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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Welcome DHS. The only way to manage in my opinion is to stop drinking. I tried to balance by moderating and failed dismally so its either all or nothing. Normal drinkers do not come on this site i am afraid and we wish we were normal but we are not, we are alcoholics, well i am. Some people can moderate but it is a daily battle and there is no battle when you take al off the table.

    Keep posting on here and look around, you will find some interesting threads to look at and there are newbies here and some very good success stories of beating al. I am 90 days af and i would not have it any other way.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Newbies Nest

      Dream i am thumping you on the back for not getting pissed on a weekend, there i said it! I think maybe i should count weekends, well if i can be bothered i would but too busy knitting now.

      We have our first day of autumn today and while it is a beautiful time of year it means one thing and that is winter is coming also. You are sounding hap hap hap hap happy!
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Newbies Nest

        Morning Ava! It's been so quiet here - and I've been up for ages, talking to myself. I know you're counting the days to the big 100, but I rarely bother - I have a general idea, of course, but have stopped counting days. And yes, I'm a happy camper! A sober happy camper!

        :welcome: DHS! What Ava said to you! This is a great place to be, and you'll find all the support and advice and information you need right here in the Nest and also in
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Newbies Nest

          Had to get some gas on after work on this freakin' freezing night & when I was pulling out of the station there was a cop parked across the street. What a nice calm feeling not to have to worry about being pulled over with booze breath or worse. Made me .


            Newbies Nest

            No Kidding..........No more fear of cops...Yayyyyyyyyy))))


              Newbies Nest

              DHS- Welcome!

              Pav- thank you for the Pink put some things into perspective

              Petrel- Thank God he's ok. I have a son too and he's at that 'age' of being around other drivers/driving himself. UGHH! I worry so much

              Byrdie- So sorry for your losses! I can relate.

              I'm not sure I have much more to say tonight, as I was looking thru my past posts and they all seemed so selfish. I don't want that to be a first impression. Still tapering, and I'm ok. Good thoughts going out to all of you for a happy AF MAE!! Thank you for being here for me.


                Newbies Nest

                Grateful to wake up very sober on this Saturday morning (in Germany). Just a quick check in before we head off to the hospital to visit my MIL. I was proud of myself last night... I sent hubs to the grocery store to pick up a few things that I needed to prepare dinner. I KNEW that if I went to the grocery store that I would buy AL, that's just the kind of mindset that I was in. BUT... I didn't do it. When hubs got home, I told him why I sent him, and he hugged me and said "anytime!!!". Very lucky to be healthy and sober this morning. Wish me luck at the hospital today.

                Much love and strength to you all today.
                Would you like you, if you met you?


                  Newbies Nest

                  Mein Sonnenschein;1632845 wrote: Grateful to wake up very sober on this Saturday morning (in Germany). Just a quick check in before we head off to the hospital to visit my MIL. I was proud of myself last night... I sent hubs to the grocery store to pick up a few things that I needed to prepare dinner. I KNEW that if I went to the grocery store that I would buy AL, that's just the kind of mindset that I was in. BUT... I didn't do it. When hubs got home, I told him why I sent him, and he hugged me and said "anytime!!!". Very lucky to be healthy and sober this morning. Wish me luck at the hospital today.

                  Much love and strength to you all today.
                  Mein, you are so lucky to have such a supportive husband! This must be a very difficult time for all of you, especially your husband and FiL - lots of positive thoughts on their to you.
                  14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi all.

                    Rahul, you are doing so very well! right behind you at day 6.

                    Sarah, thanks for your thoughts. I'm so incredibly grateful he is 100% okay. Yesterday in my normal high stress work life ,I didn't really get the opportunity to dwell on what happened. But today I did menial repair jobs on a property I own, and had a lot of time to think about the events. I'm so grateful.
                    I've been reading your posts. Stay strong. Lots of wonderful people and support here.

                    Bran: another aussie male. Alright. You and Ava & I and any other Aussies can fly the flag to change our terrible Australian drinking culture. I've read a lot about it recently. But it's not unique to our country of course.

                    Ava, thanks for your comcern. We are both okay and going nicely. I'm letting him get over it, but watching him closely. I plan to sit him down and go through it all with him when he's ready.

                    Pav, Being sober when it all unfolded was a pivotal (crystallizing) moment for me. It just reinforced the importance of being sober when you have responsibilities. Sobriety also gives liberty and control of our lives. I've always valued liberty and health as 2 essientials in life. Booze erodes both of them.

