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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Dottie, I'm ready to party with you today. You are an inspiration to me, especially that you have remained sober through all of the ins and outs (to put it nicely) of your year. Keep strong, and I'll stay exactly three months and a day behind you!

    I woke up and first thing came here to check in. Day 90 for me! I'm stoked, or as Ava would say, chuffed, beyond belief.

    I'll check back more later as I have to get the boys going this morning. Happy SOBER Saturday!


      Newbies Nest

      Good Morning, Nesters!
      Another cold morning in the Southern part of the nest. Brrrrr. I hope the butt Velcro is fannie is cold!
      Grateful to be waking up sober...I had a crazy dream last night that was like a retrospective of my career at my current company (26 years this month). When I woke up I started thinking about the company meetings and trips we took....that made me cringe. AL was a BIG part of those many people did stupid things, some got arrested! Others got fired! I am here to tell you, AL hasn't done me any favors and I am just thrilled to be rid of that monkey. Yes, it takes some work, and there are some really uncomfortable times, but the reward on the other side is worth it. I promise you, it is worth the struggle. Do whatever it takes to get thru this day AF....rinse and repeat tomorrow. Holla if you need us, we're always open!
      DHS, good to see you, stay engaged here and you will be able to do this. It takes a commitment and support. The first 4 hours of a diet is always the easiest until we get hungry....same with this, we come here usually just off a bender, so we swear this is it. Then as the day goes on, we rationalize it all. Once I stopped lying to myself and dove in to this site and realized I am certainly not alone, I was able to succeed. Check in when you feel good AND when you feel bad! We aren't fair-weather-Johnsons, we are here for each other thru thick and thin. Join in with us, we can help!

      Pavati! I am thrilled to wish you a Happy 90 Day Birthday!! Wow! I am so proud of you....we ALL are! You are the Queen!
      Well done and thank you for being such a positive force around these are the welcoming committee there with Ava. Enjoy your big day! Here's to a lifetime of sobriety!

      Hope everyone has an easy day! Hugs to all, Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        WooHoo Pav...way to go on 90 days!!!

        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          Newbies Nest

          Hi all,

          Dotti and Pav, congratulations. At 6 months and 90 days respectively, you should be so proud. :good job are that " medium term" inspiration that those of us who are early into this, need to see. A bridge between staring out, and Long term sobriety. Thank you for your inspiration.

          Well, I'm up very early today. A short but very solid sleep. It's Sunday morning here. Start of day 7, and I feel great. Clear head and sharp mind. I will head out for a longer run this morning and think about my marathon, which is another motivating force for me. it all helps.


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning everyone! Thank you, thank you for the warm welcome! Wow, Lavande 5 years? That is so awesome. Yesterday was day 19 AF but I decided to drink a bottle of wine last night. I drove myself crazy those 19 days with the idea of never instead of enjoying my freedom. I am not going to go back to old habits and am determined to continue to build up AF days. Of course I am disappointed in myself for choosing to break my momentum and not get through another weekend. Weekends are very hard for me. I will be AF today!!!!

            Thanks everyone.


              Newbies Nest

              Day Zero

              Pavati;1623422 wrote: Hi, Nesters:

              New Dreams - I have to ask - why not now? Why wait a few weeks? No time like the present - as I learned (from quitting December 2, FFS - right BEFORE the holidays), there is nothing to fear and no event that will be made worse from not drinking. Glad you came here, though, and I hope to see you around.

              It was a choice we made so we could start this new journey on a good footing...we had an anniversary trip planned that we didn't want have to deal with the cravings. So today is day zero, any of the booze left in house last night when we went to bed went down the drain. We are staying positive & have been using the hypnosis & subliminal s for a couple of weeks. So I'll be here regularly now. Last time I was here in MWO...hubby & I were trying to moderate...succeeded for awhile but fell back in bad habits; this time we decided to quit. Last time I used toprimate...but have decided not to this time as I had a hard time with the side effect of brain fog. Glad to have a place to check in & get encouragement...should I be signing in roll call as well? How does that work? Sign in anytime during the day or first thing in the morning.:new:


                Newbies Nest

                Good Morning all, Up early on a loverly Sunday. Nice to see the sunrise with a clear head and bright eyes , I've fallen off the wagon so many times this last year I think i'll just walk quietly behind for now . Thinking of you all still in Saturday night [ I live in the future to most of you ] Stay strong . Have a happy day . BND
                Tomorrow ! is a brand new day , open it with carealm:
                Final Quit 7/7/14 , The last of so many .


