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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Afternoon check-in

    Hi again everyone, just read through the last few pages since this morning.

    Jane27, your posts are great & make me laugh, not because you hurt yourself tripping over your dog but because now I know I'm not the only one! If my neighbors ever knew what was going on over here....

    DTD thank you for the link on the fear of quitting. I read that just now. So true! I am on Day 2 and still haven't said anything to anyone but you guys. I think my husband will probably have to notice by the weekend. Although I have been quite good at sneaking all the empties to recycling during the day while he's at work. Can't wait to feel un-sneaky.

    Congrats Gracie B on 2 weeks that is awesome! :goodjob:

    Need to...great job so far today on that cutting back! I did that too because I had been up to so many units a day, my blood pressure went crazy when I tried to go cold turkey the last time. I love your dalmation avatar too! Lots of dog lovers in here! (we must stop tripping over them lol) Have a safe afternoon and evening I will be sending positive thoughts your way. :l

    Cocoflo we are on day 2 together. Let's get through this!


      Newbies Nest

      Rahulthesweet;1631232 wrote: Day 4 over.....

      Today went to few business meetings which went good ... And and evening I didn't get the though ... Man I deserves a drink ! That's AL doing the trick. "Would it be great to go to TGIF and grab one. "

      But in no time I came back to senses ... Shows how vulnerable I am especially when I am alone ...

      Be safe and sober guys ... Good nite ..
      Good for you Rahul! I hope I can do that too in a few days. The weekend is going to be tough for me. Thanks for showing it's possible.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi All! Haven't dropped by for a while but I have been doing very well (42 days!). I discovered a new book "Recover!" that has been like manna from the Gods for me. I posted a new thread about it in the reading forums. I also have been dedicated to a new business venture my husband and I are involved in - everything is looking up and I have my AF life to thank for that. MWO has been so great and one of the toolbox links led me to this latest read which is very empowering. Have a great day all!

        . . . feeling grateful . . .


          Newbies Nest

          hanoj;1631260 wrote: Hi All! Haven't dropped by for a while but I have been doing very well (42 days!). I discovered a new book "Recover!" that has been like manna from the Gods for me. I posted a new thread about it in the reading forums. I also have been dedicated to a new business venture my husband and I are involved in - everything is looking up and I have my AF life to thank for that. MWO has been so great and one of the toolbox links led me to this latest read which is very empowering. Have a great day all!

          . . . feeling grateful . . .
          YES--Excellent book--Just released this month...I purchased it yesterday.

          Im feeling better--not great yet like you...but better.

          Good luck in Biz!


            Newbies Nest

            Crockettaa, Let's do this together!! I can so relate to the strange bruises, aches & pains after stumbling around drunk - and not even remembering how it happened! uggh!! Disposing/hiding empties too. I really want to put this all behind me.

            Graciecb, very true...still working on a plan. I'm looking at how/when I have failed in the past. Right now, I'm trying to stay busy and focused. Weekends are hardest for me, so I have a few days to get it together.


              Newbies Nest

              Cocoflo;1631266 wrote: Crockettaa, Let's do this together!! I can so relate to the strange bruises, aches & pains after stumbling around drunk - and not even remembering how it happened! uggh!! Disposing/hiding empties too. I really want to put this all behind me.

              Graciecb, very true...still working on a plan. I'm looking at how/when I have failed in the past. Right now, I'm trying to stay busy and focused. Weekends are hardest for me, so I have a few days to get it together.
              Hope to give you a chuckle. when I finally confessed to my husband over the weekend, He referred to the empties as "dead bodies". The bottle that still had some in was alive n kickin'!
              And thanks, Crockettaa!Iit is nice to see all the dog people here.


                Newbies Nest

                Needtogetbetter;1631281 wrote: Hope to give you a chuckle. when I finally confessed to my husband over the weekend, He referred to the empties as "dead bodies". The bottle that still had some in was alive n kickin'!
                And thanks, Crockettaa!Iit is nice to see all the dog people here.
                Great minds (or great tolerators) must think husband calls them dead soldiers.

