's OK

    Big CONGRATS to Maji on 30 AF days & Jane on 50 AF days :yay:
    Great work both of you!!!

    Sarah, fear kept me from deciding on a quit date. All I can tell you is just hold your breath & jump in with both feet - you will be OK You have your plan, you know your triggers, you are ready & we will be here!

    Great to see the nest so busy!
    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      crockettaa;1631123 wrote: Oh & Petrel, good luck with the marathon training! I love running & any outdoor exercise. Keep us posted!
      Thanks crocketta. Well it's my bedtime in this part of the world. Another successful af day.


        Newbies Nest

        Morning, Nesters!
        Maji, thank you for the acceptance speech, those are just amazing to read! To think that 30 days can make such a HUGE difference in our lives is mindbogglin'! AND, all changes for the better! Sure, there are some rough spots, but wouldn't you agree that it's not nearly as bad as you feared? That's what I found, I had built it up so much in my head that it was paralyzing. I'm so happy for you!
        Here's your hat!

        Jane, at 50 days, you must feel like a Queen! As such:
        GREAT job, Missy! I know you are not done, either, you have a score to settle! 57 and Beyond! (to sort of steal from Buzz Light Year) Let's travel these uncharted waters together! I've never been at 1133 days either, and I never want to repeat this, so off we go....(splooooosh (the sound when rockets go off into space)).

        GREAT to see everyone checking in! Rahul, keep it going, Day 4 is huge! Hang in there for your moon on Friday! I'm warming it up for you!

        Go out and make it another AF day! Take that leap of faith! We won't let you fall! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning nesters from Mountain time me. Huge congrats to Jane and Maji! What huge accomplishments!!!
          Pavati I do have a safe taper plan laid out by a former trusted psychiatrist. I'm only left at home with what I'm allowed to have that day, and no money.
          I'm proud of getting thru day 1, my goal was 8 units, I managed 7.5 just to show it who's boss. I had some anxiety in in the afternoon, but it did subside. I slept somewhat decently (I take ambien). Only waking up off and on when it seems to wear of at about 4 am. I'm optimistic about today.


            Newbies Nest

            Lavande;1630970 wrote:
            MS, I picked up a copy of Dr. Oetker's book 'German Baking Today' while waiting for a flight out of Frankfurt 15 years ago. I was so impressed with all the delicious baked goods I had stuffed in my face all week & wanted to replicate them at home Stay away from those frozen, processed nasty burgers! Bake a good cake!!
            You are quite right Lav. LOL. No more of that for me! I had my German lesson this morning and it turned out that my teacher had locked herself out of her office, so we ended up having the lesson at a nearby cafe. I was fine with that... this little cafe has a nice atmosphere. I had a butter pretzel and chai latte... no more gross food for me! But it was amazing to see how many people had alcoholic beverages as early as 10am. By the time our lesson ended at 12:00pm, there were plenty of people sitting with a beer or glass of wine. It actually made my head hurt to look at the big glasses of wine... and at the same time I wanted to grab one and drink it down. LOL. No worries, I didn't.

            Hubs and I are going to a concert tonight (One Republic) so I'm trying to decide if I'll drink water or a Coke. Either one will do fine. But it will be strange to go to a concert and not drink a beer while listening to music.

            Gotta run for now but I wish you all much love and strength today! :l
            Would you like you, if you met you?


              Newbies Nest

              Quick drive by before work to say

              CONGRATULATIONS MAJI AND JANE. I really love those big, round numbers.

              Sarah - I'm with Lav - it was fear that kept me jumping in to Day 1. I always had an excuse (this holiday, that birthday, a trip here, blah blah blah) for it not wanting to be THAT day. Finally, a terrible hangover (the worst anxiety and sleeplessness I had ever had) convinced me that I might as well try. It was a feeling of freedom. Jump on in - the water's great.

              Have great days, everyone.



                Newbies Nest

                I posted a thread on quitting under General, but I think that some Newbies don't venture too far from the Nest. Have a look at this link on quitting:

                I Tried to Quit & It?s Too Hard! : zenhabits
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Newbies Nest


                  Thank you for sharing that link. On day 2 (again!!) & strategies will be so helpful.



                    Newbies Nest

                    I'm only two weeks sober so I feel like I'm not one to give advice, but Cocoflo, do you have some sort of plan? I find it's better to work from the offense, rather than waiting nervously for temptation to set in and then try to be on the defense.


                      Newbies Nest

                      :goodjob:Great job on day 50 Jane! Woohoo!

                      Have fun at One Republic Mein! Just think, you'll be able to remember the whole thing tomorrow.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Crocketta, so glad you woke up feeling good! And Mein, good lucky with and enjoy One Republic!
                        Doing well so far today, awake 3 hours and only one unit in me to stop the shakes. Well on track to come in just under 8 today.


                          Newbies Nest

                          MAE all,
                          Just got back from taking dh for colonoscopy...up way too early and of course it was snowing..but the doc was on time so we weren't there the 4 hours I had he is napping and I think I will too...didnt sleep well knowing I had to get up very early...I am so not a morning person...

                          Newbie's Nest

                          Tool Box
                          AF 9.1.2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Nesties!

                            Just poppin' in real quick to see how everyone is doing and to report that my nekked rain dance must have worked...we are expecting a big storm this week, finally!

                            Mein - Enjoy One Republic! I am taking my daughter to see Fall Out Boy in August. I really wanted to see Justin Timberlake, but he is out of my price range. It's no fun ballin' on a budget. LOL

                            Congrats Maji on 30 days...that is HUGE!! :goodjob:

                            Check out that link that Dream posted, it's good (and addicting).
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Day 4 over.....

                              Today went to few business meetings which went good ... And and evening I didn't get the though ... Man I deserves a drink ! That's AL doing the trick. "Would it be great to go to TGIF and grab one. "

                              But in no time I came back to senses ... Shows how vulnerable I am especially when I am alone ...

                              Be safe and sober guys ... Good nite ..
                              Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                              Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                              Rebooting ... done ...
                              Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                                Newbies Nest

                                Rahulthesweet;1631232 wrote: Day 4 over.....

                                Today went to few business meetings which went good ... And and evening I didn't get the though ... Man I deserves a drink ! That's AL doing the trick. "Would it be great to go to TGIF and grab one. "

                                But in no time I came back to senses ... Shows how vulnerable I am especially when I am alone ...

                                Be safe and sober guys ... Good nite ..
                                Great Job, Rahul :thumbs:
                                Hope you sleep well.

