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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning, Nesters!

    Mein, here's another hug. That hospital vigil is just awful. Strength to you and your family!

    Here's to another week ahead! I was writing something on another thread this morning (Guitarista's) and I thought, gosh, if we fought as hard for our sobriety as we did for a drink, this would be EASY! There are so many layers of CRAP to get down to the white meat of the problem! Once you get there, it falls into place! One day at a time, indeed! Go out and make this a great, AF day! XO, Byrdie

    Edit to add: Great job, New Dreams!!! We are so glad you're here! You are kicking arse!! Hugs!
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      MAE, All:

      Good detective work, New Dreams - it took me a while to solve the MAE mystery. Great on Day 3 and on identifying triggers. I found (and find) the visual triggers to be so great mostly because in the adverts and movies alcohol is so romanticized. If you want a true look at the "glamour" of alcohol, check out those Rain in My Heart documentaries.

      Dreamy - I love that story. I was writing on another thread that I actually danced in public on a SMALL dance floor in front of many friends without the crutch of alcohol. It took me extra effort to start (actually, a friend pulling me out on the floor), but once I did I relaxed and just went with it. Surprising what we can actually do without AL that we thought we needed.

      Mein - Hugs from here, too. It is a terrible process to go through and I know your family is grateful to have the sober you there to help take care of them. My MiL died of cancer and hospice was truly amazing. Good luck today.

      Petrel - I think I missed your full moon party. Great for going a week - and as they say here, now you've been sober every day of the week. I found I sleep so much better without AL - and I remember my truly whacky dreams more and more.

      And Tree! Whoot. How's your house purchase going? GREAT work on 60+ days. Keep it up.

      Happy Monday, Nest. Stay strong, stay sober!



        Newbies Nest

        Hello nesters,

        Mein so sorry ... Cancer is a bad disease ...

        My day 9 ending and Had a junk food eating day ... Started with sandwich at McDonalds during morning breakfast and night with a whole domino pizza down the drain. But yes not drinking .... By evening I feel hungry and AL thoughts come and eating helps.

        This way am I replacing Al with something else ? Food addiction ?

        Sarah I went cold turkey and thank god no physical withdrawal or systems except few days of sleeplessness. I feel to lost sense when I have empty stomach ... And thoughts start coming. Would it be a better idea to use L Glut rather then stuffing with food ? Will also stop my craving for junk food which I am so used to eating along with AL. I am just worried eating out alone too can be a trigger ... Of not today maybe in future. When I am sitting in a restaurant alone eating food I might be close to triggering.

        Please advice all.
        Rewiring my brain ... done ...
        Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
        Rebooting ... done ...
        Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


          Newbies Nest

          Rahulthesweet;1633750 wrote:
          This way am I replacing Al with something else ? Food addiction ?
          Hey, Rahul
          I have a reputation around here as the Food Police and while it would be nice if people ate in ways that maximized their health (and that differs among individuals), the most important thing for anyone who finds his or her way here is to quit drinking alcohol

          If I were you, I would do whatever it takes not to drink. If that means eating Twinkies and drinking Coke, so be it. I and some others found it easier not to drink if we also didn't get all revved up with sugar. As I said, everyone is different.

          If after you are comfortably AF you want to clean up your diet and want a cheerleader, just give me a call .

          I'm so happy for you, Rahul. We all know how much you want this and you're doing it!!!


            Newbies Nest

            NoSugar;1633753 wrote: Hey, Rahul
            I have a reputation around here as the Food Police
            NoSugar - this should read..

            "I have a reputation around here as the Food expert :yougo:"


              Newbies Nest

              Pav, so that was a moon party:H all good! Sleeping much Better into week 2 of AF life. Exercise is the elixir of good sleep for me. And yes, having lots of wacky dreams, nothing bad.

              Rahul, I have to agree with no sugar. Slay one dragon at a time. I'm not much of a fan of Tony Robbins, but one thing he said which stuck with me was "if you are going to quit an addiction, then you need to fill that void with something, not just leave an empty space".

              As NS said, first priority is AF. For me, I'm having treats at night, deserts etc, that I don't normally have. I know I can curb that into something manageable in the long term. I've begun running again and haven't gained weight, so for me it's all fitting into place.