                Almost through witching hour, today was harder. Swimming in decaf, I'll probably be in the bathroom all night!

                I'll check back in the AM. :cupajoe:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks for that link Cocoflo . I am quite new to these boards , But have been lurking for a long time . So a new day 2 for me [ been threw this part a 100 times before ] and the anxiety is getting under control . Hope you're all getting along well .
                  Today is a brand new day .
                  Tomorrow ! is a brand new day , open it with carealm:
                  Final Quit 7/7/14 , The last of so many .


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Another busy day here in the nest I see - great!!!

                    Hi there bran new!
                    Wishing you a good day two & I hope you have a good plan ready for yourself

                    I am grateful, once again for my clear-headed AF life!
                    Just had to have my home heating system replaced today, the original only 10 years old. I stayed calm, didn't panic or freak out over cost, etc. I am happy & warm!

                    Wishing everyone a safe 7 cozy night in the nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Welcome Bran New....

                      Lots of info here for you to read. Feel free to post anything at anytime. We are ALL looking for tips, feelings and insights.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Thanks for the welcome Lead and Lavande . I've managed to get an appointment with a local community health counsellor on Friday . So hoping to get some good strategy's worked out . My previous one of it's a brand new day tomorrow/ today hasn't really worked out for me over the last 20 years , So its time for a new start .
                        Tomorrow ! is a brand new day , open it with carealm:
                        Final Quit 7/7/14 , The last of so many .


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi again everyone. I'm well into day 3 and going very well. During the day at work there's never an issue. Witching hour? (I think that's what you call it ) usually hits when I get home around 6.00pm. The first 2 nights I've done well. No urge at all. I find myself hungry, so I have dinner earlier and went grocery shopping for low fat snacks and fruit & yogurt for smoothies. I've developed a liking for herbal tea as an AF drink.

                          I'm getting to know names of others early into this. Cocoflo, Crocketta, needtogetbetter,Sarah42, Rahul, Mien and Bran new day, and apologies to any others I may have missed: your stories are inspiring for me and also others I'm sure.

                          The mystery bruises. I can so relate!!

                          My next test will be Friday night. It's always been my biggest challenge.

                          Well, I hear so much about the toolbox. It's time I head out and have a look.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi, all:

                            Dreamy, a GREAT post - thanks for the link.

                            I'm glad all of you new newbies are supporting each other - keep it up.

                            I have to run and help my kids with homework, etc.

                            Great on the nekked rain dance, K9 - looking like a bit of rain!



                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi BND and welcome, im a melbournian too so same time zone which is great as when i first stopped drinking most of the nest was in zzzzzzzzzland. The best strategy i can recommend is to keep on here and posting and reading. MWO is my AA and i check in daily and in the evening to be accountable and also posting on the Roll Call as it is great to see everyones days wracking up.

                              Petrel hello and good to see you on Day 3. My question to myself was "why is friday any different to any day ending in a Y". I drank everyday so Friday was no real reason to celebrate but i did find it hard when i stopped drinking. The first weekend was a "killer" but after i had accomplished that and was so proud of myself it became easier. Now Friday rolls around and its like any other day ending in a Y, it is a non drinking day! The house was so clean in the early days i must say.

                              Hello to all the newbies, i have been reading your stories. At the moment i am at work and i am looking quite busy i must say.

                              Take care and be strong! I did not get to 87 days without being committed to an af life and while it stil takes committment and dedication, it is so much easier and life is so totally better in every single way, from the time i wake up till the time i sleep!
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Available,

                                Thanks, Friday is hard. It's my biggest challenge. It's always been part of my life to wind down with a drink at the end of the working week. When younger, I would go out. Later in life it was Friday night football (NRL I'm afraid, unless the Brisbane Lions were going well, which is never anymore )

                                As I've said, I have done 2 week stretches before in the last 6 months, so I know I can get through the weekend. I just have to make it happen. Thanks for the reassurance that it gets easier.

