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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Water and sleep. . zzxxx no booze left.. no more shakey mornings.... I promised my boy hes three this week!:h:h:h:h:l


      Newbies Nest

      MAE Nesters!!

      Sunny, cool day in my part of the Nest - autumn is slowly but surely on its way.

      Trinity, the butt velcro is right next to you. Glad to hear there's nothing but good stuff to drink in the house.

      Have a good and productive AF Tuesday Nesters!
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Newbies Nest

        Trinity - Water and sleep are key. Also, keep posting here and keep the booze OUT of the house. Eat healthy food when you can.

        Grateful for a bit more rain in my part of the nest. Still less than 25% normal snow pack and bad times to come, but every bit counts.

        Nesters - if you get a chance, check out the thread about 6 months sober that Guitarista started in the general discussion area. There is already a ton of wisdom there from some of the MWO superstars. I love reading how far they've come and what they've done to get there. I willingly follow in their footsteps, knowing they lead to success. Like Matthew McConaughey said at the Oscars last night - my hero is my (sober) self 10 years from now, and I plan on learning from the best.

        Dreamy and the upside downers (I guess to yourselves you're the rightside uppers) - good night from Monday. I'll see you tomorrow!



          Newbies Nest

          Here is the link for the thread I mentioned:


            Newbies Nest

   saved me tonight. 2 years means nothing when the Beast comes calling.
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Newbies Nest

              Pavati;1633979 wrote:
              Dreamy and the upside downers (I guess to yourselves you're the rightside uppers) - good night from Monday. I'll see you tomorrow!

              Morning Pav!

              Of course we're the rightside uppers, what do you mean? You lot have it all wrong, walking on your heads, legs waving in the air! Plus your seasons are all wrong, too! (Have I just started an international incident?)

              Have a lovely Muesday! :l:l:l
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                Newbies Nest

                K9, are you feeling better now? :l:l:l:l What led to this - or was it a pressure cooking that's been building up steam for a while now?
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Newbies Nest

                  MAE nesters, lots going on in the nest, i have been soooo busy at work and soooo tired when i get home and busy knitting but damn it i stuffed it up and dont know how to undo it unless i just pull it apart but its dark wool so it can stay like that. Its all a learning experience and we all make mistakes.

                  Mein i hope today was a better day, stay strong and on here. I'm still giving you a hug everyday and hope your MIL is free of pain.

                  Trinity its hard to stop drinking but its definitely doable. I found each time i started and stopped again the harder it was to stop, so this stop is my stop. As LB said " i dont have another quit in me" and i feel the same way. I'm too old to be doing this bullshit cycle of al, no al, al, no al. No al is definitely a better choice in the big scheme of life.

                  K9 i hope you are okay lovely and yes you are right, 2 days, 2 years, 20 years, al can still get us "by the balls" so to speak. Byrd is a treasure isnt she?

                  Dot so sorry to hear about your friends dog, i wish they could live as long as us. When my Maddison dies all the children are going on a holiday overseas as they dont want to be here! I keep telling them i am going to get her "stuffed". They just become part of the family.

                  Petrel you are sounding well on the way to being able to do that marathon, i will watch it on tv though i am trying to get off my butt and take my girls for a half hour walk at nighttime. I need to move the 90 days of sugar i have been eating but mind you when i drank i did not eat so i think my body is enjoying food.

                  Well hello to anyone i have missed. Counting the days till the big 100 and i still have not sneaked at the "100 day thread", its killing me but patience, patience. The days are dragging.
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Newbies Nest

                    K9 - Glad you made it through and glad Byrdie was there for you as you have been there for us!



                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi all! I'm 3 days into this. Just checking in nightly and reading wherever my touchpad connects. I seem to find some wisdom everywhere I read. I quit for five months last year, started again and realized that I'm just not very good at moderating long term. I will work on this quit harder. Nice to meet any of you that want to respond and look forward to reading again tomorrow night.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Goodness, lot's of activity over the last 24 hours or so... I can't respond to everyone, but checking in..