                    Lav and little beagle, thanks for your warm support. All of you are a fantastic bunch of "guys":H

                    I have to say, I've been on other forums for various topics: career, sport (running) and mostly my marriage breakdown and my wife's infidelity. All have there share of pot stirrers who can be quite nasty and some get themselves banned....... I don't see any of that here. Everyone bands together and helps each other. It's really beautiful. Thankyou all.

                    Well, I'm nearly at the end of day 6 and feel like I'm cruising. I'm determined not to become complacent though. I took my oldest son out for dinner tonight to a hotel. Lots of people consuming beer and wine. Lots of powerful posters displaying spirits. I have to say I wasn't remotely tempted. A nice feeling.

                    Thanks again all. You are all wonderful, and I am so grateful for finding you all on this site.


                      Newbies Nest

                      MAE one and all that are awake.

                      Mein your relationship with your hubs is sounding better everyday, a great thing to hear. I do hope that MIL is not in too much pain and you stay strong. Remember al will do nothing to take away what is happening now and for the days to come.

                      Petrel, being af is so good. My first time being there for my daughter was when she had food poisoning and previously i was too shattered to drive 45 mins. This time i drove to her as she wanted her mum and that was the best feeling in the world to be able to be there for her especially since al was driving a wedge between us. My 4 children are very proud of what i am doing and so am i. Grandchildren here i come!

                      This is the first forum i have been on since 2011 and never have i had to deal with anyone that has been nasty, it helps as we are all so very fragile when we first give up al and have already beaten ourselves up and do not need anyone else to do it as well.

                      I am watching Saving Mr Banks and not a bad movie, the father seems to be an alcoholic and i know its just a movie but to see the look in his daughters eyes is heartbreaking. If i was drunk i would be bawling by now oh and not remembering what the hell i was bawling about!

                      Glad everyone is doing so well being af, its certainly a decision i have not regretted.
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Newbies Nest

                        I have never regreted once not drinking.
                        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Ava, the other night, being able to drive immediately to my son was a wonderful feeling and relief. I couldn't raise his mother on the phone. I'm sure she would have been drunk. I can't imagine how he would have dealt with it if I wasn't there and he was relying on her. She maintained yesterday that her phone was on silent. I know she was lying. Even if it was on silent, I know she checks it.

                          Yes Ava, being sober is wonderful! I know my oldest son appreciates me so much more when I'm sober.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning girls & guys

                            Petrel, can't you tell from my photo that I am a hen? :H
                            I actually have 30 of those happy hens, making lots of fresh eggs - fun hobby!

                            Welcome back dhs!
                            We both signed on to MWO around the same time. I stayed around, determined to defeat the beast & I have. I will be celebrating 5 years AF on the 26th of this month! You can do it too with a firm commitment, a good working plan & staying close to the nest. Living AF rocks!!!

                            Hello to everyone in the nest! What does everyone have planned for the weekend? I will be busy prepping for yet another huge snowstorm coming Sunday night into Monday. This will be known as the Never Ending Winter here in these parts.

                            Have a great AF Saturday everyone!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              available;1632910 wrote: MAE one and all that are awake.

                              I am watching Saving Mr Banks and not a bad movie, the father seems to be an alcoholic and i know its just a movie but to see the look in his daughters eyes is heartbreaking. If i was drunk i would be bawling by now oh and not remembering what the hell i was bawling about!
                              I too saw that movie and thought about my daughter. The scene where the guy was giving speech in front of everyone about his bank .... drunk .... reminded of myself ! I am him !! I have always been like him !! and if I continue drinking I will surely become lie him .... DEAD ! Who will take care of my daughter ?

                              I also saw dallas buyers club ... great movie ... about how people are struggling to survive ... makes us realize ... we should value life !! and live it !!

                              The irony was I was watching these movies while I was drinking ! .... :upset:
                              Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                              Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                              Rebooting ... done ...
                              Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                                Newbies Nest

                                MAE all,
                                Lav we are supposed to get more snow Sunday night to Monday too. I am so tired of we are off today to do a little shopping. Going to make potato soup in the crock pot so we have something warm to eat...
                                6 months today!!!!!!!! enough said...WOOWOO....

                                Newbie's Nest

                                Tool Box
                                AF 9.1.2013