                  Newbies Nest

                  New Dreams;1633083 wrote: It was a choice we made so we could start this new journey on a good footing...we had an anniversary trip planned that we didn't want have to deal with the cravings. So today is day zero, any of the booze left in house last night when we went to bed went down the drain. We are staying positive & have been using the hypnosis & subliminal s for a couple of weeks. So I'll be here regularly now. Last time I was here in MWO...hubby & I were trying to moderate...succeeded for awhile but fell back in bad habits; this time we decided to quit. Last time I used toprimate...but have decided not to this time as I had a hard time with the side effect of brain fog. Glad to have a place to check in & get encouragement...should I be signing in roll call as well? How does that work? Sign in anytime during the day or first thing in the morning.:new:
                  Hello---Yes...just sign in and post whatever you feel like and ask any questions. After a week you feel way better and after 3 or 4? will feel amazing...just go one day at a time...and yes--you can do this...just don't drink....drink plenty of water though

                  Welcome here:welcome::welcome:


                    Newbies Nest

                    MAE all

                    Dot 6 months, good on you and you are a gem, i love seeing and hearing about your days, sometimes makes my day seem great haha! Just keep out of jail ok? So proud of what you have achieved in getting sober and sharing your highs and lows. You are an inspiration to me, thank you.

                    Oh Pav Pav Pav 90 god damn sober, happy, low, high, struggling, stressful, happy, smiling, days! You go girl! It is a total pleasure for me to be walking the walk with you. We can do this and we are doing this and to all of the newbies, it is achievable. One day at a time is what we have done to get to where we are. We have done nothing special in succeeding in not drinking, we have just not drank! sounds so simple yet can be so damn hard but it can be done.

                    Byrd just think in a month or two you will be bitching about the heat and i will be bitching about the cold. Oh also "fanny" to us in Aus has such a totally different meaning to you guys, gives me a chuckle as i am sure it does to Petrel and Bran. Keep it up lovely, i like smiling.

                    Petrel congrats on a whole 7 days, great work, the hardest part is over. God that first week was hell, i think every waking moment i thought of al and how i deserved a glass. god damn it i wanted al so bad and look at me now! Well probably not now as i have bed hair and am being lazy lol.

                    ND welcome and good on you for deciding to quit. As we can all state, moderating does not work at the end of the day and its hard to think of NEVER drinking again but that is what us alkies have to do, stop completely forever. It is great that you have support with your hubs. When on roll call, when you post like today, post Day 1, as it is your day 1 and we take every sober day we can! STay on here and keep posting and you will be fine.

                    BND i too have woken to a lovely day except for the airplane show with planes flying overhead constantly, its enough to give me a headache already but at least i am not hungover searching for ear plugs. Take each day sober and success is just around the corner, as long as we do not veer.

                    Hello to all that i have missed, the nest is going well and thats a happy thought for a Sunday. I am doing the boring mundane chores of life, like defrosting the freezer after i have cleared a space in the kitchen to put the food. my son cooked last night and looks as if he cooked for 1000 people not 3. But i am very grateful that he cooked.
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi all,
                      They are predicting snowmagedden again....5-8 inches...guess we will stay in and hide...there were no grocery carts so we used a hand one....good grief....lots of beer and wine sales...we got a can of salmon (for salmon patties) and some Velveeta shells and cheese...I made that with some asparagus....yummy....
                      Thanks everyone for the kind life has changed dramatically in the last 6 months...I feel so darn good.
                      For all the newbies this is doable!!!

                      Newbie's Nest

                      Tool Box
                      AF 9.1.2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        On behalf of the Newbie's Nest, please accept this small token of a big job!

                        Shine on, dear friend! You have conquered every single day of the week! Keep the streak going, the worst is behind you! Great job!!! B
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Petrel, Dottie & Pav - CONGRATS to all of you today :yay:
                          Excellent work you guys!

                          Welcome to the newest newbies, glad you decided to join us. We have lots of success going on so hop right in & hang on tight.

                          Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest.
                          The snow prediction for this area is up to 12" :H :H

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Big smooches to you, Ava. I am SO happy to be in this crazy journey with you.

                            And here is my short (for me) 90 day message to NEW Newbies (as opposed to me, a tweenbie? A (new)bie?):

                            1. There's no time like the present.

                            2. Even though some days you think they live in la la land and are full of bologna, listen and learn from your nest mums and dads (who don't pop in as often). They're actually not fibbing.

                            3. Have fun! This comes from the legendary attitude of gratitude, and from hanging out with the nekkid rain dancin', undie wearing, sharting, checker playin', upside down, guitar playin', chicken hatchin', cake bakin', motorcycle drivin' FUN people of MWO. There is so much to be happy for in being sober, and being thankful for it every day - no matter how you feel in the moment - is the key to success.

                            I had a great, hungover free day 90 - hiking, writing, cooking, and now am on my out to dinner with DH and to hear some live music. I will be experiencing it all in sober technicolor, and driving us safely home - maybe at a reasonable hour, and maybe not.

                            Hang tight, everyone, we can do this!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Great post Pav!!!

                              Newbie's Nest

                              Tool Box
                              AF 9.1.2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Pav I agree. We saw that al was stealing all of the fun out of our lives so we kicked him out. Lets celebrate by really living HD.
                                P.S. note my member status !!
                                No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.