                        DTD.. no worries...I'm not leaving..just reevaluating

                        Mein- my thoughts and prayers are with you. I know what you are going thru.

                        Rahul- Most of my problem is eating anything at all in the first place (other than dinner), but the L-Glut does make u feel full and I've read it's helped many with overeating and sugar cravings. I've not worried too much about calories right now, and I've never been a 'sweet' eater, but I still keep healthy foods for me around (low fat yogurt, bananas, etc). But, I have also indulged in pizza, beef stroganaff, and other comfort foods to help me personally on cravings with AL. I figure if I work in exercise with my over-indulgence for food during this time...I'll be ok.

                        Gosh so many more I want to respond to, but it's been a very long day at the DMV getting my son's DL. Trust me...5 hours at the DMV is NOT the time to stop drinking LOL. (I say this in jest, of course, as I'm STILL NOT overdoing)

                        I am, however, so tired right now....plz know I read every posts, and each of you are in my thoughts and prayers.

                        Talk soon,



                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi everyone. Closing in on the end of day 9.

                          Narilly, I have to agree about tea. There are so many good ones out there now. One of the best AF drinks for this journey. Thanks for the tip about granola. It's been an unexpected bonus of going AF for me: a new interest in food, nutrition, cooking etc.

                          Trinity, I hope you come back. There are so many wonderful people here to help and support.

                          Jane, thanks. I'm feeling great, running daily and sleeping much better then week 1.

                          Ava, thanks. I ran a full1 hour this morning. I'm already getting some form back. I need to build a solid base over the next few months. It' so nice to wake in the mornings and feel ready to run. Sounds like you are very busy. Sounds like a recipe for a great nights sleep.

                          Hi LuvinSpoonful. Are you new? Welcome. This really is a great place to get through our AF goals.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi all, loads to read since I last checked in. 'Survived' another sober weekend, but am still sick with a cold and disgusting old man cough anyway. Just so damned BORED with life. I feel like I am just waiting for my daughter to grow up and leave home so I can give up the job I hate (which is necessary to pay the giant mortgage), downsize the house and just wait to die. And I am 34. I don't blame AL for this way of thinking at all but I certainly was using it to somehow make the evenings and weekends alone less 'boring'. Obviously, in reality, they were no less boring but at the time it felt it, or maybe just it was the only thing I bothered staying up for. Now, I get in from work about 6.45, bath my daughter, read a story, put her to bed then usually leave my bf working on his laptop and go to bed myself, bored out my mind Can rarely be bothered to make dinner because it feels too late. Sorry for the moan. I wish I could make my face smile!!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters,

                              Cloudy here, very cold but at least it's not snowing!

                              K9, not sure what's going on with you - hope you are OK.:l

                              Stupot, you described classic signs of depression. Have you taken any steps to address that? Left untreated it only gets worse, believe me I know. Some people do great on ADs, I didn't so I am maintaining myself on an OTC herbal remedy. PM me if you want more info

                              Hello & welcome LuvinSpoonful!
                              Glad you decided to join us, congrats on your AF time!

                              Greetings to everyone. Sending wishes for a great AF Tuesday for all!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning all - I'm pretty new here (this time). Day 7 - feeling good this morning but yesterday was the toughest day so far for me. At home all day because of snow. We've had a lot of that this winter and I have been drinking even more on those days. This time - Lots of water, tea, and just trying to think of other things. Finally got through it. Whew!

                                Stupot I hope you take Lav's advice - sounds like you can get some help and I hope you feel better very soon!

                                Lav I just noticed your signature line AF since 3/26/09 - wow!!!!!!! You are certainly someone who can speak from experience on what we are going through. Amazing.

                                Luvinspoonful I have quit a few times in the past - but never more than 30 days except once when it was 45. Then I always thought I could moderate. and Always got back to drinking so much that I wound up coming back here because I wanted to feel better and get AL out of my life. Probably a big part of the problem was leaving in the first place because I thought I had it all figured out.

                                everyone else - hello good morning and have a great day!