              Regarding junk food. Think about it in ratios. Don't ban junk food. As we teach our kids: good food (vegetables, fruit, wholegrain etc.) and sometimes food (junk). Gradually change the ratio to a healthy balance, but don't get hung up on doing it straight away. Slay the alcohol demon first.

              Healthy doesn't have to be boring. I'm learning more and more low fat, nutrition filled yummy meals to cook. I'm loving it. Also get a blender: fruit, nuts yogurt. Works for me.


                Newbies Nest

                Rahul, I have to agree with no sugar. Slay one dragon at a time. I'm not much of a fan of Tony Robbins, but one thing he said which stuck with me was "if you are going to quit an addiction, then you need to fill that void with something, not just leave an empty space".
                I totally agree with that Petrel. Whatever it takes.
                You can certainly clean up your diet later.

                I drink a lot of tea. We have specialty tea places here and so I go and get some different varieties of tea and try them out. I have a neat tea thermos where i can put the leaves it it and fill it with hot water. This is a good way to keep busy thinking of drinking something else besides AL. It might be a fun thing to talk with your spouse about. Maybe she likes tea?
                I know this might sound but a lame idea, but different things work for different people!

                Petrel, yogurt, fruit and Home made granola (I make awesome granola) YUM!

                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                AF April 12, 2014


                  Newbies Nest

                  MAE all,
                  Got yet more snow last night/this morning...dh was able to clear the drive with the snow blower. We didnt go out but need to tomorrow. I am so darn tired of being trapped in the house...
                  First thing this morning my best friend sent me a text saying her beautiful golden retriever had a serious heart issue and she had to put her to sleep...dh and I had a really good cry...that doggie was so special to us and we feel the loss as if she had been our I have been in a funk all day. Cry when I think of her coming to greet us.....they are with us such a short amount of time..I hugged my kids and they just seemed to know I was upset....sigh....

                  Newbie's Nest

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                  AF 9.1.2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi everyone it's been a while since I posted here. I know I'm heading towards bad times again so I'm trying to pull myself back from the brink. Just acknowledging it here makes it real for me and helps me.... Otherwise I'd be sat talking to myself lol. Takes a weight off. Like its not just a heavy secret I carry.l it just helps me to admit it. Even though it's not out loud cos I could really scream right makes me smile and exhale a little.

                    Much love x


                      Newbies Nest

                      Dottie, I am so sorry to hear of that loss. My heart goes out to you and your friend. I think they do know... They pick up on the energy. Thinking of all tonight.

                      Stay strong, everyone. Making a homemade pizza tonight, tomato and olive with some jalape?os. Yummy.

                      Hey Trinity! Good to see you. What's going on? Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        I'm ashamed to admit it but I've been filling a glass of vodka and orange with more and more vodka and topping it with water because I've no mixer left.... There's a strain of orange still in there giving my glass its colour... Sad sad sad cow ��


                          Newbies Nest

                          Trinity, if whats in that glass is the CAUSE of this pain, why not pour the stuff out and lets get started on a new beginning? Save your liver the trouble of processing it!
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            You are absolutely right birdie. Pour it... Just pour it.... Easy.... I'm wrestling with myself but I'm gonna do it (glug) alike I may be but I won't tell you lies I drank half of it and now it's gone. I've had the shakes and the sweats. I don't want that again.... I'll tell you the truth I still can't bear to throw that last bit in the bottle away... I poured then I stopped. I panicked... Disgust!


                              Newbies Nest

                              I understand completely....but nothing changes if nothing changes. This takes a totally new appraoch to the one we have always fallen back on. Drastic times call for drastic measures.

                              If you are sick and and of this, hop on, we can help. Stop the bleeding now and try to get some rest!! Let tomorrow be the first day of your new life. B
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nesters,

                                Freezing cold, lots of snow on the ground, still winter in Lav-land!

                                Dottie, sorry about your friend's dog. I've had two very special Goldens in my life, they really are family members

                                trinity, dump the booze & make a good plan for yourself!
                                Sparing the last few drops won't help your situation. Get lots of water & tea into you, get some rest!

                                Wishing everyone a warm & safe night in the nest!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

